

1. * The animus of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting remarks.


2. animus socii


3. furandi animus


4. animus testandi

[法] 书立遗嘱的意图

5. animus furandi

[法] 劫掠, 窃盗犯罪意图

6. animus lucrandi

[法] 图利

7. animus manendi

[法] 定居意图

8. animus cancellandi

[法] 意图删除

9. animus occupandi

[法] 意图占有

10. animus morandi

[法] 意图延时

11. animus novandi

[法] 意图更改

12. animus deserendi

[法] 意图遗弃

13. animus possidenti

[法] 挪用, 占有的意图

14. animus revocandi

[法] 撤销的意图

15. animus et factum

[法] 表里如一, 动机和行为的一致

16. Further more, the Form follows action shows the design animus of Human nature , leading the design procedure to an exceeding delicate and deep-going field.


17. With opposite sex association nothing but want to know them how life, nothing but want to enjoy once should have of happiness, nothing but want to let out once heart of accumulate animus.


18. enmity; hatred; animosity; animus


19. They are full of animus towords us.


20. His contact with Judge Vance in a 1980s case led to even deeper resentment and a personal animus that led to revenge.


21. Eliot that he is a man of better parts generally than most of the new poets, as in the fact that he certainly bears no animus against the old poetry except as it is taken for a model by the new poets;


22. But such is her animus against traditional Christianity that she cannot render quite the same service for the faith she was once devoted to.


23. Your first reaction was with some animus.


24. Animus herilis is urged towards love


25. Based on "the first quantity, the supernal customer" animus, honesty and Credit management and the excess star-standing service, we gain more business chance.


26. animus possidendi


27. The vessels of the insurgents are regarded as pirates either in practice of theory. They have the animus furandi.


28. In the center is the animus, the It, the life force, holding all to their appropriate whirling stations.


29. animus: an attitude that informs one's actions; disposition.

基本态度,主导精神: 决定行动的态度;气质

30. 2.She has an animus against me.


31. He shows little animus about his brother's death, is on good terms with senior Pakistani officers and has been allowed to use the military archives.


32. an inexplicable animus against intellectuals


33. Animus: hostile feeling or intentan inexplicable animus against intellectuals.


34. 3.When you have an animus against a person, you should give it up.


35. The wartime animus of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace finally came.


36. Female Colleague: It occurs to me with all this animus existing against Mechas today it isn't just a que ...


37. His criticisms are clearly colored by animus.


38. Mr Jumblatt himself is expected in Damascus soon, as is another Lebanese leader with a personal animus, Saad Hariri, now filling his slain father's shoes as Lebanon's prime minister.


39. But Smith was a Catholic, a group that had inherited some of the nativist animus once aimed at Freemasons.


40. It is popular with the public because art combined with technology is its animus and the simplicity of conformation is its principle.


41. Men can argue in a very womanish way, too, when they are anima-possessed and have thus been transformed into the animus of their own anima.


42. The feminine inner personality, as present in the unconscious of the male. It is in contrast to the animus, which represents masculine characteristics.


43. 1.accumulated rancor; deep-rooted animus; piled-up grievances; a vendetta; accumulate animus, malice or hatred


44. The second is almost an example of what Jung called "great dreams", as it shows the contrast that opposes a manly position (the Animus and Father archetypes) to a womanly world (that of the Mothers).


45. The animus towards the Fed is striking, considering that its unprecedented market interventions almost certainly averted a financial meltdown last year and a far more severe recession.


46. Though David defeated me in the election I bear no animus toward him; we are good friends.


47. amori finem tempus, non animus facit.


48. Capitalism also embraces competition as its animus, and America is nothing if not capitalistic.


49. This is a important guiding thought covered all this paper, and it is the animus and objective of this paper.


50. " Such a childish attitude on the part of the "normal person" is simply the rule, so that no one without experience in this field can be expected to understand the real nature of anima and animus.


51. This animus led to the rise of armed militia groups that rejected the legitimacy of federal authority and asserted the right to be a law unto themselves.


52. The lowest density was found in conifer tree area. It was only 7. 53% with dominant Animus draco taking 61. 90% ocupation.


53. The lowest density was found in conifer tree area. It was only 7. 53 % with dominant Animus draco taking 61. 90 % ocupation.


54. Like the anima, the animus too has a positive aspect.


55. The animus corresponds to the paternal Logos just as the anima corresponds to the maternal Eros.


56. Projection Anima and Animus--Talk About the Role-making Genre of Masculine Female and Feminine Male in Cao Yu's Early Dramas and Mays

