
studystudyD.J.:[ˈstʌdi]K.K.:[ˈstʌdi]vt. & vi.1.学习; 研究He had studied diligently at college.他在大学里勤奋学习。He was studying to be a doctor.他在读医科。He is studying German.他在学习德语。They studied the document line by line.他们逐行逐句地研究那份文件。They are studying what to do next Sunday.他们在研究下星期日做什么。I must study why he killed himself.我必须研究一下他为什么自杀。They study themselves a little silly.他们觉得自己有点傻。n.1.学习, 读书My brother is fond of study.我兄弟喜欢学习。2.研究How are your medical studies progressing?你的医学研究进展如何?3.书房The dictionary is in the study.词典在书房里。

study1['stʌdi]n.1.学习;攻读2.研究;探讨;调查3.研究对象,研究项目4.研究论文,研究报告,专题性文章5.(文学)习作;专题习作作品6.【音乐】练习曲7.【美术】习作;试画,试作8.(对问题、现象等的)分析,剖析9.刻苦;尽力,努力10.努力的目标11.出神;沉思,默想12.书房,书斋;研究室13.[口语]典型14.【戏剧】15.(角色的)背台词16.背台词的演员17.[用以构成复合词]记忆力…的人vt.1.学习,攻读;研究:He is studying French.他在学习法语。Is he the specialist who studies UFO?他是研究飞碟的专家吗?2.详细地检查;调查,调研:This is a painting by Manet, which has been studied by the experts.经专家鉴定,这是一幅马奈的真品。to study the hydrological data of a river调研某河流的水文资料3.留心察看,仔细端详:It's impolite of you to study a girl's face.你这样是不礼貌的,不能紧盯着姑娘的脸。4.认真阅读,专心阅读5.背诵(台词等);记住:He can fluently study The Bible from Z to A.他能倒背如流地背诵整部《圣经》。Have you studied your role?你的台词背下来了吗?6.为…费心思,为…绞尽脑汁:They have studied the way of touting votes.他们在如何拉选票上绞尽了脑汁。to study the packaging在包装上煞费苦心7.想出,考虑出;制定出…的计划(或规划、方案等);策划:He didn't study out a complete plan for saving a hijacked plane when the plane would arrive at Baghdad.被劫持飞机很快就要飞抵巴格达了,他还没有想出解救机上人质的一整套救助方案。to study the plot to murder the President策划阴谋刺杀总统的计划vi.1.学习,攻读;求学:He is studying for a doctor's degree.他正在攻读博士学位。2.考虑;沉思,默想:She cupped her chin to study about her future.她托腮冥想她的未来。3.努力,尽力,力图:I will study to satisfy your needs.我将千方百计满足你的需求。to study to keep one's job力图保住工作近义词considerin a brown study沉思,冥想,幻想出神,心不在焉make a study of详细考查,仔细研究required study必修课变形n.studies变形vt.studiedstudying study2['stʌdi; 'stu-]n.1.[苏格兰英语] = stithy

studystudy[ˈstʌdi]n.1.学习; [pl. ]各种学科的学习; 学业; 研究, 观察2.研究对象, 研究或学习的科目; 值得研究的问题3.学问, 学业; 研究成果; 专题论文; 调查4.意图; 努力; 努力的对象5.书房, 研究室6.试作; 习作,【音】练习曲7.【戏】背[读]台词(的演员)8.[古]沉思默想make a study of history研究历史a book of -dies for the piano钢琴练习曲集a quick [slow] study(台词)记得快[慢]He is fond of study.他喜欢学习。I shall not end my -dies when I leave school.中学毕业后, 我将继续我的学业。Biology is the study of living things.生物 学是对生物的研究。I read your study of farming with interest .我颇有兴趣地阅读了你的耕作方面的论文。To write correctly is my study.我的努力目标是写得正确。The dictionary is in my study.那本词典在我的书房里。There he sat for hours in a (brown) study.他坐在那儿沉思了几小时。
词性变化study[ˈstʌdi]vt.1.学习, 研究, 记诵(台词等), 练习2.考虑, 图谋; 注意看, 打量, 观察study one's part记诵自己的台词study the problem考虑这一个问题study a map仔细察看地图He is studying French.他在学法语。She -died his face with interest.她很有兴趣地打量着他的面孔。study[ˈstʌdi]vi.1.用功, 学习; 练习, 研究; 努力, 留心, 默想study to wrong no man留心别伤他人

继承用法study-halln.1.[美]自修室; 指定在自修室进行的课时study-inn.1.[美]听课抗议[示威]