

1. SHERRI饶 : In many yoga classes I go to, there's a mix of asana, Hindu chants, and spiritual mysticism.


2. SHERRI饶: There are those who use yoga asana purely for physical fitness and then on the other side of the coin those who are only concerned with a spiritual-focused practice.


3. SHERRI饶 : There are those who use yoga asana purely for physical fitness, and then on the other side of the coin, those who are only concerned with a spiritual-focused practice.


4. The Yogin having perfected himself in the Asana's should practice Pranayama according to the instructions of his guru, with his senses under control, conforming to a beneficial and moderate diet.


5. Technically, Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is not an asana, but a series of gentle flowing movements synchronized with the breath.


6. uttana paschimottan asana


7. The correction and help for Asana,


8. You will learn to use alignment in your practice of yoga asana so that your energy, or prana, will flow uninterrupted throughout your body.


9. You will also learn safe and effective posture adjustments that will help your students learn the asana more intimately.


10. The Jivamukti Yoga method emphasizes asana, vinyasa, scriptural study, devotion, prayer, music, chanting and meditation as well as animal rights, veganism, environmentalism and political activism.


11. When you approach an asana with a similar attitude of inquisitiveness and playfulness, following the natural curiosity of your own mind, it's amazing how many possibilities can arise.


12. Padmasambhav is represented seated on a lotus asana with the legs locked, the right hand holding the vajra and the left, lying on his lap, the patra.


13. Hatha Yoga concentrates on the third (Asana) and fourth (Pranayama) steps in the Eight Limbs of Yoga.


14. The focus of this 4-day intensive workshop is providing you with tools to successfully reintegrate the inner limbs of Yoga with the asana and pranayama practice.


15. Join Yogi Amit for this teacher training intensive as he takes the ancient system of yoga asana and the modern knowledge of anatomy and physiology to make yoga poses accessible to all practitioners.


16. Thus being established in asana and having control(of the body),taking a balabced diet;pranayama should be practiced according to the instructions of the guru.


17. Experience directly the movement of prana in your asana practice as we meditate on the five vayus: prana vayu udana vayu samana vayu apana vayu and vyana vayu.

在Asana(体位法)的练习中我们直接地感受感受 Prana(生命能量)的流动,并沉浸在对五种vayu的冥想中(vayus: prana vayu udana vayu samana vayu apana vayu and vyana vayu)。

18. In this asana stretching of the body is important but body is not actually lifted.


19. The practice of Iyengar yoga brings focus to the technique of asana and places a strong emphasis on the sequencing of the postures.


20. Conditions for the Practice of Asana according to yogic science.


21. It's a fortune but inevitability.She enjoys a lively asana practice infused with creativity and a strong sense of humor.She specializes in Soft‚ Classic, Prenatal and Vinyasa Yoga styles.


22. Years of a dedicated asana practice will make anyone healthier, stronger, and more flexible, but at some point the muscles will have reached their limit of flexibility.


23. When you perform all 3 A's as fully as possible in an asana, you are optimizing your full physical and spiritual potential for the performance of that asana;


24. As the Iyengar says, “the use of props... such as wooden gadgets, belts, ropes helps the practitioner to achieve perfection in any asana.


25. The temple has eight sides, representing Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga: Yama, Niyama, Asana,


26. We will also study formal yoga asana practice and natural therapies for a healthy life.


27. Drawing from the traditions of Heart Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, and Anusara we will lead you through asana practices with the emphasis on the subtle and energetic body.


28. You must be in it.You must do the asana with your soul.How can you do an asana with your soul?


29. I would eat the most splendid fish in Istanbul.In Bursa, peaches;in Nigde, apples;in Mersin, oranges;in Asana,Kebabs!


30. So whenever practice asana, always practice with awareness either we'l only benifit of exercise not yoga.


31. Therefore, repeat of the practice asana is absolutely not simple repeat.After each repeat, your body is purified by the new fresh blood and more pure consciousness.


32. In this way, our awareness if diffused throughtout the periphery of our body and is able to sense whether in a particular asana our body is in alignment.


33. Thursday: Asana Practice, Intermediate(1hour and 15 minute),Pranayama and Relaxation (45 minutes


34. Beginner/All level. Intensive Asana flow movements. Helps detox, balances hormones, and reduces weight. Increase flexibility and physical/mental strength.


35. This asana strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and thighs.


36. This asana strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. It makes the back and hips supple, improves memory, and is said to relieve afflictions of the trachea and larynx.


37. In this asana we are to bend the knees and touch them with the nose.


38. Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra a mantra as well as a special relationship.


39. Each asana physically reflects a particular attitude: acceptance, surrender, balance, or openheartedness.


40. The Woman's Yoga Book: Asana and Pranayama for All Phases of the Menstrual Cycle;


41. 29.Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi are the eight limbs of yoga.


42. 1--Asana make one firm, free from maladies, and light of limb.


43. YOGA THERAPY: Yoga asana is a mild form of physical activity which can help in strengthening Back Muscles and Skeletal system.


44. Yoga Session- Review of the Asana learned during the program, and give a training certificate for per guest


45. Yoga;Decision Support System;Yoga Asana;Indian Medical Science;Ayurveda;Questionnaire


46. Suptapawanmuktasanais an Indian translation for Leg Lock Pose. This asana has two variations.


47. The three parts of the body most susceptible to injury in any asana work are the neck, the lumbar vertebrae and the knees.


48. Today, however, the words asana and yoga have become almost synonymous.


49. All asana practices make use of controlling the breath.


50. Thus being es tab lished in asana and having control of the body, taking a bal anced died;pranayama should be practiced ac cord ing to the in struc tions of the guru.


51. being established in asana and having control of the body,taking a balanced died;pranayama should be practiced according to the instructions of the guru.


52. This Asana will help one to float on water easily with Plavini Pranayama.


53. to the more subtle aspects of asana for the new practitioner and will help any advanced practitioner deepen their practice.


54. This is a video made in 1938 showing the Great yoga teacher demonstrating asana and pranyama.


55. Asana analysis by Amy Matthews ;

题名著者 Yoga anatomy/Leslie Kaminoff ;

56. And of the sons of Benjamin: Sale the son of Mosollam, the son of Oduia, the son of Asana:

