

1. The mRNA level expression of ACOl was rising during process of postharvest, and reach the peak at 18 day.


2. 2.2.Factors affecting analyses by GC the analysis.An ACOL text on GC [12] provides a good general introduction to the experimental factors that affect gas chromatographic analyses.


3. Published on behalf of ACOL,London by Wiley,c1987.

出版地/出版者/出版年 Chichester [West Sussex] ;

4. the model group, the normal saline group, the Da-cheng-qi tang group, the ACOL group.

分为 :空白组 ,生理盐水组 ,大承气汤组 ,抗粘连浓缩口服液组。

5. The model group,the moumal salinegroup,the Da-cheng-qi tang group,the ACOL group.

分为空白组、生理盐水组、大承气汤组 ,抗粘连口服液组。

6. man cancer cells[ J ]. B iochem Pharm acol, 2006, 72 (2) : 132 - 44.


7. Methods: sixty rabbits were randomly divided into four groups and modeled in testinal adhesion. the model group, the normal saline group, the Da-cheng-qi tang group, the ACOL group.


8. The Acol group couidreduce the conecntration of the FIB and FDP in the abdominalexudate.the ACOL could prevent postperation intestinal adhenion by reducing the concentratio...


9. The aim of this study was to isolate some regulation factors of the fruit ripening specific expression gene ACOl.


10. SetCells(ACol, ARow: Integer;const Value: string);

源代码网整理以下procedure TFlexExcelReport.

11. Objective: Through observing the effection on the free FIB and FDP in the rabbits's abdominal exudate postoperation to discuss the cause that Antiadhesion Concentrated Oral Liqid(ACOL).

目的 :通过观察抗粘连浓缩口服液对家兔术后腹腔FIB及FDP的影响 ,探讨其预防术后肠粘连的机理。

12. Objective: To investigate the anti-proliferation and inducing apoptosis of the Anti-cancer Oral Liquid (ACOL) for MGC-803 gastric cancer cell line in vitro.


13. And applied the technique of real-time PCR to analyzing the mRNA level expression of ACOl.

运用real-time PCR技术对果实后熟特异表达基因ACO1进行表达分析。

14. Results: The ACOL significantly inhibited the proliferation of gastric cancercells in vitro and the inhibitive effects were depended on the medicine concentration and treating times.

