

1. One of the most challenging open problems in heavy quarkonium physics is the double charm production in annihilation at B factories.

B 工厂中通过双的单举和遍举的产生是重夸克偶素物理中的一个具有很大挑战性的课题。

2. Shosha, which was set in Warsaw on the eve of its annihilation in WW II, is a hauntingly lyrical love story between the hero Aaron and the heroine Shosha.


3. If the animal can't procreate enough generations ,it will face annihilation .


4. Streams of annihilation disks flew, flaring bright when they struck, enveloping the fallen Invid in a brief inferno.The stench of the charred body wafted through the Hive.


5. A small fraction of these gamma rays may come from the mutual annihilation of exotic particles.


6. Hitler stated: "The war is to be a war of annihilation".His henchman Heinrich Himmler declared: "All Poles will disappear from the world.


7. Not afraid of the lies and slanders Lane annihilation.


8. However as one transcends the thought-form at cause, the annihilation will cease and one will recover their power to not be prostituted or enslaved ever again.


9. However the karma for warfare and nuclear annihilation has been released.


10. However some red humans moved to the inner earth foreseeing the impending annihilation through nuclear war about to occur upon the surface of the earth.


11. Meanwhile, the prospect of environmental annihilation caused by rising sea levels overshadows island life.


12. Incidentally, some comrades were eager to fight a few battles of annihilation.


13. Hence their plan to mass seven divisions in an annihilation campaign,hence their Order of January 17,and hence their trial of Yeh Ting.


14. As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation.


15. Fifth, encirclement of large, but annihilation of small numbers.


16. The hope to eliminate aids,for most people,relies on the annihilation of the aids people,whose situation is worried.


17. Conditions such as popular support, favourable terrain, a vulnerable enemy force and the advantage of surprise are all indispensable for the purpose of annihilation.


18. Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians?


19. They were more or less counting upon this time to add a little more karma from somewhere else to escalate the warfare into a disastrous outcome of nuclear annihilation.


20. They were to surrender immediately or face total annihilation.


21. So intense was his penance that a smoke billowed from his head and the entire world was in the danger of annihilation.


22. Rejection of any kind breaks the heart and rekindles the remembrance of the thought-form of annihilation.


23. Knowing that a nuclear attack on Israel or America would result in its own prompt annihilation, Iran could probably be deterred, just as other nuclear powers have been.


24. But political attack and economic annihilation are two different matters, and we shall make mistakes if we confuse the two.


25. You are only person that can stave off the annihilation of the entire human race.


26. The vacancy defects of samples were measured by slow positron annihilation.


27. Only complete annihilation can replenish our own forces to the greatest possible extent.


28. A full -scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.


29. A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.


30. About death: Whether it is a dispersion, or a resolution into atoms, or annihilation, it is either extinction or change.


31. After all, Nandi peasant army of well-trained regular army, Qingjunruguan, such as Fengjuancanyun as its annihilation.


32. Cleanse ourselves of these vile traits. And crawl back from annihilation.


33. After several decades, Theodosius II burned Zeus Shrine, floods and earthquakes will later ancient Olympic Games sites annihilation underground.


34. The effect of defect and microstructure on soft magnetic properties were studied for FeCuNbSiB alloy by means of positron annihilation technique associated with X ray diffraction.

利用正电子湮没技术结合 X-射线衍射分析了 Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9纳米软磁合金在不同退火温度下 ,微观缺陷与相应相结构和软磁性能的变化规律。

35. JS : Will the diversity of units be as impressive as in Total Annihilation?


36. Meanwhile, we should particularly urge our officers and men to familiarize themselves with the terrain, become used to things here and learn how to fight mountain warfare, so as to prepare themselves for large-scale battles of annihilation.


37. The nuclear annihilation of earth furthermore created a fall in consciousness so great that no red group attempted to ascend again upon the surface of the earth thereafter.


38. The annihilation of the infalling photon acts as a measurement, transferring the information contained in the matter to the outgoing Hawking radiation.


39. Halidarre rose abruptly just as a line of annihilation disks shrilled through the spot where she had been a moment before.


40. For shortly after destroying Innana's favorite lover castle, Merduk and Innana declared war upon one another which culminated in a nuclear annihilation some 1000 years later.


41. Because the Pleiadians warred upon one another to a point of nuclear annihilation of earth, nuclear technology and warfare is a part of the human dream today.


42. Hence campaigns of annihilation are the means of attaining the objective of strategic attrition.


43. The attackers came in, and crewbeings on the bridge ducked involuntarily, as the darkness lit with crisscrossed beams of pure destruction and streams of annihilation disks.


44. Therefore, it is often difficult to achieve the maximum in annihilation, such as capturing the whole or the greater part of an enemy force, especially when hghting on the plains.


45. The algebraic Bethe Ansatz is based on the idea of constructing eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian via creation and annihilation operators acting on a pseudovacuum.


46. On a dark night, the sudden flood of annihilation of the entire world, brother and sister Fu Nu Wa barefoot up the high board of Kunlun Mountain, the only survivors.


47. What moral or religious purpose is celebrated by the annihilation of the human spirit in the triumphant act of keeping the body alive?


48. In 30 years this when legal system restores to rebuild, even if has outstanding juridical copy clerk, be afraid also already annihilation is in the running water of time.


49. In the stage of stalemate we should continue to exploit the functions of annihilation and attrition fulfilled by guerrilla and mobiie warfare for further large-scale depletion of the enemy's forces.


50. In their lack of understanding, the red race could not perceive their own future annihilation.


51. In this sense war of annihilation is different from war of attrition.


52. In this sense war of annihilation is war of attrition.


53. Here both your species and ours must contend with how we contributed to the development of nuclear wars and annihilation of earth through our own misguided ascensions.


54. In these enemy characteristics pessimists may and a basis for the theory of national subjugation, and passively minded military men a basis for opposition to war of annihilation.


55. The basic dynamic variables are then the operators associated with the creation and annihilation of quanta.


56. Fission outside of self can lead to nuclear annihilation, but this is not all.


57. Generally speaking, mobile warfare performs the task of annihilation, positional warfare performs the task of attrition, and guerrilla warfare performs both simultaneously; The three forms of warfare are thus distinguished from one another.


58. Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world, she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there's no annihilation the essence remains.


59. The Persian messenger: If you value your lives over your complete annihilation, listen carefully, Leonidas.


60. If you value your lives over your complete annihilation, listen carefully, Leonidas.


61. As a result, the two opposing fields would cancel each other in a burst of energy, almost like the annihilation of matter and antimatter.


62. A form of Christian mysticism enjoining passive contemplation and the beatific annihilation of the will.


63. For the Red Army which gets almost all its supplies from the enemy, war of annihilation is the basic policy.


64. Our policy for dealing with the enemy's first,second,third and fourth encirclement and suppression campaigns was war of annihilation.


65. For many in human form living with the outcome of such manipulations and annihilation, it is hard to understand the thinking behind those humans whom perpetrated such things.


66. The massacre was also a systematic attempt at annihilation, Chang argues, adding that the massacre should be likened to the Holocaust.


67. When antiparticles and particles meet, they destroy each other.This process, called 'annihilation', liberates all the energy that is stored in their mass.


68. As there were enough slaves dreaming the same dream of annihilation, the dream overtook all humans planet wide.


69. It only knows itself as form and therefore lives in fear of the annihilation of its physical or psychological form.


70. We have had many Dolphins and Whales ascend into disease or annihilation.


71. Our participation in destruction also includes the pattern of combustion and nuclear annihilation.


72. Confident and unafraid, we labor on, not toward a strategy of annihilation but toward a strategy of peace.


73. We favour the well-being and progress, not the annihilation, of mankind.


74. To begin with,we may say that the anti-Japanese war is at once a war of attrition and a war of annihilation.


75. We, the undersigned, are appalled by the abolishment of Traditional Chinese in UN documents. This is an act of annihilation of the culture and history of the Chinese people.


76. I intend to forgive those Lemurian ancestors that participated in the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis.


77. I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered as a result of the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis.


78. I intend to forgive those ancestors that combust for anchoring fission thought-form as global thought-form that led to human warfare and nuclear annihilation.


79. I intend to transmute the thought-form of annihilation in my ancestry, field and form.


80. My first task is to save the German people from annihilation by the advancing Bolshevist enemy.

