
bathebatheD.J.:[beið]K.K.:[beð]vt. & vi.1.给…洗澡, 游泳Don't bathe too soon after eating.刚吃完饭不要马上去洗澡。Has the patient been bathed?给病人洗过澡吗?vt.1.冲洗; 浸The nurse bathed the wound with disinfectant water.护士用消毒水冲洗伤口。n.1.游泳, 洗海水澡I went for a bathe this morning.今天上午我洗海水浴去了。

bathe[beið]vt.1.把…浸泡在液体中,浸于,浸入:to bathe oneself in water把自己泡在水中The worker bathed machine parts in the oil.工人把机器零件浸入机油中。2.(用药水、水等)浸洗或冲洗(身体某部位):The nurse bathed the wound.护士冲洗伤口。to bathe a wound洗伤口3.[美国英语] 给…洗澡:She carefully bathed the baby in warm water.她小心地把婴儿浸入温水中洗澡。I bathed the child in a plastic basin.我把孩子放在塑料盆里洗澡。4.(把…)弄湿,沾湿;使湿淋淋:The runner was bathed in sweat.跑步者汗水淋淋。5.[比喻] 使沐浴,使笼罩,使沉浸:The trees are bathed in moonlight.树林沐浴在月光中。Sunlight was bathing the room.阳光沐浴着房间。6.(海、河等)冲刷,冲击;沿着…的边缘流:The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。vi.1.洗澡,沐浴 [英国用法常指到江河湖海中洗澡;美国用法也指在浴盆里洗澡];进行(或晒)日光浴:I like to bathe regularly.我喜欢经常洗澡。He was bathing in the sun.他正在晒日光浴。2.(为游乐或取凉在江河湖海中)游泳;冲凉:We went bathing but the water was too cold.我们去游泳,但水太凉。They bathed in a cool mountain stream.他们在清凉的山间溪流中游泳。3.[比喻] 沐浴;沉浸:The dancers bathed in luscious strains.跳舞者沉浸在悦耳的乐曲中。n.1.[主英国英语] (在海里、游泳池里等)游泳;沐浴,洗海(或河、湖)水澡,海(或河、湖)水浴go for a bathe[主英国英语] 去洗一次海(或河、湖)水浴;去游泳变形vt.bathedbathing

bathebathe[beið]vt.1.给...洗澡; 把...浸于液体中2.洗; 浸湿; 冲洗(伤口)3.浴于4.盖; 沐浴, 沉浸; 笼罩; 围绕be bathed in sweat浑身大汗Tears bathed his cheeks.他泪流满面。The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shore of Italy.地中海环抱着意大利的海岸。
词性变化bathe[beið]vi.1.沐浴; 沉浸; 游泳The doctor advised me to bathe in the sun rays.大夫要我多晒太阳。bathe[beið]n.1.洗澡; 海水浴; 游泳衣2.【说明】take a bathe 常指海水浴或江河水浴; take a bath 指普通洗澡。

继承用法batheableadj.1.可洗浴的; 适于水浴的bather[ˈbeɪðə(r)]n.