

1. After the seizure of power in 1917 it became imbued with the tradition of Russian autocracy


2. In order to oppose the autocracy of Guomindang,the Middle Parties put forward a new democratic theory which include politics,economy,education,and internation.

2 0世纪40年代,中间党派及自由知识分子为反对国民党垄断国家资源的一党专政体制,提出了融政治民主、经济民主、教育民主、国际民主于一炉的社会民主主义理论。

3. “Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality ”was the slogan of the czars until the Romanov regime fell in 1917.


4. The policy of Presidential Cabinet resulted in the end of the republic s history and the regeneracy of autocracy.


5. race Autocracy


6. The orange revolution that pushed Mr Yushchenko into the presidency instead of Mr Yanukovich turned Ukraine from a corrupt post-Soviet autocracy into a fragile democracy.


7. The Weimar Republic Democracy, with its autocracy unrooted, was not really a democracy but an autocracy under its cover.


8. In the old days of autocracy, around the monarch there was always a throng of toady courtiers. The dictator enjoyed all sorts of praise and flattery but hated frank criticism and admonition.


9. One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks.


10. absolutism; autocracy


11. a dictatorial system; autocracy


12. cultural autocracy


13. age of autocracy


14. Autocracy is absolutely accidental, and is not absolutely and historically inevitable.


15. autocracy model


16. The Tsarist autocracy is both a social systems and cultural phenomenon.


17. Autocracy allows one person or one political party to decide everything, whereas democracy requires that all people make decisions together.


18. Medieval Scholastic's worship of Bible and Holy See in cultural autocracy made this tradition gradually sealed and rigid ,so it stepped forward to the scholastic orbit of officialism and scholar_tyrant .

中世纪经院哲学家的“惟经是从”的学术活动与罗马教廷的文化专制政策 ,使这一传统日益封闭与僵化 ,并步入学阀化与官方化的学术轨道。

19. It marked China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocracy to people's democracy.


20. China had every reason not to want a devaluation, which would have imperiled a dire banking system and might even have brought down China's autocracy.


21. China had every reason not to want a devaluation, which would have imperilled a dire banking system and might even have brought down China's autocracy.


22. administered by autocracy


23. But w can't undervalue the role of speaking: it's the cure for a psychological wound, curing the wound inflicted on China by a thousand years of autocracy.


24. From 1861 to the eve of the October Revolution in 1917, Russian Empire was full of contradictions and contrasts. The newly emerging political forces and the revolutionary intellectuals were consistently confined by a rigid autocracy.


25. It has been a drastic change from autocracy to democracy.


26. On second thought, “The desire of the people is always cherished in my heart” implies both democracy and autocracy.


27. They believed in god-given autocracy, and that the Russian people were "childish "


28. Their hatred of autocracy, their lacerating criticism and their ability to articulate the concerns of the oppressed seem naive and out of date.


29. Their differences lie in the ways of autocracy: should it be a benevolent, open and kind one, or should it be overbearing, wild, and evil?


30. These were people who wanted to create democracy instead of autocracy, but they had to think of another way to do it.


31. He compared democracy with autocracy in their functions and measures, and analyzed issues like obedience and participation of common people in political affairs.


32. He reversed many of Catherine's policies, strengthened the autocracy, and established the law of succession within the male line of the Romanov dynasty.


33. His articles aroused the anger and indignation of the popular masses against the tsarist autocracy


34. He thought that citizens' bad quality was born of the fedual autocracy, but it was paid little attention to economical reasons.


35. As the founder and the main theorist of the Tsarist autocracy, Ivan the Terrible for the first time practised it in Russia.


36. But many Ecuadorians worry that the left-wing populist president is creating a Venezuelan-style autocracy.


37. However, belief that religion is omnipotent and autocracy are embodied in his work.


38. On the other hand, you, the Beijing Facilities, become more and more autocracy: No questionnaire, no survey.


39. Moreover the reformation must firstly obey and serve her autocracy, otherwise it may be forbidden rigorously.


40. The concept, "administration according to law" has its root in the demand for which the rising bourgeoisie opposed the autocracy of feudal kings.


41. In 1930's,Chen Duxiu was arrested by a charge of high treason and endangering the Republic of China. (1912-1949)by KMT authorities,because he opposed"One-Party autocracy"and "policy of no against Japan".

42. Republic and Autocracy, A Genetic Differentiating of the Cultural Crypto-genes between the Ancient Rome and China.


43. The main causes of the failure are as follows: Kuomintang adopted one-party autocracy and Chiang Kai-shek practiced individual autarchy;

其失败的原因主要有 :国民党实行一党专政 ,蒋介石则实行个人独裁 ;

44. 22. The main causes of the failure are as follows: Kuomintang adopted one-party autocracy and Chiang Kai-shek practiced individual autarchy;


45. Lenin wrote that the overthrow of the autocracy is only the first stage of the revolution.


46. opposing the autocracy


47. the trend of anti-king-power autocracy


48. It is worth considering what the effect would be in East Asia if China used force to quash a democratic system in Taiwan and install a friendlier autocracy in its place.


49. sovereign autocracy


50. This kind of autocracy showed itself in many ways, especially in controlling culture and thoughts and ruining people of considerable culture.


51. Looking back at China, a long-term improvement in the feudal autocracy and the strengthening of the ruling class with the status quo is still doing the "heavenly" dream.


52. In Russia The Tsarist autocracy has established in the reign of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible.


53. She wrote a lot of books that exposed the avarice of the authoritarian .the autocracy of the autocrat and the falsity of the autonomy.


54. The financial, like every other department of administration under the autocracy, differed in its leading features from that of the Principate.


55. It was mainly against feudal autocracy, against the feudal structure.


56. They had gone from serfdom through autocracy to Bolshevism.


57. Keywords bureaucrat capital;mechanism of bureaucrat autocracy;political comprador;warlord bureaucrat capital;nation bureaucrat capital;


58. Now it's liberalism for themselves, and autocracy for everyone else.


59. It is more honest, and will in the long run be more effective, to denounce the arrival of the corrupt autocracy that Operation Successor has announced so starkly.


60. feudal autocracy


61. Feudal autocracy and centralism were established and reached perfection in this period.


62. ” The experience of hoping for a recycling of democracy and autocracy has made us Chinese somewhat cleverer and somewhat more practical.


63. Also, in a bigger level, the government,by learning that any autocracy arefinally inevitably destroyed , will adopt much more enlightened approach, suchas free speech, or equal right under law.


64. Kang was for the substitution of constitutional monarchy for feudal autocracy.


65. Autocracy, buttressed by the Orthodox church, reigned supreme;


66. These opinions overlook the practicality of the Mohist School,neglect the tremendous impact of the giants' organizational institution tinged with religion on the feudal autocracy.


67. And Germany bulldozed aside the queasiness of many countries about lifting sanctions on Uzbekistan, a thuggish autocracy that provides bases to supply German troops in Afghanistan.


68. Germany under Adolph Hitler was an autocracy.


69. And our statement stressed that the time had come for all the parliamentary parties to join hands with our movement and civil society to fight against autocracy and monarchy.


70. What we feel is that the 12-point understanding against the feudal autocracy was aimed against the excesses of the then Royal Army and the present Nepal army.


71. Because of the long history of two thousand years of feudalism, China used to be a country stamped more with the brand of feudal autocracy than the tradition of democracy and legality.


72. The establishment of Kuomintang presidential system combines Jiang Jieshi's continuous inflation of power and feudal autocracy of Kuomintang naturally.


73. In the Chinese language the word "autocracy" is not applied to monarchy but widely to the ministers, which was the idea commonly accepted by the emperor and his subject in ancient China.


74. Hermit is the outcome of Chinese ancient feudal autocracy and Chinese fanning civilization.But their personalities and their culture activities, can overstep the times.


75. From old China we inherited a strong tradition of feudal autocracy and a weak tradition of democratic legality.


76. Tracing its development, I argue that there is no necessary relation between Rule of Virtue and Rule by Men and the former is not indispensably affiliated to feudal autocracy.


77. Zhang insisted local autonomy is the only way to protect autocracy or rule by warlord.


78. Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality


79. It would prompt pompous lectures from Western politicians and lobby groups about the dangers of autocracy, the need to maintain the separation of powers, and so on.


80. There is no sanction for autocracy.

