

1. "Now for the first time our largest trading partner is authoritarian, a quasi-mercantilist and a strategic competitor of our major ally.


2. The publication of The Authoritarian Personality generated voluminous social psychological research.


3. An authoritarian, centralised regime has been replaced with one whose elaborate checks and balances are only beginning to be tested.


4. While this may not be true of the most important decisions of a government ruling a country of 684 million people, the authoritarian trend at the top is evident.


5. An honest authoritarianism is better than the fictive babelism today, which is more constructive to build new nationality of China in some time.


6. Some leaders delegate and support subordinates, others are very authoritarian.


7. The presidentialism was built during the authoritarian regime which coexisted with a powerful president and then consolidated through the adoption of direct presidential election.


8. China may be an authoritarian state, but that doesn't mean authorities get much respect.


9. China is governed by a form of authoritarianism but it is a decentralised one.


10. Is China's authoritarian capitalist model in a position to supplant the west's democratic one?


11. Chinese support for authoritarian regimes in places that provide vital raw materials, such as Burma, Zimbabwe and Sudan, underlines that.


12. China is an authoritarian government that can sound very bellicose.


13. Will China hit a ceiling on innovation because of its political authoritarianism? That's what we need to watch for.


14. China's authoritarian regime is brittle.


15. China's leaders, using authoritarian means, still can. They don't have to always settle for suboptimal. So what do we do?


16. The leadership has been particularly rattled by the “colour revolutions” against authoritarian governments in Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004 and Kyrgyzstan in 2005.


17. The country has been heading in the direction of an authoritarian, nationalistic, corporatist state for some time.The war with Georgia could tip it over the edge.


18. Uzbekistan is one of the two most authoritarian states of the former Soviet Union.


19. In other words, these cadres have less problem with bureaucratism and authoritarianism.


20. In the first article of a section entitled "Transitions from Authoritarianism?


21. Asian values are not necessarily authoritarian; they can easily accommodate the aspirations of civil society.


22. U.N. Watch and Freedom House have denounced the two countries, as well as Angola and Qatar, as "authoritarian regimes with negative U.N. voting records" on human rights issues.


23. Gu Dexin actually had some very good things to say about those, albeit in the context of a scathing critique of authoritarianism at Galleria Continua earlier this summer.


24. For 25 years, from 1934 to 1958, Fulgencio Batista's authoritarian regime.


25. There is often a stage of authoritarianism in the process from secularization to democratization and secularization is very important to the religious reform.


26. These policies were mostly designed by technocrats insulated from the rent seeking activities under their authoritarian rules.


27. They kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian.


28. Their reticence on this point is not surprising, as the root of the problem is China's authoritarian regime itself.


29. Authoritarian parents are better off trying for a more balanced approach.


30. She has also been accused of stifling the political process by arbitrary and authoritarian tendencies evident in her rule in the past two years.


31. They need democracy andfull and unfettered freedom of speech, rather than to be controlled and‘looked after’ by China’s authoritarian Stalinist regime (1).


32. He is very authoritarian in his dealings with his children.


33. His critics lamented that this man, so bullishly authoritarian and neoconservative, had once been quite different.


34. He makes his way to the office of the institution's manager, the wheelchair-bound and authoritarian Dr Lionel Rutherford (Patrick Magee).


35. Kim skillfully parlayed his personal conflicts with authoritarian leaders into broader political symbolism.


36. He said the problem was Beijing's totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and dictatorship.


37. Compared with the chaotic transition from authoritarianism in some of its Asian neighbours, Taiwan is a model of democratisation.


38. But by the fourth decade of the twentieth century all the main currents of political thought were authoritarian.


39. But to the French, who fought hard-won battles against authoritarian clericalism, it stems from a secular wish to keep religion in the private sphere.


40. But when he arrived in China, he surprised his hosts with caustic comments aimed not at Taiwanese separatism but at mainland authoritarianism.

但是当他被抵达中国的时候, 他由于在台湾分离主义但是大陆权威主义不被对准目标的腐蚀性的意见使他的主人感到惊讶.

41. But, as President Giorgio Napolitano retorted recently, such views pointed to “authoritarian solutions”.


42. But for this very reason, authoritarian governments are infinitely more vulnerable to interval subversion than other ones.


43. Rates of poverty and illiteracy are much higher in democratic India than in authoritarian China.


44. Abstracting and generalizing such a system,the author thinks it is a transitional authoritarian reigning system.


45. Are you an authoritarian parent?


46. Russia's growing authoritarianism and assertiveness is also bound to pose a big strategic problem.


47. The promised communist nirvana brought a mixture of mass murder, lies and latterly the grey reality of self-interested rule by authoritarian bureaucrats.


48. The offerings of other cultures are subject to their own brand of authoritarianism, and seem, at best, merely to be marshaling a defense against western values.


49. Military or imperial dictatorship; political authoritarianism.


50. Mr.Cheney delivered his broadside against the Kremlin from Lithuania, and then departed to oil-rich Kazakhstan, where he praised the authoritarian leader as a personal friend.


51. Renato Cristi, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism: Strong State, Free Economy (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1998).


52. Was the Soviet Union under Leonid Brezhnev really just an authoritarian regime, rather than a totalitarian one?


53. Tian’s life-size sculptures dressed as soldiers in nine-man platoon formations convey the authoritarian nature of militarism.


54. India is a country with a stable democratic system, but China is still an authoritarian country.


55. Even outside ex-Yugoslavia, authoritarian and bigoted ideas still haunt the political fringe.


56. Even the most authoritarian regimes accept that it is no longer possible to suppress all information and stifle every criticism.


57. How much longer can systems of government based on personal authoritarian rule, or on the rule of a single party, dam up this rising tide of expectations?


58. A dystopia is usually characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government, or some other kind of oppressive social control.


59. Opponents say Ma will concede too much of the self-ruled island's autonomy and democracy by cosying up to the authoritarian administration in Beijing.


60. Moreover, individuals must face reality, restrain self-desire especially material and authoritarian desire and adjust selves to obtain the balance of psychology.


61. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.


62. Sadly, the Western media choose to ignore these, and continue to place the Republic unjustifiably in the company of the truly authoritarian regimes elsewhere.


63. Kyrgyzstan is the third former Soviet republic where popular protests have led to the ouster of long-serving, increasingly authoritarian leaders.


64. Along with the rise of decentralism we have seen the spread of authoritarian and weakening of democracy in the Party.


65. At the same time, the totalitarian (authoritarian) or democracy of a society has great influence on the acceptance of good ideas.


66. Like President Chen, Mr Hsieh is a former lawyer who in the past defended dissidents under the authoritarian rule of the KMT.


67. Where there is oppression, where there is authoritarian, where there is exploitation, where the voice on a Internationale!


68. One hope has been that the grip of authoritarian rulers would relax as power passed down the generations, bringing to the fore a new brand of leaders with a more modern outlook.


69. Because of her authoritarian air, she sometimes appears to be rather like a headmistress dealing sternly with rowdy students.


70. As smokers were increasingly repressed and made outcasts by the “authoritarian itch” of governments, so he all the more fiercely took their side.


71. So the authoritarian attitude has to be fought wherever you find it, lest it smother you and other hackers.


72. Dirigisme meant a capitalist economy with strong governmental direction, but not in a Soviet, authoritarian way.

国家干预经济指的是在有力的政府指导下的资 本主义经济体制,这与苏维埃的独裁主义有所不同。

73. The IMF decision Wednesday reflects a thaw in relations between the authoritarian government in Minsk and the United States and the rest of Europe.


74. In an authoritarian system anyone who wants to remain part of the leadership inevitably stumbles into fields of force where political battles are in progress.


75. Chan told a business forum in the southern Chinese province of Hainan that a free society may not be beneficial for China's authoritarian mainland.


76. In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism, incompetence, and corruption.


77. In recent months, some commentators have said that Medvedev has been trying to nudge Russia in a more liberal and less authoritarian direction.


78. Romantic love is especially despised in authoritarian or caste-conscious societies, for love is democratic and thus interferes with power plays.


79. When the web was in its infancy, a nascent hope was kindled that the technology would help roll back authoritarianism.


80. In many authoritarian social groups, a partner is told that it's their duty to stay with abusive, alcoholic, or emotionally disturbed spouses.

