
alertalertD.J.:[əˈlə:t]K.K.:[əˈlɚt]adj.1.警惕的, 警觉的, 注意的He is a man alert in problem.他是个留意问题的人。The rabbit seems to be very alert all its life.兔子似乎一生都小心翼翼, 十分警觉。2.机灵的, 敏捷的He has an alert mind.他很机灵。A monkey is very alert in its movements.猴子的动作很敏捷。vt.1.使(某人)保持警觉The voice of the caller alerted her.呼唤者的声音使她警觉起来。2.提醒(某人)注意(某事)The boss alerted him that thief might come out at night.老板要他提防夜里可能有贼。n.1.警戒; 警报The whole navy was placed on full alert.整个海军都处于全面戒备状态。

alert[ə'lə:t]adj.1.[一般作表语]2.警惕的,警觉的,警戒的;留心的,留神的,注意的3.(思想)敏锐的,敏捷的;(行动)迅速的,(动作)灵敏的,灵活的,机灵的,活泼的n.1.(空袭)警报;警戒2.警报期间,警戒期间;警戒状态,戒备状态;报警信号vt.1.使警觉;使警戒,使警惕,向…发出警报,命令警戒:The radio alerted coastal residents to prepare for the storm.无线电台向沿海居民发出警报,准备对付风暴。to alert the government to the danger of inflation使政府警惕通货膨胀的危险2.使(部队)处于待命状态,通知(部队、船只等)待命;通知:The troops were alerted.部队处于待命状态。3.使充分意识到;使认识到:I must alert him to the need to solve the problem.我必须使他认识到解决这问题的必要性。近义词intelligentwatchfulon (the) alert警惕着,警戒着,警觉着;提防着,防备着;密切注意着;随时准备着put (或 place) on (the) alert(军队)处于戒备状态

alertalert[əˈlə:t]adj.1.警惕的; 警觉的, 留心的2.活跃的, 敏捷的, 机灵的
词性变化alert[əˈlə:t]n.1.注意, 小心; 警戒; 警报2.警报[戒]期间3.【军】紧急待命4.待命的通知No. one alert一级战备One should not run about aimlessly during an alert.空袭警报期间不可到处乱跑。alert[əˈlə:t]vt.1.使...处于戒备2.发空袭或暴风警报给...3.警告...作...准备The radio alert ed the citizens to prepare for the hurricane.电台警告市民们作好预防暴风准备。
