

1. - *'''1150''' Ibn Jellaba of [[Araby]] treks over land searching for a route to the centre of the Southlands.

+ *'''1150''' 阿拉比的Ibn Jellaba长途跋涉,寻找南方大陆的中心,他发现了失落的蜥蜴人城市Zlatlan。

2. Araby, reflecting the psychological growth of a teenager, is one of the short stories Dubliners by James Joyce.


3. Araby tells the story that a Dublin teenager pursues his dreaming lover but ends in vain.


4. Being deeply influenced by religion, James Joyce, author of Araby, employs a great number of religious symbols in his novel.

作者詹姆斯? 乔伊斯,深受宗教影响,在小说中运用了大量宗教象征符号。

5. tanto Giudei che proseliti, Cretesi ed Arabi, li udiamo parlar delle cose grandi di Dio nelle nostre lingue.

克里特人以及阿拉伯人,都听见他们用我们的语言,讲说 神的大作为。”

6. Both the narrator of "Araby" and |Stephen Dedalus thrill to the many siren calls of the city, but their object of desire inflames them only because it is a missed encounter, love at last glance.


7. Past here, one finds the mysterious human nation of Araby, rife with proscribed cults and unknown magic, with the dark jungles of the Southlands engulfing the rest of the southern continent.


8. She asked me was I going to Araby.


9. Patek Philippe Pagodino da collezione del 1934 quadrante bianco numeri arabi secondi al sei cinturin...

成色 1 (新);购买日期 1934;黄金;含包装盒;所在地: 义大利, alassio;

10. We terminated my contract with Al Arabi, my last as a player, by mutual agreement.


11. "I'm the Sheik of Araby.


12. By analyzing the symbols in Araby, I have a deep insight into the boy’s fist love with Mangan’s sister.


13. This article will compare their short stories Araby and The Mark on the Wall in three aspects of the theme, the portrayal of individuals and the narrative paradigm.


14. A Brief Analysis of Epiphany in Araby


15. On the Images of "Araby" and Their Symbolic Meaning


16. On the Artistic Construction of Araby


17. On the writing features of Araby


18. The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me.

