

1. And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;


2. Neilson, a Booz senior vice president and one of the reports three authors.


3. Fancy a boozy Saturday night fever?If so, please drop me an email.We could have good fun.

[活动说明] Is there anybody who used to work or study in the UK in Beijing now?

4. "boozy, druggy confessions" (Vincent Canby)


5. “The reality is that companies don’t have the money this year to move their operations to another country,” says Haddock of Booz &Company.

“现实情况就是,今年公司已经没有余钱可供转移至其他国 家,”博斯管理咨询公司的哈多克说道。

6. Activity: Booz Allen Hamilton is a global Management Consulting firm funded in 1914 in the United States.


7. Evelyn, born last week, required Ms Johnson to curtail her “typically boozy” social life.The 22-year-old office manager from Blackburn instinctively stopped smoking and gave up alcohol altogether.


8. They were even going to fire him once because he came to work with a boozy breath.


9. His boozy drinking companions.


10. his boozy drinking companions;


11. The rituals of Chinese business -- backdoor deals and late, boozy nights at karaoke bars -- made him feel like his life was polluted, he says.


12. The rituals of Chinese business -- backdoor deals and late, boozy nights at karaoke bars -- made him feel like his life was 'polluted,' he says.


13. For several years Booz &Company, a management consultancy, has compiled a ranking, called the Global Innovation 1000, of the world's leading firms ranked by investment in research and development.


14. Recently, after a boozy night out with the girls, I came home, slipped my kinky outfit on and lay in bed waiting for my man to return.


15. Elisabeth B. Booz, A Brief Introduction to American Literature. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 1982.


16. a boozy lunch


17. Booz Allen has spent more time and money on the metaphor and boldly tried to give it some scientific bottom.


18. Booz puts this down to the more recent tightening of corporate governance in Europe.


19. Booz says businesses need to build in three lines of defence: in the front office, where “sustainable risk-return thinking” must prevail;


20. And finally we lie on the floor, behind the piano, while someone sings a dreary song.The air is stifling and her breath is boozy.


21. Elisabeth B. Booz, A Brief Introduction To Modern American Literature[M]. Shanghai Foreign Language ]Education Press, 1982.


22. thick boozy singing;


23. Which was the son of Jesse, which was the son of Obed, which was the son of Booz, which was the son of Salmon, which was the son of Naasson,


24. A Russian was attacked by his pet alligator after he tried to show off to friends at a boozy party by feeding it sausages.

大河网讯 一名俄罗斯商人为了向朋友炫耀自己所养的鳄鱼,不惜亲自用香肠喂饲,结果惨遭鳄鱼袭击。

25. A little goes a very long way with me.I get a bit woozy, boozy, mysterical, hysterical, whatever.Put it down to the wine.I'm probably just drunk and talking a lot of tarnardy twaddle!''


26. boozy,druggy confessions(bVincent Canby)


27. boozy, druggy confessions(Vincent Canby)

带醉意,服了麻醉剂后的真言吐露(文森特 坎比)

28. boozy,druggy confessions(Vincent Canby)


29. Cost is only one reason (and not usually the main one, Booz argues) to have a global research presence.Another advantage is the ability to tap into pools of talent abroad.


30. We could not have been more uninterested in that whole boozy, cartoon-like, fake working-class thing.

我们从来对这些醉醺醺、 滑稽又伪装的工薪阶层的事情无比厌恶。

31. one of my boozy friends


32. Did you notice how Booz stayed with Deron the whole time after Battier knocked him to the floor.


33. It's silly enough to suit a boozy post-pub half-hour, but to really take its pulse you'll need to play for several hours straight, day after day.


34. Research Analyst needed at Booz &Co. (Forme Research Analyst needed at Booz &Co. (Formerly B 2008-08-22


35. And Salmon begot Booz of Rahab. And Booz begot Obed of Ruth. And Obed begot Jesse.


36. And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;


37. In the end, this paper takes Booz Allen Hamilton consulting company as an example, analyses its successful experience in knowledge sharing practices.


38. "She left me with more than I left her," he said once to a boozy riverboat pilot in a place called McElroy's Bar, somewhere in the Amazon basin.


39. So local capital flows into government bonds when it could go into farming, says Russell Brott of Booz Allen Hamilton, a consultancy which advises USAID.


40. Colin didn't like to drink much and he found the boozy, aimless conversation of the usual Hollywood gatherings intolerable


41. 2.Sake and shochu, traditional Japanese drinks that were once derided as old-fashioned and the tipple of boozy middle-aged men, are enjoying a boom among trendy young drinkers.


42. Ask any contact-lens wearer who has woken from a boozy night out to find their eyelids gummed up and lenses screaming to be removed from bloodshot eyes.


43. He served on the Board of ADS since its inception.ADS was acquired by Booz Allen and Hamilton in 1991.


44. Japanese have traditionally excused boozy benders as the only opportunity repressed workers have to loosen up and tell the boss what they think.


45. It developed from a slightly boozy lunch I had with some writer friends.


46. The fun-loving twins were at boozy parties two nights in a row, the first a Beverly Hills bash where Jenna, 19, was photographed holding a drink.


47. Its days as a cozy, boozy gentlemen's club may have long passed, but the City, as London's financial quarter is known, remains a male bastion.

这是舒适的一天, 绅士们的酒会可能早就过去了,但这个城市,众所周知的伦敦金融季度,仍然是男人的世界。

48. Long boozy nights around the fire!


49. a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior.


50. 1. a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior.


51. The demise of the boozy lunch is one more sign of the U.S. influence, which pervades Mexico’s middle-class.


52. Matthew 1:5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;

