

1. Analyt Biochem

(=analytical biochemistry) 分析生物化学

2. Analyt Chem

(=analytical chemistry) 分析化学

3. GIS has really provided a framework in which people can bring all of the data together and analyze it with models and analytics to create suitability maps and interpretive maps.


4. HIMSS Analytics has created a clinical transformation staging model that identifies the levels of EMR capabilities ranging from the initial CDR environment through a paperless EHR environment.


5. IT groups will find the most maturity in the optimization technologies and less maturity in analytics and collaboration capabilities.


6. Receive detailed information on Current, Water and Environmental analytics or on Gas with the enterprise RWE POW .

RWE POW是一家高级企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的环境分析学,气体。

7. The SAS customer analytics application demonstrates that the existing credit-scoring application can be enabled to run in grid environments.


8. The trend data in SPARCS Analytics helps improve planning, which in turn enhances productivity.

SPARCS Analytics中的趋势数据有助于改进规划,进而提高工作效率。

9. SPARCS Analytics delivers the most cost-effective terminal performance management solution available for Navis customers by providing a comprehensive, native interface to Navis terminal operating system data.

SPARCS Analytics为Navis客户提供了最经济高效的码头绩效管理解决方案,它提供一个高度综合的本地界面来查看Navis码头管理系统数据。

10. SPARCS Analytics stores rich performance data that enables terminal managers to analyze business trends, such as throughput volume and customer rankings, to help prioritize sales and marketing efforts.

SPARCS Analytics可存储丰富的绩效数据,使码头管理人员能够分析业务发展趋势,如吞吐量和客户级别,从而确定销售和营销工作的优先顺序。

11. SPARCS Analytics gets the right information to the right users at the right time.

SPARCS Analytics在正确的时间为正确的用户提供正确的信息。

12. SPARCS Analytics provides access to historical operational information in a structured, easy-to-navigate format that allows managers to efficiently find answers to important questions about terminal performance.

SPARCS Analytics提供了以易于浏览的结构化格式访问历史管理信息的功能,使得管理人员能够有效地解决关于码头绩效的重要问题。

13. Teradata's solutions include Data Warehousing, CRM, E-business, Financial Management, Profitability Analytics, Demand Chain Management and Supply Chain Intelligence.


14. WEB analytics


15. The detailed opinion of the enterprise ZINSSER ANALYTIC GMBH has pertinent Information on Analytics and on Laboratory analyses. Moreover, Laboratory automation and Reagents and/or Scintillators are offered.

ZINSSER ANALYTIC GMBH是一家理想的企业,该企业制造最新的、杰出的分析学,实验分析,实验自动化,试剂,闪烁仪。

16. “What we have is a weird, shadow nationalization,” said Karen Shaw Petrou, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a consulting firm in Washington.


17. ” These works are the Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, On Interpretation, Topics, Sophistical Refutations, and Categories.


18. “They are another step in the commoditisation of music,” says David MacQueen of Strategy Analytics, a consultancy.


19. Foresight Analytics, a research firm, reckons that $594 billion of commercial mortgages will mature in America alone between 2009 and 2011.


20. The three-dimensional approach to analytics is a powerful alignment tool.


21. This download includes all product datasheets: overview, analytics, monitoring, reporting, and planning.


22. Followup: without analytics, you have the answer already then - analytics allow you to skip all of the painful extra work.


23. For a long time, I have been befuddled as to why I must log-in to Google Analytics when I'm already logged into Gmail in the same browser.

不要变的网页设计太快: 避免突然性地从小规模改版测试转变到大规模的网页设计全站改版。光是在页面顶端有一个提示栏招募用户参与测试版是不够的网页设计。

24. Business Analytics is a branch of applied mathematics that uses quantitative techniques to optimise decision-making in business. It is a technically focused prog...



  • Experienced in one of the following reporting tools or skills is plus: Oracle Web OSA, Siebel analytics, BO/Cognos/Hyperion products (e.g.


    26. Aristotle's most famous contribution to logic is the syllogism, which he discusses primarily in the Prior Analytics.


    27. teaching of instrumental analytics


    28. New behavioural analytics products are emerging that attempt to derive a new understanding of ecommerce customers.


    29. The Non-Fick Analytics in Transient Diffusion Mass Transfer with the Second Order Homogeneous Chemical Reaction


    30. However, the basic web analytics model of tracking pageviews doesn't capture these kinds of interactions.


    31. But, Google Analytics also provides a custom segmentation variable that you can use to classify visitors any way you like. It's called User Defined.


    32. And you can always measure if traffic has increased month by month by adjusting your date ranges in Google Analytics.


    33. The complexity that makes business analytics powerful also presents a dilemma.


    34. For example, SPARCS Analytics data can be combined with revenue and cost information from financial systems to get answers to important profitability questions, such as the following

    例如,将SPARCS Analytics的数据与财务系统中的收入和成本数据结合在一起,可以找到解决重要收益率问题的答案,如

    35. With the aborative description of geometry and analytics,applying Cartan Method,gets the Euler equation of weakly harmonic maps from high dimension Riemann manifold to homogeneous space.


    36. Analytics for the Eccentric Cam Oscillating Follower Mechanism and Power


    37. Fourier analytics


    38. Christopher Whalen, managing director of Institutional Risk Analytics, a research firm, predicts that approximately 110 banks with $850 billion in assets could close by next July.


    39. Be responsible for the system operation and configuration of the Siebel Analytics and Informatica application within a ...... ...


    40. Moody‘s Analytics, a division of Moody‘s Corporation (NYSE: MCO), is the world‘s leading provider of credit analysis and...... ...


    41. Master degree with pharmacy or other related background.2.Be proficient in English.3.Be able to operate analyt...... ...


    42. Business Objects, Dashboard, Cognos, MicroStrategy, Siebel Business Analytics, Oracle BIEE c. Relational databases: Oracle and SQL Se...


    43. Analytics of Convolution Integral on Causal Signals


    44. TOS performance for mission critical transactions will not be compromised by conducting complex analyses, and SPARCS Analytics is unaffected by the load on the TOS.

    关键任务交易的TOS绩效不会由于进行复杂分析而受到影响,同时,SPARCS Analytics也不会受到TOS的负荷量的影响。

    45. To use Event Tracking, you'll need to use the ga.js based Google Analytics Tracking Code.


    46. Mathematical models of multiple objective analytics for sustaining utilization water resources in inland river valley


    47. A furthermore discussion on a problem ought to be noticed in carrying out displacement analysis upon link mechanism by the use of analytics


    48. Job Details We have an Analyst / C# Developer position available. The analytics team within CarryQuote provides quantitative analysis models...


    49. After you apply these analytics to a single firm's invoices, turn to the invoices of several other primary firms and make the analysis comparative.


    50. Analytics are an important aspect of business measurement and performance management.


    51. Of or relating to analysis or analytics.


    52. Gauging overall public response is a matter of either guesswork or metrics analytics, neither of which are our particular specialty.


    53. Based on the information Platform of ISI Web of Knowledge and Derwent Analytics Software,this article compared and analyzed the theses of remote sensing science in Science Citation Index(Expanded) from 1995 to 2005 in different aspects.

    利用ISI Web of Knowledge信息平台和德温特分析软件对19952005年期间SCI收录的遥感论文进行了多角度、多侧面的分析与比较。

    54. Investigation into Surface Properties of Superfine Materials via Photon-Detecting Analytics


    55. Calculation of water yield from working face with analytics of groundwater dynamics


    56. Recovery Management - Take a holistic approach to data protection with a solution that synergistically leverages backup, replication, continuous data protection, analytics, and reporting.


    57. If you are an OEM and would like to add the predictive analytics capabilities of SPSS to your application, check out the Embeddable Version for OEMs.

    功能,在 SPSS 命令语法语言的基础上提供与其它编程语言的结合功能。

    58. The match type defines how Google Analytics identifies a goal or funnel step. You have three choices for the Match Type option.


    59. Caslon Analytics is an Australian research, analysis and strategies consultancy.We have a particular interest in technology and regulation.


    60. Caslon Analytics is an Australian research, analysis and strategies consultancy.


    61. Evaluation and Application of Uncertainty in Measurement of Emission Spectrometry Analytics


    62. These are the types of successes that social media can deliver;less important are traditional web analytics like page views.


    63. Robust security, granular administrative controls comprehensive monitoring, analytics, and reporting help ensure compliance and protect intellectual property (IP).


    64. Video Intelligence Analytics Approach Comparison


    65. It provides a scalable solution and offers an IT-focused software suite that includes options such as video analytics, health and event monitoring, and flexible archiving.


    66. Posterior Analytics


    67. Launched in 2008, this course - MSc Business Analytics &Consulting builds on the success of our well established MSc in Management Science &Operational Research.


    68. There is power in analytics, but also complexity.


    69. The second major transformation in the changing face of BI is a shift of attention from data to analytics.


    70. In this real-world example, the customer analytics application being used to deliver customer insight is a SAS credit-scoring application.


    71. In Google Analytics, a pageview is counted every time a page on your website loads.


    72. Synthetic Transportation Analytics for Highway Project with Big Passage, and Its Application


    73. Keywords Natural gas hydrate;Bibliometrics analysis;Derwent Analytics Software;Status and trends.;


    74. How does conversion tracking work with Google Analytics?


    75. , an analytics company.Comparing them to gold prices over the past year is disheartening.


    76. If you aren't tracking ecommerce revenue in Google Analytics and you haven't assigned values to your goals, all of your $ Index values will be zero.


    77. If you use the urchin.js Google Analytics Tracking Code and you track events using virtual pageviews, you may be wondering whether it's worth it to switch to ga.js and use trackEvent() instead.


    78. If you define a funnel for a goal, Google Analytics populates the Funnel Visualization report, shown here in the slide.


    79. If you've licensed Urchin, you can run both Urchin and Google Analytics together on your site.


    80. If you apply this filter, Google Analytics will apply a reverse lookup with each visitor's IP address to determine if the visitor is coming in from a domain that should be filtered out.


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