

1. "Nor [let] grandeur hear with a disdainful smile,/The short and simple annals of the poor" (Thomas Gray).


2. Here is a brief record in "Green Lakes", a chapter in the Annals of Nanping County: "In Jiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mirrored in the clear water.

《南坪县志 - 翠海》对九寨沟风光曾有过粗略的记载:“羊峒番内,海狭长数里。 水光浮翠,倒映林岚。”

3. Records of Historians:Xongnu Annals is the thorough narration of Xongnu in Chinese classics, with emphasis on the war between it and central countries.

《史记·匈奴列传》是匈奴民族在汉语典籍中唯一能贯通始终的历史叙述 ,它尤其着力于匈奴与中原诸夏间的战争。

4. The New Tang annals: History of Rites and Music recorded that when the Tang Dynasty was at its pinnacle, the number of the Jiyue performers had been tens of thousands.


5. The Spring and Autumn Annals is a historical record of the State of Lu from 722 to 481 B. C.


6. The annals of Jin recorded that in the Jin period, someone chanced upon the ritual of two witches (named Zhang Dan and Chen Zhu).


7. General Mirror for the Aid of Government is the first historical annals in Chinese history.


8. The annals of Sui: Music History states that Emperor Liangwudi of the Southern Dynasties was a faithful believer of Buddhism.


9. Generally speaking, rise at the beginning of gastralgia, much with affection annals fails, food not the section is concerned.


10. A report done on the new blood test appeared last week in the anos Annals of Internal Medicine.


11. A report on the new blood test appeared last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


12. Appear on the market when do the annals of the company, half annals, quarterly reports go out commonly? Thank!


13. The following excerpt is taken from the last Annals of Ghereticus, a noble of some standing before he swore fealty to the Primarch.


14. Unfortunately, in the annals of history it seems there are 10 dishonest scoundrels for every honorable hero like Washington.


15. In the annals of world history, however, this military wunderkind is perhaps better remembered for his bizarre and mysterious death than for his military glory.


16. Epstein, B. and. Sobel, M;“ Sequential Life Tests in The Exponential Case ”;Annals of Mathematical Statistics;Vol.XXXVI;1995.


17. Annals of Chinese people versine does not move ground high play music holds to " a center, two main point " thematic, hold to reform, open basic national policy.


18. So one day, I went to the library and searched through the annals of Spanish history.


19. As for the other events of Amon's reign, and what he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah?


20. As for all the other events of Ahaziah's reign, and what he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?


21. As for the other events of Amaziah's reign, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah?


22. Owing to “Yellow River Cantata”,Xian Xing-hai,the musician,brought honor to the music circle and he would go down in the annals of history.


23. They copied not only Bibles, Psalter, scriptures, theological works, lives of the saints, church history and local annals, but also classical literature and scientific works.


24. They committed such fascist atrocities as have been seldom known in the annals of international relations.


25. His deeds went down in the annals of British history.


26. His name will go down in the annals.


27. The historical records for which he organized the compiling work adopted, to a large extent, the style of the Spring and Autumn Annals.


28. He said," Today, June 15, 2001, will be written into the annals of history.


29. The business entities apply to renege the registration note annals are composed of the title page and the main text two parts....


30. The spider annals in fokelore is what some. Be urgent! ! !


31. But some moment, this kind of fun often is met by always the life and death with unforgettable annals experiences place is replaced.


32. Your soul was not born yesterday, but before the annals of time as you think of time.


33. The life you went through is the annals I devote myself to for long.


34. The Party member is civilian, impossible get sth done once and for ever, accomplish in one move impossibly also, must arrowy annals not change, cease ceaselessly also momently.


35. For ferocity it has no peer in all the awful annals of human oppression.


36. For thousands of years, and especially in the half century since the May 4th Movement, they have struggled arduously and confidently, overcoming all obstacles in their way and writing many brilliant chapters in our annals.


37. Teething, walk, conversation, each change of the child, should be record in the annals of his individual.


38. Ham I. Computer Aided Process Planning, the Present and the Future[J]. Annals of the CIRP 1988, 37P(2).


39. Karchmer, M.A., Milone, N.N.,, Wolk, S. (1979), Education Significance of Hearing Loss at Three Levels of severity, American Annals of the Deaf, 124(2), 105-.


40. L.- C. Clark, C. Lyons, “Electrode systems for continuous monitoring incardiovascular surgery,”Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 102, 29-45, (1962).


41. The family heads among the descendants of Levi up to the time of Johanan son of Eliashib were recorded in the book of the annals.


42. After half annals appears, namely media oppugns company tall valve to have operate the suspicion of financial forms for reporting statistics.


43. Uzbek President Islam Karimov said the establishment of the SCO is an event that will be written into the annals of international politics.


44. Happy are the people whose annals are tedious.


45. The widespread destruction from this typhoon will be in the annals of the nation's history.


46. It promotes the development of educational history by getting rid of its baldness image of annals.


47. One professor from Soochow University wrote a chapter as well;he said the process of writing the annals was basically a type of social movement.


48. Sandler DP, Burr FR, R.Weinberg C. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and the Risk for Chronic Renal Disease. Annal of Internal Medicine 1999;115(3):165-72.


49. Mazur, S. and Hongzhang Zhou. 2001. Notes on some Chinese hiterids (Col., Histeridae). Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University - SGGW Forestry and Wood Technology No. 51: 73-75.


50. Accordingly, face temporarily the difference of outstanding achievement, "The home is bought " , " defend buy " behave " arrowy annals does not move " .


51. In the war annals of the Chinese Red Army, this has often been an important controversial issue.


52. Recurring themes are readily discernible in the annals of history .


53. Recurring themes are readily discernible in the annals of history. There's little doubt that history does, in fact, repeat itself.


54. Recurring youes are not easystily discernible in the annals of story . TITe's less doubt these story did , in fact , repeat itself .


55. The operation of trephination of the skull is one of the oldest in the annals of surgery.


56. It was the first large-scale airborne attack in the annals of war.


57. The annals of the Linjiang County (a hand-written copy stored in the cultural bureau of the county) actually contains a poem written by Sun Liang.


58. The effects of Information Warfare are unique in the annals of conflict InfoWars can be fought by remote control,the ringleaders comfortably invisible behind a keyboard ten thousand miles away.


59. In the event of success in either of the two attempts his name will be perpetuated in the annals of human being for centuries to come.


60. In view of the fact that our annals indexes compilations are in the somewhat weak conditions, it bears practical significances.


61. Roman public official and historian whose two greatest works, Histories and Annals, concern the period from the death of Augustus( a.d.14) to the death of Domitian(96).

塔西佗,普布留斯 科内利乌斯古罗官员和历史学家,他的两部最伟大的著作,历史和编年史,记述了从奥古斯都之死(公元14年)到多米西安之死(96年)这期间的史实

62. Roman public official and historian whose two greatest works,Histories and Annals,concern the period from the death of Augustus( a.d.14) to the death of Domitian(96).


63. Summer and fall when the wind Xu, Greenfield bursts, Annals of "Wind Gap hole" that is the habitat.


64. Many historical records and annals documented the development of Taiwan by the Chinese people in earlier periods.


65. Committee of chorography of Tianshui city.2004.Tianshui city annals[Z].Fangzhi press,Beijing(in Chinese).


66. In annals ,she was admired for clever people ,at the same time, sneered for the foolish one!


67. Now, this respectable veteran scholar has passed away. But the title of the book autographed by him will be kept in this annals of China forever.


68. Began in the Shang and Zhou, Sheng in the Spring and Autumn Annals of the smelting industry, at up to several thousand years of development nissei Progressive on.


69. Our guerrilla war will present a great drama unparalleled in the annals of war.


70. Its wear into pharos annals Liu Gong make one's bow builds mechanical industry, change to dimensions, intensive changes production to manage stepped solid one pace.


71. Its wear into pharos annals exclusive forestall domain name runs American government the end of system situation.


72. It is very necessary to analyze the works of the classic and annals writers from pre-Qin times in studying earlier Chinese medicine.


73. Kecun Zhang, Ruiping Zu, Jianjun Qu, Haiyan Fang. Characteristics of drifting sand flux over Gobi surface: A wind tunnel simulation. Annals of Arid Zone ,(SCI) (Accepted).


74. Kimura, Fumihiko, "Product and Process Modeling as a Kernel for Virtual Manufacturing Environment", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 147-150, 1993.


75. Gygax, P. E., “Dynamics of Single-Tooth Milling,” Annals of CIRP, Vol.29, pp.61-66, 1975.


76. Office of Local Chronicles of Dedu County. 1994. Annals of Dedu County [Z]. Huangshan Publishing House, Hefei (in Chinese).


77. As for the other events of Zimri's reign, and the rebellion he carried out, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?


78. Where do Annals of the Three Kingdoms 10 show opening animated cartoons have time be loaded with?


79. Where Annals of the Three Kingdoms 10 sums Annals of the Three Kingdoms 11's new script moves downwards , must need to be able to fall.


80. Does such international sentimental pleasant to hear your work blow the plain scenery doing have the dawn hometown resembling the Annals of the Three Kingdoms hero?

