

1. "Gung-ho" is an adjective meaning "very enthusiastic".The word is decidedly colloquial.


2. "Movie" is a colloquial word for "moving picture".

movie是moving picture的口语体。

3. informal or colloquial synonyms of 'walk' .


4. Besides, their inditement of romantic poems are influenced by Latin idylls and Japanese colloquial poems translated by Zhou Zuoren on lyric way.


5. Taipingjing is a colloquial work in the middle and later period of East Han, and it is indispensable to studying Chinese language of this period.


6. The Sutra of Miscellaneous Jewels(Zabaozhangjin) is one of the important classics of Buddhist scripture,which has strong colloquial characters and is of important value for middle_ancient Chinese research.


7. A common colloquial usage would have "reality" mean "perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes toward reality," as in "My reality is not your reality.


8. Do not use jargon or colloquial language.


9. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions.


10. Like other major Dravidian languages, Telugu has very marked distinctions between formal or literary and colloquial registers and between social dialects.


11. The colloquial style of the young people is changing rapidly and is widely circulated.


12. Chinese have combined a traditional delight in word-play with their new-found passion for stocks to create a rich supply of colloquial jargon for investing that is bandied around brokerage offices.


13. The trend of Chinese literature experienced a sudden change. Narrating in colloquial language replaced chanting in classical Chinese.

中国文学潮流遭遇了急变, 白话叙事替代文言咏叹。

14. These discussions, informal, colloquial and on a high level, took time and were broken by lunch and drinks from the buffet bar.


15. Why do you have to study hard on acknowledge of Colloquial Style of Phonetic System in Putonghua?


16. They care little for syntax or diction, and they fancy a style that is a cross between the literary and the colloquial, at times verbose and rambling, at times elliptical and archaic, as though they were out to torment the reader.


17. Birdbrain has long been a colloquial term of ridicule.The common notion is that birds' brains are simple, or so scientists thoughttaught for many years.


18. Birdbrain has long been a colloquial term of ridicule.The common notion is that birds' brai are simple, or so scientists thought and taught for many years.


19. On the Colloquial style of Lu Xun's poetry


20. They debase the polished and current language of books, by the vile alloy of provincial idioms, and colloquial barbarism , the shame of grammar, making it akin to any language, rather than English.


21. They debase the polished and current language of books, by the vile alloy of provincial idioms, and colloquial barbarism , the shame of grammar, and akin to any language, rather than English.


22. They have little acquaintance with colloquial English.


23. Again he uses the very colloquial "gimme" for "give me", and addresses the Frenchman as "frog", a disrespectful term for Frenchmen that British colonists brought to America from 17th-century England.

他再一次使用了很口语化的"gimme"代替"give me"(意为"给我"),并且称这个法国人为青蛙佬,这是英国殖民者在17世纪从英国带到美国的一个对法国人很不尊重的词

24. He is skilled in combining slang and colloquial language with fresh and elegant artistic conception, favors the image of "cloud" and forms a fresh, beautiful and tenacious style of ci.


25. He wished he could have written in English, since the tone of a letter in literary style was so impersonal, while the tone of a letter in colloquial style too easily turned into obnoxious familiarity.


26. It was in Italy that his masterpiece Don Juan was written. This Brilliant, caustic, rambling satire is written in a colloquial style which is the result of a mastery of technique.


27. He paraphrased a speech in colloquial English.


28. In a limpid and energetic writing, modern and yet rich of colloquial expressions proper to Beijing, the reader is being offered a vivid panorama of present day China.


29. His English then was fluent but not colloquial.


30. His language is smooth easy colloquial and mostly vernacular.


31. He studies English colloquial style.


32. He is not very good at colloquial English.


33. In the following colloquial sentences, 卖 is used.


34. As to the men of letters in Suzhou area,they had such ways of reading and spreading colloquial fictions as through personal communication,kinship network and thr...


35. What are ideal colloquial poems supposed to be in your point of view?


36. If you think there is a trend of “colloquial poems” indeed, what is the target goal supposed to be.


37. Colloquial term used to describe an upwardly ambitious and aggressive person who wants to climb the ladder by having questionable relationships.


38. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing.


39. The colloquial words is a word or expression often used in informal speech .


40. Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified.


41. Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech.


42. Colloquial term used to describe an upwardly ambitious and aggre ive person who wants to climb the ladder by having questionable relatio hi .


43. As a patois, or colloquial language, slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor. It covers a wide linguistic scope, including local dialect, jargon, cant, and blasphemy.


44. If say oneself know English, that deceives people, colloquial flooey is gotten very, total meeting blames an environment, it is interest and persistence actually, I think a society really.


45. Each race of the world has its inherited colloquial expressions, slangs and proverbs that are regarded as precious cultural properties.


46. Charter is often used in a colloquial sense to refer to the basic constitutive doucuments of the corporation.


47. Listen again and match the words with the colloquial expressions.


48. Freeze file A colloquial reference to a def file; so called because it freezes the association between name and ordinal, for exported functions.


49. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority.


50. Hangzhou fiction includes colloquial and classical Chinese fiction that takes Hangzhou as the background of the stories.


51. Offering more than 110,000 words and phrases, and 120,000 translations, this premium dictionary captures the idiomatic, colloquial, spoken, and written character of English and Thai.


52. A Study of Literary and Colloquial Amoy Chinese


53. TRI AGAIN : Most colloquial descriptions of GPS say the technology uses triangulation to determine the position of a receiver on the earth.Mathematically speaking, the system uses trilateration.


54. colloquial speech:spoken language


55. The corpus consists of mainly colloquial materials, covering as more phonetic phenomena as possible, including segmental and suprasegmental phonetic combinations.


56. Colloquial style or quality.


57. A colloquial expression.


58. Colloquial expression is an important property of spoken English.


59. colloquial usage; defeat thoroughly.


60. colloquial: look at with a critical eye.


61. Secondly, the field where pinyin is better fit than characters, namely, in exclamation, sound imitation, auxiliary words, foreign words, words where are rarely used, and colloquial sounds which do not have written equivalents.

另一个是提出汉字夹用汉语拼音的试验范围 :感叹词、拟声词、助词、音译外来词、生僻字以及口语中有音无字的词。

62. The important evidence of colloquial variation is the orientation of the role of diction.


63. These words have the characteristic of colloquial Chinese and reflect the mundane lives of that time.


64. Furthermore EFL learner"s realization of colloquial expression and their actual use of original English films were collected through questionnaire.


65. Lyrics of popular, colloquial, easy to learn to sing.


66. Naturally finding a new resource and an effective method to help EFL learner to master colloquial expression becomes the focus of this thesis.


67. Generally, the style of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is informal and colloquial which is mainly reflected at the three levels of phonology, lexicon and syntax.


68. The words "work" and "power" are often confused or interchanged in colloquial use.


69. In this book, we'll follow the more colloquial usage that an object is a region of memory that has a type.


70. In language, the new movement brought about the use of current, colloquial speech, "late Egyptian", and forms in hieroglyphic inscriptions and official usage alongside the classical idiom of centuries.


71. It's hard to understand the colloquial idioms of a foreign language.


72. In Hakka,the characters group B (colloquial layer from ancient tone IIvo) changes together with group C (literary layer from ancient tone IIvs), which is the same as in Cantonese.

客方言全浊上B类字 (口语用字 )与次浊上C类字 (书面用字 )相偕而变 ,此与粤方言同 ;

73. Colloquial name for the spherical typing head of an IBM72 type writer and its derivatives.


74. For the native English speakers, inevitably, they would master the colloquial English before the formal one.


75. hypercritical of colloquial speech


76. hypercritical of colloquial speech.


77. A Handbook of Chinese Idiomatic and Colloquial Expressions with English Equivalents II.


78. In colloquial Cantonese money is often referred to as water.


79. Mr. ZHANG Gu-ruo’ s authentic Chinese, consummate translation skills as well as his appropriate colloquial exertion have contributed greatly to his successful translation. David Copperfield is a case in point.


80. They tend to think they need to avoidlonger words, when comprehension problems are more often caused bytheir use of colloquial and metaphorical English.

