
accomplishaccomplishD.J.:[əˈkɔmpliʃ]K.K.:[əˈkɑmplɪʃ]vt.1.完成, 实现, 做成功My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life.我祖母已达97岁高龄。

accomplish[ə'kʌmpliʃ; ə'kɔm-]vt.1.达到(目的);完成(任务、使命、计划、事业等);实现(诺言、计划等):to accomplish one's mission完成使命This task is accomplished by great effort.这项任务是经过巨大努力才完成的。2.做到,做成,做成功:She seems to accomplish nothing.她似乎没有任何建树。3.走完(路程、距离等),行过:I accomplished the journey in little more than two hours.我用两个多钟头行完旅程。It took us a month to accomplish the journey.我们花了一个月才行完旅程。4.度完(时间等):My grandpa has accomplished 90 years of his life.我爷爷已达90岁高龄。to have accomplished the age of 80已达80岁高龄5.使完美,使圆满,使完善;使完全;使变得优雅;改善:There is nothing accomplishes a person more than learning没什么比知识更会使人充实。近义词performreach

accomplishaccomplish[əˈkɔmpliʃ]vt.1.完成, 贯彻, 实现(计划等), 达到(目的); 实行accomplish one's object达到目的accomplish one's mission完成使命He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.他一天所完成的工作比他班上其他的孩子都多。

参考词汇accomplish;complete;finish;都含“完成”的意思。1.accomplish 通常接 task, aim, journey, voyage 等名词, 有时兼有“达成(效果)”之意, 如:The explorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks.探险队在五周内完成了航程。2.complete 比 accomplish 具体, 可接建筑、工程、书籍等名词, 指“按预期目的把未完成的工作经过进一步的努力使之完成”, 主要涵义是“补足缺少的部分”, 如:The building will be completed by the end of this month.这座楼于本月底建成。3.finish 在许多情况下可与 complete 换用, 但不及 complete 正式,常含有“认真仔细地完成工作的最后阶段的精工修饰, 使之完美”的意思。 如:I have finished the book.我已读完了这本书。begin;initiate;