

1. Steve Wren from TN Paranormal sent us this cool apparition which he has labeled the "city ghost.

" 史蒂夫雷恩从 田纳西州超自然 发送给我们这个凉爽幻影他已经标示为“城市幽灵” 。

2. "Overjoyed by the apparition of this fairy, Baoyu made haste to greet her with a bow."


3. On May 13, 1917 a luminous Apparition of the Virgin Mary appeared to three peasant children and delivered a prophecy that would change the world.


4. {W/B}{W/B}{W/B}: Restless Apparition gets +3/+3 until end of turn.


5. "Which of you is Holmes?" asked this apparition.


6. "You have not, of course, passed your Apparition Test," he said.


7. "That is a pretty gruesome tale, old chap," he said in a quavering voice, "but allow me to relate the story of the man whose wife gave birth to an apparition.


8. "This apparition grew to a fine old age, until he reached a maturity he could not improve on, and now he haunts the church in which his parents had married.


9. Some brave eyewitnesses have reportedly seen a dark cloaked full-body apparition standing alone in a corner of the room with the face covered and hidden out-of-sight.


10. Not a hansom did I meet with in all my drive.while mine was like an apparition from another and better world.the way the children ran after it and alongside.


11. Not a hansom did I meet with in all my drive, while mine was like an apparition from another and better world, the way the children ran after it and alongside.


12. And regardless of whether the information given is ample or not, it appears to one, strangely, as an apparition.


13. A religious shop sells souvenirs on 150th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes, France.


14. The necromancer summons and bind a Mound Fiend, an apparition able to reanimate the dead and curse humans with its hunger.


15. It would have been impossible to guess that this bright and sunny apparition owed its existence to the shape of gloomy gray;


16. The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.


17. Anyway good luck!The apparition of theses faces in the crowd;


18. The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.


19. And exotic apparition stolen from a faraway land.


20. and, not knowing how this strange apparition could have entered when he had bolted the doors, he let fall his bunch of keys, and remained motionless and stupefied.


21. He is shaking like a leaf as though he has seen an apparition.


22. He saw the apparition of his dead wife in his dream.


23. There was something so bright and remarkable in his look, that, for the first moment, the prisoner misdoubted him to be an apparition of his own imagining.


24. He saw the apparition of his dead wife.


25. I saw him as an apparition from the next world in his white hospital nightshirt, pale and bony and with those yellow hellhound's eyes that looked at me forever.


26. That pale face and flaming glance appeared to Villefort like a frightful apparition


27. He was visited by an apparition, a girl mysteriously resembling his daughter.


28. He said in his dream he saw the apparition of his dead wife.


29. There is a crackle of Apparition behind him, and Harry looks over his shoulder.


30. By the power of Ra, we present for your delectation and delight, an exotic apparition stolen from a far away land.


31. The Ritual Scroll you received from the apparition of the Vigil Knight closely resembles the scroll originally given to you by Odren - though this one tingles with greater power.


32. You look as though you've seen an apparition


33. Your eyes searched that vagueness, and sought to make out the surroundings of the apparition.


34. You can steer in that direction," the apparition replied.


35. Presumably, Harry will go to the wedding in July, get his Apparition license (along with Ron) on or right after his birthday, and then probably take off on his journey.


36. Presumably, Harry will go to the wedding in July, get his Apparition license ( along with Ron) on or right after his birthday, and then probably take off on his journey.


37. The new row that appears is called a phantom row because, from the Accountant's point of view, it appears like an apparition, seemingly from nowhere.


38. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding.


39. From time to time, through the windows in the lightning, you'll notice a shadowy apparition for a brief moment, which is scarier than any of the gory scenes that you encounter.


40. Predictably Jacinta told her parents about the Apparition and there was a general reaction of disbelief.


41. It was several minutes before Father Gillenormand, dulled with amazement and joy, could see anything except a brightness as when one is in the presence of an apparition.


42. Since the apparition was not of someone or something, familiar appearing to him in an unfamiliar guise.


43. The apparition of these faces in the crowd;


44. To her mind there was nothing of the infinite about Mrs. Penniman; Catherine saw her all at once, as it was not dazzled by the apparition


45. Mademoiselle Bourienne was the first to recover herself after this apparition, and began talking about the prince's ill-health.


46. In a Station of the Metro by: Ezra Pound The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.


47. In a station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd; petals on a wet, black bough.


48. In my mind,love was something behind a tinted window,part apparition,part shadow,difinitely unreachable.


49. In my mind, love was something behind a tinted window, part apparition, part shadow, definitely unreachable.


50. Vanish in dark,the empty apparition!


51. In a Station of Metro The Apparition of these faces in the crowd Petals on a wet, black bough.


52. The fire on the hearth lighted him up. He was hideous. It was a sinister apparition.


53. She claim to have see the apparition of her dead husband


54. She claim to have see the apparition of her dead husband.


55. Pearl was decked out with airy gaiety. It would have been impossible to guess that this bright and sunny apparition owed its existence to the shape of gloomy grey;


56. He also can disappear at will, which would seem to be a form of Apparition, but a form which can be done within Hogwarts, where, as Hermione constantly reminds Harry and Ron, normal Wizarding Apparition is simply not possible.


57. The general, with his head thrown back, hands extended, gaze fixed, looked silently at this dreadful apparition;


58. A harsh apparition; tiny Midway was peculiarly set for air combat.


59. This fearful apparition made the child on Mr. Pan's knee hide his head in flight.


60. Browne, "I count him but an apparition, though he wears about him the visible affections of flesh.


61. A rumour had reached the ear of young Hamlet, that an apparition, exactly resembling the dead king his father, had been seen by the soldiers upon watch.


62. A phantom; an apparition.


63. An airy apparition.


64. Something apparently seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or an apparition.

幻影,幽灵明显可见但没有物质的实体; 幻影或幽灵

65. something apparently seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or an apparition


66. Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition.


67. something apparently seen,heard,or sensed,but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition


68. Of,relating to,or resembling a ghost,a wraith,or an apparition;spectral.


69. Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition;spectral.


70. Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition; spectral.


71. An apparition; a wraith.


72. With a sigh in the strings, and a second in the horns, the whole ensemble collapses into a first forte apparition of a combat of two equally yearning themes.


73. As soon as one arrived on the spot, and caught sight of it, it was impossible, even for the boldest, not to become thoughtful before this mysterious apparition.


74. The little prince, who was present at the first appearance of a huge bud, felt at once that some sort of miraculous apparition must emerge from it.


75. His unhappiness and this encounter with such a strange new apparition under the glaring lamplight robbed him of his initiative.


76. Suddenly, “a strange apparition emerged from the side of one of the buildings.


77. Scarlett thanked God that Aunt Pittypat was snoring undisturbed upstairs. She would certainly swoon if she saw this apparition.


78. In short, it sufficed for him to have an apparition of Cosette every day.


79. circle of perpetual apparition


80. I stood like one thunder-struck, or as if I had seen an apparition; I listend, I looked round me, I could hear nothing, nor see anything.

