

1. Allude (v.): refer in a casual or indirect way


2. His No2 Carlos Queiroz recently spoke of Van Nistelrooy being an integral part of the team in the "short, medium and long term" but Ferguson does not allude to anything beyond the end of this season.


3. allude to

v. 间接地提到, 暗指

4. "Did he allude to his hope of being captain?"


5. "You allude, perhaps, to the entail of this estate."


6. "I do not allude to you, my boy.


7. "Baidu will be wrapped outside channel of finance and economics, allude its to encounter awkwardness on the exploration of news portal.


8. "Then we do not see those beings to whom you allude?"


9. There are a number of references in the Rig Veda which allude to the art of writing.


10. A digital world (virtual, electronic, telematic, etc.) is generally spoken of to allude to this plurality of objects and representations that, being technologically built, produce the sensation of reality in human beings.


11. One kind may be, because serve a contract,one autograph is a year, have a batch of relatively fixed business clients so, this ability is at present carries Cheng most be happy to allude.


12. The same day Denisov, who had told Pierre this piece of news, happened to allude in conversation to the death of Ellen, supposing Pierre to have been long aware of it.


13. People gave the IDEO that leads a design tide more attention, but seldom allude the IDEO that this hour does not forget to ego innovates.


14. It's tempting to politicize the memory of a day so full of personal and national honor, too easy to allude to the wars of our times as if they naturally mirrored World War II.


15. The world seen from high above, the nocturnal skyline of a city or, simply the recovery of a forgotten part of the home, are just three ideas that allude directly or indirectly to the highest part of a building.


16. but Benigne Bossuet himself was obliged to allude to a chicken in the midst of a funeral oration, and he extricated himself from the situation in stately fashion.


17. They allude to a vision only half-glimpsed.


18. He did not even allude to his brother's engagement to Mary


19. He did not even allude to his brother's engagement to Mary.


20. He allude to the problem in his speech.


21. Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it.


22. He referenced her book in his speech.See Usage Note at allude


23. His wife's death has made him very unhappy. You mustn't allude to it when you meet him


24. His wife's death has made him unhappy.You mustn't allude to it when you meet him.


25. Did he allude to his hope of being captain?


26. But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude.


27. Mr. Bush did, however, allude to his and the Catholic Church's opposition to abortion.


28. You allude to something else.


29. In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development.


30. You allude perhaps to the entail of this estate.


31. you know to what I allude, Danglars--it is sacred. Besides, I shall only take the time to go and return."


32. You must not allude to it when you meet him .


33. You mustn't allude to his baby's death when you meet John.


34. An allusion to classical mythology in a poem.See Usage Note at allude


35. Secondly, if allude the adornment sex of radiator, people considers its and the harmonious sex that live in an environment can sensibly, because this compact model suffers praise highly fully.


36. Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter.


37. Do not ask him about his failure; don't even allude to it


38. Whenever he did allude to such matters, it was usually for the purpose of commenting critically upon an interlocutor.


39. But the businessman when sell goods did not tell us in detail, and did not allude likewise in product manual.


40. Odds are, he hasn't seen an example of a hosted shopping cart service, or a single-action “Buy Now” button that he can allude to, even if those would suit his needs better.


41. In your remarks you allude to certain sinister developments.


42. After this outburst the prince did not once allude to the subject again.


43. Need to allude here of a bit is, hold the Russia Bai Yu of half of country of market of our country white jade at present.


44. Her husband's death made her very sad; don't allude to it when you meet her.


45. He allude to the problem in his speech .


46. She do not mention Mr. lee by name, but it is clear she is allude to him


47. " model of written characters, all did not allude till final opposite party need prescription be related.


48. The mathematicians, I grant you, have done their best to promulgate the popular error to which you allude.


49. On his side, however great Franz's desire was to allude to their former interview, the fear of being disagreeable to the man who had loaded him and his friend with kindness prevented him from mentioning it.


50. allude to; hint obliquely at; insinuate


51. I would rather never allude to the past for it is very painful to me.


52. I do not allude to you, my boy.


53. The works we allude to as “theory” are those that have had the power to make strange the familiar and to make readers conceive of their own thinking, behavior, and institutions in new ways.


54. Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude.


55. I but with often does to oneself psychology allude `` to let his neglect the job that produces in `` and period of time next?


56. I allude only here a small among them.


57. I didn't allude to anything or anybody.


58. I allude nobody or nothing.


59. I did not allude to anything .


60. What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight.


61. What I will allude to now are images that are meant to touch on an idea only.


62. Perhaps it can allude also to the eschatological cloud which covers the elected people as found in Is 4:5.


63. The conquering-obstacles element is a theme Clinton embraced during a debate in Austin, Texas, last week, when she appeared to allude to her husband's infidelity.


64. During letting wine sit, eyeball of inclined strabismus of wife morning man, allude him to sit.


65. Dittie, a busboy with an inferiority complex and a driving ambition to become a millionaire, quickly rises to become a head waiter, but the respect he craves continues to allude him.


66. This paper focuses upon an analysis of the control of connotation over denotation, and of the way in which denotation meanings allude to connotation meanings, in order to facilitate our understanding of meanings of words.


67. Having clew to allude with clew is a brand famous degree basically make one of index.


68. At this late hour, allude Africa, a lot of people still are used to it and a chaos caused by war, disease and desert photograph connection, with poor, unwisdom and backward picture equality sign.


69. " Spring Festival just passed, there is a word to be versed in allude by the farmer constantly on construction site: "You say, can this salary default what moment this year?


70. to allude doing

暗指, 间接提到

71. Allude: To make an indirect reference


72. Still can use medicaments to strengthen a language to allude action sometimes, if hysteria disease patient is commonly used,dextrose acerbity calcium or bromic Ga vein inject and be successful.


73. This ill diction character is alluded or allude secondhand constant can be successful.


74. Be encouraged without any investor or allude us, should Yahoo the price work off with every 31 dollars.


75. The law does not spell out the nature of the threat, but it's widely thought to allude to imminent danger of an attack by China.


76. The variety of rhetoric was to alter, increase or decrease, recombine, excerpt, topsyturvy the words order, reverse, allude, apply, quote and compact the original poems.


77. Because allude sexual space to break up,do not have apparent end, coordinate with other space photograph easily, and commutation rises relatively handy also, so quite welcome.


78. "Apeman" is an unscientific term that can allude to several things that generally have some of the traits of both other apes and humans:.......


79. So obvious are the reasons which forbid this secession that it is necessary only to allude to them


80. Part two : where do you see the text you've chosen connecting with the rest of the syllabus?Does it take up earlier issues or problems, allude to earlier works, share views you've seen elsewhere?

