
  1. (Roman Mythology)the chief god of the Roman state religion, originally a sky god associated with thunder and lightning. His wife was Juno. Greek equivalent Zeus
    (罗马神话)朱庇特(罗马国教的主神,原为主管雷霆和闪电的天神,其妻子为朱诺;。 相当于希腊神话中的 Zeus)
  2. (Astronomy)the largest planet in the solar system, a gas giant which is the fifth in order from the sun and one of the brightest objects in the night sky
  3. Jupiter orbits between Mars and Saturn at an average distance of 778 million km from the sun. Although it has an equatorial diameter of 142,800 km the planet rotates in less than ten hours. Its upper atmosphere consists mainly of hydrogen with swirling clouds of ammonia and methane, with a circulation system that results in a number of distinct latitudinal bands. There are at least sixteen satellites, four of which (the Galilean moons) are visible through binoculars, and a faint ring system