
behalfbehalfD.J.:[biˈhɑ:f]K.K.:[bɪˈhæf, -ˈhɑf]n.1.方面, 利益, 赞同

behalf[bi'hɑ:f]n.1.支持,赞成,赞同2.利益3.方面in behalf of[主美国、加拿大英语] = on behalf ofin someone's behalf[主美国、加拿大英语] = on someone's behalfon behalf of代表…一方;代表(或为)…说话,作为…的代表(或代言人)为了;为了…的利益on someone's behalf代表某人,作为某人的代言人为了某人;为了某人的利益

behalfbehalf[biˈhɑ:f]n.1.利益; 便利; 援助2.方面I thank you for all the trouble you have taken in my behalf.谢谢你为我费了这么多的心。He saves in behalf of his son.他为儿子存钱。He interceded in my behalf.他替我说情。Don't be uneasy on my behalf.不要因为我而不安。My husband could not be here tonight, but l want to thank you on his behalf.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。