
(复同单,或 -fishes)
  1. any of a number of dark-coloured fish. another term for luderick
    黑鱼。 同 luderick
  2. an open-ocean fish related to the perches (genera Centrolophus and Schedophilus, family Centrolophidae), in particular the large and widespread C. niger Alaska blackfisha small fish occurring along the Arctic coasts of Alaska and Siberia, noted for its ability to withstand freezing (Dallia pectoralis, family Umbridae) river blackfisha large fish of Australian rivers (Gadopsis marmoratus, family Gadopsidae) another term for luderick another term for galjoen a salmon just after spawning
    双鳍鲳(长鲳属及花鲳属,长鲳科),尤指分布广泛的大长鲳 阿拉斯加黑鱼(拉丁名Dallia pectoralis,荫鱼科) 鳕鲈(拉丁名Gadopsis marmoratus,鳕鲈科) 同 luderick 同 galjoen 刚产完卵的鲑鱼
  3. another term for pilot whale
    同 pilot whale