
acceptacceptD.J.:[əkˈsept]K.K.:[ækˈsɛpt]vt. & vi.1.接受, 领受, 收受If you accept, please let me know.如果你接受的话, 请通知我。2.承担责任; 承兑The firm accepted personal cheques.这家公司承兑私人支票。vt.1.承认, 同意; 认为, 相信Please accept me as a friend.请把我当作朋友。The police accepted his story as true.警察对他的话信以为真。He accepted me as having seen the much of the world.他承认我见识广。

accept[ək'sept]vt.1.接受(所提供或给予的物品);(尤指乐意地)收受;领受:She accepted a present from her friend.她接受了朋友的礼物。to accept a proposal接受一项建议2.同意,答应;承认,认可:She had to accept defeat.她不得不认输。to accept a treaty承认一项条约3.(认为正确而加以)接受,相信,对…信以为真;信仰:He accepted blindly anything printed.他盲目相信一切印刷品。to accept a claim接受一个要求4.接受,给予肯定的答复:Will you accept the invitation?你愿接受邀请吗?5.赞成,赞同;同意(某种看法):Philips willingly accepted this view.菲利普斯乐于赞成这个观点。6.担任(职务、职位);承担(责任等);承受(荣誉等):The boy accepted full responsibility for breaking the window.那男孩承担打碎窗户的全部责任。to accept the office of president担任总裁职务7.(通过议会一定法律程序、步骤)采纳(委员会报告等);接受(稿子等):His manuscript has already been accepted for publication.他的稿子已被采纳,予以出版。The report of the committee was accepted.委员会的报告已被采纳。8.接纳(会员等),招收,吸收(为成员);欢迎:The king accepted the girl as his daughter.国王把这个姑娘收为女儿。She was accepted by Beijing University.她被北京大学录取了。9.吸收,吸:a wood that will not accept oil paints一种不吸油漆的木料10.容忍,(顺从地)忍受(而不加反抗):The player accepted the umpire's decision.那个运动员服从裁判员的裁决。to accept the situation使自己适应某种局面,接受某种现实11.理解;领会,懂:How is this sentence to be accepted?这个句子怎样理解?12.容入,容纳:This socket only accepts a two-pronged plug.这个插座只能插入两脚插头。13.(审议机构)受理:to accept the report of the committee受理该委员会的报告14.【商业】承兑(票据、汇票等);认付:to be accepted for $100 only只承兑100美元15.【法律】受理;应(聘等):I cannot accept you as my assistant.我不能聘你为我的助理。16.【医学】接受(移植器官等)进入体内而无排异反应:to accept foreign grafts接受异体移植组织17.(雌性家畜)接受(交配)18.[口语]同意(做…):It was with satisfaction that he accepted to …他很乐意做…vi.1.接受,领受;同意,承认(of):No one shall accept of any present.任何人不许收受礼物。2.【商业】承兑(of):to accept of $200承兑200美元

acceptaccept[əkˈsept]vt.1.接受[收], 领受2.承受(责任)3.接纳, 接待4.答应, 承认, 认可, 允许5.(默默地)忍受; 理解, 了解6.【商】承兑, 认付(汇票等)7.验收(合格)accept the situation听天由命accept an office承担一个职务accept a note承兑票据
继承用法acceptee[ˈæksepˈti:]n.1.被接受的人(如合格的男佣人) [to be] ...把...当作...; 认为...是...
