

1. At the age of 15, and send him home in carpentry, this craft is the breadwinner, while the carpenter of the first lines than Miejiang, Nijiang, masons get a boost, but also in the "craftsman" list.


2. “I don’t know if I’d really call myself a ‘breadwinner,’ since I earn practically nothing,” says Linda Saxby, who assists the librarian at the Cypress, Tex.


3. It is not just a matter of being a 'breadwinner';overtime and shiftwork often take priority over family life.


4. Creighton, Colin(1996)The Rise of the Male Breadwinner Family: A Reappraisal . In Comparative Study of Society and History. Vol.38, Issue 2,(Apr.310-337).


5. Amelia, suddenly the sole breadwinner for Freddy and his younger brother, worked two jobs to make ends meet.


6. Not only is he the breadwinner of the family, he also takes care of the children's food and clothes and helps them with their homework.


7. He knows and accepts the fact that his wife may be the breadwinner.


8. eg:He is the only breadwinner of the five-people family.


9. Dad says, "Son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism.


10. On the very eve of our trip, Albus's mother, Kendra, died, leaving Albus the head, and sole breadwinner, of the family.


11. Who is the breadwinner in your family?


12. One story is about a Kenyan streetfamily in which the breadwinner is a 12-year-old prostitute and the parents give their children glue to sniff because it's cheaper than food and dulls their hunger.


13. Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism.


14. Tradition favours boys over girls, because men are seen as the main family breadwinner and in China only a son can carry on the family line.


15. Some Indian states pay bereaved families compensation for the loss of a breadwinner who has killed himself; this seems to increase the suicide rate.


16. During this time, Lee's wife Jane Lin, a molecular biologist, was the sole breadwinner for the family.


17. Women still tend to look after the house and children while the man is normally the main breadwinner.


18. When the breadwinner is ill, his children will do anything rather than starve.


19. Women still tend to look after the house and children while the man is normally the main 33)breadwinner .


20. So the female breadwinner model may be coming soon near you too.


21. When her husband died she had to become the breadwinner.


22. If you are the only breadwinner, or if you plan on starting a family soon, then you will need to purchase life insurance.


23. If the breadwinner deserts the family, it will be left penniless.


24. When the baby was born, I became the sole breadwinner.


25. Imagine a family that is short on food and the basic necessities, and the breadwinner is compelled to turn to loan sharks for money.


26. The lack of male "breadwinner", lack of childcare and women's low value in the workforce means they are highly dependent on social welfare for financial support.


27. She Is Now A Homemaker Allowing Her Husband To Be The Breadwinner Of The Family.She Is, As We Learn, Earning Some Money As A Surrogate Mother.


28. I only mean to point out the double standard at work when at-home dads are applauded while at-home mothers and breadwinner fathers are given little, if any, cultural recognition.


29. Your mother and I work very hard to maintain this family, you'll know how important money is when you become a breadwinner yourself.


30. A man or woman used to sharing financial and household responsibilities might now have to be the only breadwinner and full-time homemaker.


31. 2.However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household.


32. When his father died, he become the breadwinner of his family.


33. When his father died, he became the breadwinner of the family.


34. You will know how important money is when you became a breadwinner yourself.


35. I think the relevant department only survey those high income family, not every family, especially the sole breadwinner of the family, really depend on one person can earn $6830 per month?


36. And I want to thank you for putting me under the added pressure...of being the sole breadwinner now.


37. "I hope the men can accommodate what's going to happen," says Mortenson, "When the woman becomes the main breadwinner in the family.


38. The fact that many Iraqi women in Syria are the breadwinner of their families has increased the number of prostitutes.


39. Men are expected to be the main breadwinner whilst women are being relied upon for domestic chores, according to research conducted by Yorkshire Building Society.


40. Perkins was the main breadwinner at a time when few women worked.


41. Become a breadwinner for the family


42. These people are often referred to as "urban fringe", but they are with their own hands rightfully earning breadwinner, and their presence for our city vibrant.


43. These women likely share the role of breadwinner, earning a significant part of the family income, but their career is still seen as secondary within the dynamic of the couple.


44. My sister Maryworks two different jobs, you know. Ever since her husband wasparalyzed in an auto accident, she's been the only breadwinner in thefamily, and it certainly keeps her busy.


45. Most likely, you aren't the family breadwinner.


46. having no money to meet daily expenses.Imagine a family that is short on food and the basic necessities, and the breadwinner is compelled to turn to loan sharks for money.

