

1. All his players sang bewitchingly and danced divinely


2. "If you do not behave, you will be dragged out and married off. We'll see whether you can still bewitch Baoyu then."


3. 9 see joke: Camera lens one: In inky and quiet night, two help bewitch son, there is a knife in each hands.

9看笑话: 镜头一:在一个漆黑而又安静的夜晚,有两帮蛊惑仔,各个手里拿着刀。

4. However,for those select few who possess the predisposition,I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.


5. However, for those select few who passess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the sences.


6. THERE be none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch,loveenvy.They both have vet8nt wishes;


7. THERE be none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy.


8. 9.There is none of the affections,which has been noted to fascinate or bewitch,but love and envy.


9. The multicolored vogue candy spends the clear summer series- purple bewitchingly beautiful


10. Their Name, their garb, and Work did so intoxicate and bewitch me


11. a bewitchingly beautiful scene


12. To cast or seem to cast a spell on; bewitch.


13. to cast or seem to cast a spell on; bewitch


14. They give Tamino a miniature of Pamina, which he finds bewitchingly beautiful.


15. An integral part of the Reserves set up, Michael will hope to bewitch opposing defences with United for years to come.


16. Even if is nothing, but also the people without him to bewitch of various eyes.


17. A monk should stick to chanting his sutras, If the white snake chose to bewitch Xu Xian, and Xu chose to marry a monster, what business was that of anybody else?

和尚本应该只管自己念经。 白蛇自迷许仙,许仙自娶妖怪,和别人有什么相干呢?

18. Her aim was to bewitch the Prince of Wu so that his subjects would grow restless and his friends would desert him.


19. The sudden warmth of early summer seemed to bewitch the ancient city, death, disaster and poverty receded, its many inhabitants mesmerized into dreamily singing its praises.

夏初的一阵暴热象一道神符,使这老城处处带着魔力。 它不管死亡,不管祸患,不管困苦,到时候它就施展出它的力量,把百万的人心都催眠过去,作梦似的唱着它的赞美诗。

20. She may bewitch every man in Essex, but she'd never make friends with my dog.


21. 2.She is bewitchingly charming to her husband.


22. She smiled at him bewitchingly


23. 1.seductive charms; heavy make-up; 2.seductive; glamorous; bewitchingly pretty; coquettishly gorgeous


24. The children must be very careful on their journey because the wicked witch is lying in wait to bewitch them into frogs.Only Mago Magino can free them from the wicked spell...


25. She seemed very well pleased to see Robert, and smiled most bewitchingly as she gave him her exquisitely gloved little hand.


26. Sitting comfortably on the cruise boat, you will feast your eye on a succession of bewitchingly beautiful scenes of nature, which look like so many canvasses of landscape painting.


27. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.


28. Eric: All signs can bewitch me.


29. Flying in the darkness. I use my exhausted wings to find my future. Pain and time. I can see a bewitchingly beautiful flower blooming in my hand sadly.


30. To describe, explain and extend theses key words is difficult, but they charm and bewitch the readers very much like the charming voice from the sea sirne in the Mediterranean.


31. To cast or seem to cast a spell on;bewitch.


32. To cast a spell over; bewitch.


33. How foolish you are, Galatians! How could they bewitch you after Jesus Christ has been presented to you as crucified?


34. The last one was heavily made-up and bewitchingly pretty.Her skin was fair and firm and the curves of her body could easily be distinguished.She was wearing a two-piece dress dyed in a peach color.


35. to bewitch somebody by means of flattery


36. to bewitch by cajolery; to entice by flattery


37. looking through the fascinate and bewitch eyes , girl lapsed into reverie, while a song coming with a wind “we're told that love have ever been here.”


38. to possess with or as if with a devil; bewitch


39. while, silent still and as rigid ms iron, the bare boughs pierce the strange, high sky, resolved to inflict on it a mortal wound, no matter how bewitchingly it flutters its eyelids.


40. A spot of red appeared on Miss Su's cheeks beneath her lightly applied rouge, spreading out like oil stains on a piece of paper, covering her face in an instant and making her look bewitchingly bashful.


41. to poison and bewitch; to captivate


42. THERE be none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy.They both have vehement wishes;

论嫉妒 世人历来注意到,所有情感中最令人神魂颠倒着莫过于爱情和嫉妒。

43. 5Turn your eyes away from me for they bewitch me.


44. Recently, the virus received a warning not to tensions, rising security experts issued yesterday reminded: "Olympic virus does not exist, alert network rumors to bewitch the people.


45. The point holds even in contemporary translation: bewitch consumers with what they don't already own.


46. there be none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy. they both have vehement wishes;they frame themselves readily into imaginations and suggestions;


47. That indicates that wizards can bewitch and control electrical devices, suggesting that the electricity in the lamps does not preclude the use of a wand or necessitate the use of a Put-Outer.


48. bewitch v.

迷惑;陶醉 [OE wiccian enchant

49. To possess with or as if with a devil; bewitch.


50. The power to bewitch.


51. " that bewitch young dodges not as good as, an arm by chopped bloodily come down.


52. The wicked fairy bewitch the princess and make her fall into a long sleep.


53. The wicked fairy bewitch the prince and turn him into a frog.

邪恶的女妖对王子施魔法, 将他变成一只青蛙。

54. Riise obviously hoping the wind would bewitch the Villa keeper and take the ball away from him.


55. Camera lens 4: See that bewitch young laughs mysteriously to everybody only, the say that does not no hurry unbearably: "Never mind, I have 502 glue!I have 502 glue!!


56. Aroma has effect of function of exciting sense organ, a lot of people can produce an illusion to bewitch of some kind of aroma, some people comparative to some kind of aroma persistent.

