
arrowarrowD.J.:[ˈærəu]K.K.:[ˈæro]n.1.箭, 矢, 箭状物He discharged his second arrow.他抽出第二枝箭。2.箭号, 箭头Follow the arrows on the wall, please.请顺着墙上箭头指示的方向走。

arrow['ærəu]n.1.箭,矢2.箭状物,(形状、速度、用途等)似箭的东西3.箭号(即→)4.[复数,用作单数]掷镖游戏5.= broad arrowvt.1.以箭头指示(或标出);以箭号表示(in) to arrow in a comment between the paragraphs在段落之间以箭号标出一个评注2.箭一般地飞向并穿过(或飞速行进):They arrowed their way.他们飞速前进。The pickerel would occasionally arrow the surface.小狗鱼偶尔会箭一般地跃出水面。vi.1.如箭般地迅速行动(或飞速行进):In less than two minutes the plane arrowed upwards to 6 000 feet.不到两分钟飞机已如箭般地飞达6 000英尺的高空。(as) straight as an arrow笔直;非常直(as) swift as an arrow (或 as a lightning,as thought,as the wind)快如飞箭;风驰电掣a straight arrow[美国俚语]直性子人;诚实正直的人;循规蹈矩的人have an arrow (或 a shaft )left in one's quiver还有本钱,还有办法,还有招数,还不到山穷水尽的地步,不是一筹莫展

arrowarrow[ˈærəu]n.1.箭; 矢2.箭头号3.任何箭形之物4.【天】[Arrow ]天箭星座5.标杆; 测针6.W型shoot an arrow射箭arrow characters楔形文字Time flies like an arrow.光阴似箭。
词性变化arrow[ˈærəu]vt.1.以箭头指示2.如箭般地射出vi.1.如箭般地迅速行动The modern airplane can arrow upward to 20, 000feet.现代的飞机能够如箭般地飞达20, 000英尺的高度。
