
singsingD.J.:[siŋ]K.K.:[sɪŋ]vt. & vi.1.唱; 歌唱How beautifully you sing!你唱得多美呀!If you sing before breakfast, you'll cry before dinner.乐极生悲。My brother can't sing a note.我的兄弟一点也不会唱。Miss Rose will sing a song now.现在露丝小姐将唱一支歌。The mother sang her baby a lullaby.妈妈给孩子唱了一支催眠曲。Will you sing a song for[to] us?你给我们唱支歌好吗?They sang themselves hoarse.他们嗓子都唱哑了。vi.1.(鸟)鸣, 啭, 啼; 嗡嗡叫As I walked on, some birds were singing in the woods.我走着, 林中鸟在鸣叫。The kettle was singing on the fire.水壶在炉火上嗡嗡作响。Birds sing loudest in the early morning.清晨鸟叫得最欢。

sing[siŋ]vi.1.sang /sæŋ/ 或 sung /sʌŋ/, sung,singing2.唱,唱歌;演唱:to sing and dance唱歌跳舞She sang well last night.昨晚她演唱得很好。3.(鸟、虫等)鸣叫;啼叫:Cocks sing in the morning.公鸡在早晨啼叫。4.发出歌唱似的声音:The birds are singing in the tree.树上的鸟儿在歌唱。5.歌颂,赞美:to sing of God赞美上帝6.作诗:Keats sang briefly but gloriously.济慈所作之诗虽简洁却不失为壮丽。7.吟诵,诵唱:This lyric sings well.这首抒情诗唱起好听。8.发出尖鸣声;发出丝丝(或叮当)的声响:The bullet sang past.子弹嗖的一声飞过。9.(耳)鸣:My ears are singing.我的耳朵在鸣响。10.感到欢乐,感到美滋滋:My praise made her sing.我的称赞使她感到美滋滋的。11.[美国俚语](向警方)告密;自首:to sing to the police向警方自首vt.1.唱(歌),给…唱;演唱:to sing a song唱支歌2.为…伴唱:to sing a tenor为一位男高音歌手伴唱3.唱着使,以歌声使:to sing the new year in唱着歌迎接新年to sing the baby to sleep唱歌哄婴儿入睡4.诵唱,吟唱:to sing mass吟诵弥撒曲5.歌颂,用诗歌赞颂:to sing the benefaction of God赞美上帝的功德n.1.唱,唱歌2.歌会;合唱3.歌声;鸣叫声;丁冬声;嗡嗡声abbr.1.singulargive someone something to sing for让某人哭一场sing someone's praise见 praisesing small(失败、受挫折后)变得老实,变得沉默寡言

singsing[siŋ]vi.(sang [sæŋ], sung [sʌŋ])1.歌唱; 唱歌似地鸣叫; 耳鸣2.作诗; 歌颂3.欢乐4.[美俚]向警察局自首; 告密5.(水壶、风、蜂、蚊等)作响, 发出...声sing in [out of] tune唱得合调子[不合调子]sing to the piano和着钢琴唱sing in chorus合唱My ears are singing.我有些耳鸣。The kettle was singing on the fire.壶在火上咝咝作响。It was in blank verse that she sang.她以无韵诗体作诗。Don't let him know we sang on him.别让他知道我们暗中告发了他。
词性变化sing[siŋ]vt.1.歌唱; 吟2.歌颂3.(鸟等)鸣, 啼4.作诗sing sb. into good humour用歌唱使某人心情好转sing the praises of socialism歌颂社会主义sing sb. a song (=sing a song for sb.)为某人唱首歌She sang the baby to sleep.她唱歌使婴儿入睡。The song has been sung to death.这个歌听腻了。sing[siŋ]n.1.歌声; 合唱2.嗖嗖声; 玎玲声; 鸣声

继承用法sing-alongn.1.[口](非正式的)歌咏会; 一人领先大家跟着唱singableadj.