

1. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.


2. "There can be, if I forbode aright, no power, short of the Divine mercy, to disclose, whether by uttered words, or by type or emblem, the secrets that may be buried in the human heart.


3. "Have I heard you aright?" began Mr. Carson, with his deep quivering voice


4. A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said:"It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'-try to write Wright aright!


5. A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right.He said:"It is not right to write Wright as "rite"--try to write Wright aright !


6. a writer named wright instructing his little son how to write wright right .he said :"it is right to write wright as "tite"--try to wright aright!


7. Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth.


8. Nay.- Those that keep their plighted faith and act aright,-verily Allah loves those who act aright.


9. "Yea, - if ye remain firm, and act aright, even if the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your Lord would help you with five thousand angels Making a terrific onslaught.


10. And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.


11. Will lead my steps aright.


12. He said:"It is not right to write Wright as "rite”--try to write Wright aright !


13. But Huckabeehas refused to quit arguing that voters have aright to make achoice based on their own beliefs and principles not on what party leaderssay.


14. Do I hear you aright?


15. Do I apprehend you aright, ie Do you mean what I think you mean?


16. When the duke saw the two Antipholuses and the two Dromios both so exactly alike, he at once conjectured aright of these seeming mysteries


17. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.


18. No kind of calamity can occur, except by the leave of Allah: and if any one believes in Allah, (Allah) guides his heart (aright): for Allah knows all things.


19. He that would know God aright, and meet Him in secret, must above all desire to be holy as He is holy.


20. It is only in the light of God's truth that we understand ourselves aright and see God's provision for our need.


21. We always have time enough if we will but use it aright.


22. We always have time enought of we will but use it aright.


23. We always have time enough,if we will but use it aright.


24. We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.


25. only, unfortunately, I did not curve aright; for want of the necessary geometrical instruments to calculate my scale of proportion, instead of taking an ellipsis of forty feet, I made it fifty.


26. O Christian, if you would know and worship God aright, seek Him and worship Him in Christ.


27. Christian, if you would know and worship God aright, seek Him and worship Him in Christ.


28. In the turbulent war age, he guides the elf to know the death aright.


29. Before Don Corleone could set matters aright, Luca Brasi tried to commit suicide in his cell, hacking at his throat with a piece of glass.


30. He gains an inner assurance of his own that the Power, who guides the bird through the boundless and pathless sky, will lead his steps aright.


31. "Shefollows me up and down the country so, knowing her, she would've had aright go at me for not playing this game," he said.


32. Hardly believing that she heard him aright she unpinned the flower from her dress, and gave it to Jimmy .


33. Perfect wisdom has fouf pars:wisdom, the principle of doing things aright;


34. When I pray, I must seek to know God aright.


35. If we would live aright it must be by the contemplation of Christ's death.


36. 1 they who said among themselves, thinking not aright:"Brief and troublous is our lifetime;


37. Confess with shame how little you have sought to know Him aright, or to wait upon Him to reveal Himself.


38. My Lord, teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom, gain eternal life.


39. Artic. 9. We need not pray to Christ to intercede for us. If we pray the father aright he will intercede.


40. Have I understood you aright?


41. I understand aright?


42. I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every one turned to his course, as the horse rusheth into the battle.


43. I have a perpetual din in my head and hear nothing aright.


44. aright the imbalance


45. Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! they see (aright)!


46. What most counts is not how to live, but to live aright.


47. A young fellow recently finished the works of Thomas Carlyle, winding up, if we remember aright, with the ten note-books upon Frederick the Great.


48. As sacred oil, he anoints the head of the believer, sets him apart to the priesthood of saints, and gives him grace to execute his office aright.


49. This Paper gives and proves the dual module of a projective module over aright hereditary and right perfect ring is stil projective.


50. Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.


51. Without this Word no man understands or judges aright.


52. Begin in faith to trust that in a way passing all understanding, this Incomprehensible and All-Glorious God will work in your heart and life, and give you in ever-growing measure to know Him aright.


53. 8 And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.


54. You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars.


55. God Himself must reveal His glory to us;then alone are we able to know and glorify Him aright.


56. God Himself must reveal His glory to us; then alone are we able to know and glorify Him aright.


57. Our Father, teach us that nothing less than delighting ourselves in Thee, and in Thy desires toward men, can inspire us to pray aright, and give us the assurance of an answer.


58. We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright.


59. 14.We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.


60. " And Jesus knew God aright, so was able to demonstrate this knowledge of life eternal in overcoming sin, disease and death.


61. set things aright

解决问题; 把事情搞对头

62. Many young men started down a false path to their true destiny. Time and fortune usually set them aright


63. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.


64. The Christian cannot read God's Word aright, nor experience its full power in his life, until he prayerfully and believingly accepts this truth: I am in Christ Jesus.


65. to aright a wrong


66. A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said:" It is not right to write Wright as rite -try to write Wright aright!


67. A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said:" It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'-try to write Wright aright!

