

1. "got to know some caboclos, the Amazonian backwoods people who are some of the warmest people on earth" (Alex Shoumatoff)


2. A backwoods resident went to the city on a shopping trip and bought a 200-piece jigsaw puzzle.


3. A backwoods bootlegger decides to put the driving skills he developed evading the law to good use.


4. Rover Epaulettes is the first step to the progressive training of Rover Section.Knotting, Campcraft, Pioneering, Backwoods Cooking and First Aid are the major contents of the traditional scoutcraft.


5. Lincoln rose from humble backwoods origins to become one of the great presidents of the United States.


6. She's really just a kind of ranger, a backwoods cop, he thought, thrust into the spotlight by events.


7. Unfazed by the absence of gyms in backwoods Mississippi, he made late night forays to the junkyard and jerry-rigged his own gym with old pulleys and bags of concrete.


8. He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded.


9. He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded


10. He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded.We are left in no doubt that Oliphant approves of the developments in Canada.


11. 49. You must not carry on as if you had just come from the backwoods.


12. You must not carry on as if you had just come from the backwoods.


13. Schreiber, with a backwoods face and beefcake body, radiates a febrile, simmering fury in a performance of taut intensity.


14. National sovereignty was a dirty word, uttered only by troublesome Danes and backwoods British Tories.


15. Careless distillation in many a backwoods still has caused it to blind the imbibers of “alternative” alcoholic drinks.


16. In animal's large intestine, the bile acid can suppress the backwoods coli, the chain coccus and other harmful bacterium's multiplication.


17. ON HIS FIRST day on the job, a vacuum cleaner salesman was assigned to a backwoods area.


18. DEEP in the mountains of rural south-western Virginia, entrepreneurship has often come in the form of strong moonshine whiskey, produced in backwoods stills and sold in glass jars and plastic jugs.


19. My backwoods days dragged slow and quiet-


20. Astronomers are excited that the clusters of baby stars match up with the extended arms, because this helps them better understand how stars can be created out in the "backwoods" of a galaxy.


21. She is fairies, the cute sea-sprite and sprite in backwood and marsh.She often appears in the field, forest, river and lake, sea and the wilderness.


22. A person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area.


23. Browne:american humorist who used backwoods characters and local dialect to comment on current events in his fictional tales of an itinerant showman.


24. American humorist who used backwoods characters and local dialect to comment on current events in his fictional tales of an itinerant showman.


25. I work with practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, and they inform me that it's only the untrained 'backwoods' practitioners who use animal parts in Chinese medicine.


26. I was leaving without a qualm, without a single backwood glance.


27. was a little girl who was born into a very poor family in the backwoods of Tennessee.


28. A group of people find themselves trapped in the backwoods of West Virginia, fighting for their lives against a group of vicious and horribly disfigured inbred cannibals.


29. Hunter was a traveling salesman from Springfield, Missouri, who went into the hills and backwoods of the Ozark Mountains.


30. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods country folk had not business at Harvard, and probably didn’t even deserve to be in Cambridge .She frowned.


31. This was, after all, a man who went to Yale and Oxford but who grew up the child of a widow in the backwoods of Arkansas.


32. Last month, however, I spent two weeks in my in-laws' cabin on a farm in the backwoods of Canada with one phone and no computer.


33. Search deep in the woods for a score of 350 on Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway.


34. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods country folk had no business at Harvard, and probably didn‘ even deserve to be in Cambridge.


35. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge. She frowned.


36. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge.

秘书在片刻内便能断定, 这是生活在国家偏僻地区的乡下人,与哈佛不会有关系甚而大概也不值得在剑桥。

37. Rural country; the backwoods.

穷乡僻壤乡村; 偏僻的莽林地区

38. backwoods manners


39. 1. The era of the backwoods rube is gone.


40. The era of the backwoods rube is gone.


41. The era of the backwoods rube is gone


42. From the remote backwoods to the urban jungle, they're the perfect accessory for keeping in touch.


43. Doug was born in Washington DC, into a family without a bit of type 1 history.His dad, who worked with NASA, moved the family to the backwoods of Mississippi when Doug was about eleven.


44. Life was rough in the backwoods of Indiana in those days; the house was a mere log cabin in the wilderness, and his schooling was poor and casual.

