
becausebecauseD.J.:[biˈkɔz]K.K.:[bɪˈkɔz, -ˈkʌz]conj.1.因为I study because I want to learn.我学习是因为我想学到知识。

because[bi'kɔz]conj.1.因为,由于:The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.这个男孩因花太长时间穿衣服总是迟到。I can't do it now because I am busy.因为我正忙着,现在不能做此事。2.[用于引导一个名词从句,相当于 that 或 the fact that]…这一事实,…这一点原因,原因是:The reason I am here is because I want to ask for your help.我之所以到这儿来是想寻求你的帮助。3.[用于省略句,表示暂不便说明详细理由]:I think it would make her feel better because.我想它会使她觉得好受些。原因嘛,现在不说。4.[口语][用于叙述原因或说明提出问题]:You must not think ill of her because she did not love you.你不该因为她不爱你就认为她这个人不好。5.[口语][用于省略句,相当于 on account of being]是…的缘故:The bed was uncomfortable because too dirty.因为太脏,这张床睡得不舒服。because of因为,由于根据because that因为,由于because this is the case因此;所以because to[罕用语]为了要…;借以…Because why?[方言]为什么? (= Why?)

见:for: because 见:because: because becausebecause[biˈkɔz, bəˈkɔz, biˈkəz]conj.1.因为John didn't attend the meeting because he was ill.约翰没有出席会议, 因为他病了。B-he is tired, he does not want to go with us.因为他太疲劳所以他不想和我们一起去。I criticized him, not because I hate him but because I love him.我批评他不是因为我恨他而是因为我爱他。