
slitslitD.J.:[slit]K.K.:[slɪt]vt.1.切开, 撕开They slit his throat.他们切开他的喉咙。n.1.狭长的口子, 裂缝Light shone through a slit under the door.光穿过门下的缝隙照射进来。

slit[slit]vt.1.(纵向)切开,割开;撕裂;剖开:to slit the rope that tied one's hands割开捆住双手的绳子to slit one's throat割断某人的喉咙2.把…割成条;把…分成一条条:to slit meat into pieces把肉切成条to slit cloth into strips for making a mop把布撕成条条做拖把3.在…上开狭长口;使成狭缝(或裂缝):to slit long to the thigh on one side of the dress在裙子的一侧开一个长至大腿处的大开衩He slit his eyes but said nothing.他眯着眼睛,但一句话也没说。4.[古语]切掉vi.1.纵切,纵裂;被切(或撕):to slit from one end to the other从头至尾都裂开了n.1.狭长切口;裂缝;狭缝adj.1.有裂口的;分叉的变形vt.slitslitting

slitslit[slit]n.1.狭长切口; 裂[狭]缝2.(窄)剖面; 切屑the slit of a letter box信箱的投信口He appears to have two slits for eyes.他眯着两眼。
词性变化slit[slit]vt.(slit; slitting)1.切[割]开; 扯裂, 切成长条2.使成狭缝slit cloth into strips把布撕成细条slit one's eyes眯眼睛The coat has been slit in two places.这件外衣有两处裂开了。slit[slit]vi.1.纵切[裂]adj.1.细长的2.有裂缝的

继承用法slit-drumn.1.中间挖空而有一条长细缝的木块(梆子)slit-eyedadj.1.有长细眼睛的, 双目细长的slitlessadj.slittyadj.1.有裂缝的2.细长的