
  1. (亦作children of Israel)the Hebrew nation or people. According to tradition they are descended from the patriarch Jacob (also named Israel), whose twelve sons became founders of the twelve tribes.
  2. the northern kingdom of the Hebrews (c.930–721 bc), formed after the reign of Solomon, whose inhabitants were carried away to captivity in Babylon
    希伯来人的北部王国(约公元前930–前721)成立于所罗门王执政期之后,其居民被迁移并囚禁于巴比伦)。 参见Judah (义项2)
  1. from Hebrew Yiśrā'ēl 'he that strives with God' (see Gen. 32:28)

  1. a country in the Middle East, on the Mediterranean Sea; pop. 4,600,000 (est. 1990); languages, Hebrew (official), English, Arabic; capital (not recognized as such by the UN), Jerusalem
  1. The modern state of Israel was established as a Jewish homeland in 1948, on land that was at that time part of the British mandated territory of Palestine. Israel was immediately attacked by the surrounding Arab states, which it defeated. The continuing conflict with the neighbouring Arabs, mainly over the rights of the Palestinian Arabs displaced from their homes or living under Israeli rule, has caused continual tension and intermittent terrorist and military activity. Further wars occurred in 1956, 1967, and 1973, which resulted in Israeli occupation of eastern Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. In 1993 Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization signed an agreement for limited Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. See also Palestine