

1. The protein expression of PTEN was detected in three colorectal cancer cell lines with different metastasic ability by western blot.

(2 )利用Westernblot法检测不同转移潜能的大肠癌细胞系内PTEN蛋白的表达水平 ,说明PTEN蛋白的表达对大肠癌细胞转移潜能的影响。

2. Let me alone, so that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven.


3. Remember me for this, O my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services.


4. Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and do not blot out my loyal deeds, which I have done for the house of my God and for its services.


5. Rehearse is the character of a flunky. He always covers up a blot but another one appears.


6. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.


7. Western Blot and IHS assay showed that the VEGF expression were decreased in group A,B and C.


8. The Cambridge Biotech HIV-1 Western blot kit had much higher specificity then Genelabs Diagnostics HIV blot 2.2 Western blot kit.

Cambridge血液HIV-1抗体WB试剂盒与Genelabs诊断公司的HIV blot 2.2 HIV-1/2型WB试剂盒的试验结果对比,在特异性方面前者优于后者。

9. The expression of phosphorated Erk1/2 protein in MGC-803 cells was examined using Western blot analysis.


10. Northern blot showed that PBP-Harm and GOBP2-Harm are specifically expressed in the antenna of H.armigera.


11. It was proved that the E2 genes were integrated stably into chromosome of P.Pastoris by Dot blot and DNA sequencing.

Pastotis进行整合,经G418筛选得到25个高拷贝转化子,经DNA斑点试验和DNA测序证明外源基因E2稳定地整合到P. Pastoris染色体中。

12. The 16S rRNA PCR-membrane reverse dot blot hybridization technique showed that the sensitivity was 92.49%, and the specificity was 100%.


13. PCR assay and Southern blot analysis showed that CMO gene was integrated successfully into the genome of transformed plant.


14. PAI-1 protein secretion by mesangial cells was measured by Wes tern blot and PAI-1 mRNA by both RT-PCR and Northern blot.


15. RT-PCR and Western blot shown that there was a decrease in the expression of BRCP mRNA and protein in SWt cells.


16. SDS PAGE analysis revealed that the molecular weight of expressed product of TSV PA were 33kD. It was also proved by Western blot.

SDS PAGE分析结果表明 ,表达产物为分子量 33kD的TSV PA蛋白 ,Western印迹分析也证实了此结果。

17. SDS-PAGE and Western blot confirmed that GDNF was expressed in Pichia culture medium and silkworm larvae hemulymph.


18. Western blot showed 60 kDa, which may be posttranslated product.

Western blot 结果显示,该基因的真核表达产物分子量约为60 kD,可能是翻译后修饰的结果。

19. This CTB gene product was also verified by Western blot analysis.

Western blotting结果确认了该条带为CTB基因的产物。

20. Immumodominant antigen bind- ing of MAb 10C7 was located at molecular weight about 46kD via Western Blot.

Western blot分析显示,MAb 10C7可特异识别相对分子量为46kD的人肝脏微粒体蛋白。

21. Western blot was used to analyze a panel of HSP90 client proteins expression.

Western blot分析药物对细胞通路信号蛋白及细胞周期相关蛋白的表达;

22. Western blot showed that hMGRAP protein was massively secreted out from the transiently transfected Cos-7 cells.

Western blot实验表明hMGRAP能大量地从瞬时转染的cos-7细胞中分泌到细胞培养液中。

23. Expression of bFGF and FG-FR, in ovarian epithelial cancer tissue were detected by western blot.

western blot方法检测上皮性卵巢癌组织中bFGF和FGFR_1的表达。

24. Western blot showed clear ladders of ATX protein at 55 and 60 kDa in ovrian carcinoma tissues.

Western blot显示ATX蛋白在卵巢癌细胞中表达,在相对分子质量55×103、60×103大小的位置可见清楚的显色条带。

25. The lev- els of Bcl-2 and Bcl-X_L proteins were examined by western blot analysis.

Western blot法分析细胞内Bcl-2和Bcl-X_L蛋白水平的变化。

26. Western?blot assay demonstrates that McAb 4G4,2H4 and FA4 belong to different lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fraction of Aeromonas hydrophila.

Western blot结果表明,单抗4G4、2H4、FA4所针对的抗原是菌体脂多糖(LPS),且它们所识别的LPS抗原表位不同。

27. Effects on the protein expression of cyclin A,B_1 and D_1 were assessed by Western Blot.


28. Western blot proved that the recombinant protein is the fusion protein of APE/Ref|1.

Western印迹证明重组蛋白为APE ref 1融合蛋白 .

29. KJV] Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.


30. "That must weigh against any blot of sin on my soul, however dark!


31. One acts like this cannot blot out his former transgressions.


32. It was a small blot on his credibility as a witness in court.


33. A chance to blot out our mistake.


34. A chance to blot out our mistakes and chance failure into winning.


35. Beneath were sloping figures and at the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a blot.


36. Do not cover up their guilt or blot out their sins from your sight, for they have thrown insults in the face of the builders.


37. Time will never blot out these memories.


38. The only blot on United's day as the interval whistle blew was the injury which forced Kieran Richardson out of the action.


39. The wings of the crow cannot blot out the golden rays of the sun.


40. The wings of a crow cannot blot out the radiance of the sun.


41. Today, I would like to take a few minutes of your time to talk a bit about Bit Blot’s Aquaria.


42. Do not forgive their crimes or blot out their sins from your sight.


43. They are a very happy crowd in their office, but the boss himself is a bit of a blot on the landscape.


44. His involvement in the scandal is a blot on his reputation.


45. His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation.


46. He tried to blot out the image of Helen's sad face.


47. He is a blot on our profession.


48. The crime he committed is a blot on his record.


49. His idea could help meet the common criticism that turbines are both noisy and a blot on the landscape.


50. He had a small blot of dirt on his trousers.


51. That foolish deed of his will remain a blot on his escutcheon.


52. His brutal treatment of his wife will always be a blot on his escutcheon.


53. The 800 bp of 5’-end fragment of ALO was labeled by 32P-dCTP and hybridized with DNA blot.

以32P-dCTP采用随机引物标记法标记 ALO基因5’端的800 bp片段为探针进行杂交,结果显示,ALO基因以单拷贝和多拷贝的形式整合到烟草基因组DNA。

54. But neither should you permit Hanoi's intransigence to blot out the prospects we together have so patiently prepared.


55. But if things there continue to slide, Afghanistan could turn out to be the biggest blot on the Obama presidency.


56. But it was a blot on an arrangement in which every cent was supposed to be monitored.


57. You must not blot out all opposition.


58. You can blot out the sun if you hold a penny close enough to your eye.


59. You should blot out of all your terrible memories.


60. If you don't mind, our annual circus is something I'd like to blot out for a while.


61. You are doing this only to blot your copybook.


62. Blot the canal dry with a large paper point, leaving the dentin visibly moist.


63. But now, please forgive their sin-but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.


64. If the water in bombazine is divided by blot, after can immersing according to before two paces again apply.


65. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life.


66. Glycoprotein changes in mouse sperm plasma membrane during epididymal maturation were revealed by Western blot.


67. One act like this cannot blot out his former transgressions.


68. Southern blot analysis showed that Oncidium has at least 4 copies of EIN2 in its genome.


69. Make-work schemes mop up some of the jobless, but may blot a curriculum vitae.


70. To blot out completely, as from the memory.


71. Western blot analysis was used to detect pl85 HER-2, HER-2 ECD and phospho-HER-2. Two-site ELISA assay was used for the detection of HER-2 ECD.

双抗夹心ELISA法检测细胞培养上清中HER-2 ECD水平,Western blot检测细胞HER-2蛋白水平。

72. But, i donn't blot out that your dribs and drabs stay in my heart.


73. Like bright moonlight, city lights can completely blot out a meteor shower.


74. The expression of fascin was tested by Western blot assay in 26 pairs of ESCC and its cancer-adjacent normal tissues.


75. Unmasked, and being seen -without a blot!


76. The ink blot ted on the paper.


77. With so little effort does nature reassert her rule and blot out the traces of men.


78. Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character.


79. Now, take a blotter from over there and blot each envelope after I'm through writing it, she instructed me.


80. In the case of jump tint, reprinted leucogranites deep dark to blot out the.

