
budgebudgeD.J.:[bʌdʒ]K.K.:[bʌdʒ]vt. & vi.1.(使)稍微移动We tried to lift the rock but it wouldn't budge.我们试图把大石头抬起来, 但它连动都没动一下。She won't budge from her opinions.她连稍微改变一下自己的看法都不愿意。

budge1[bʌdʒ]1.[用于否定句]vi.1.(略为)挪动,微微移动;推动:She stepped on the gas but the car didn't budge.她踩油门,但汽车开不动。2.改变意见(或主意);让步;服从,屈从:Once his mother had said “no”. she wouldn't budge.一旦他母亲说了“不”,她不会让步的。vt.1.(微微)移动,推动:It took four of us to budge the rock.得用我们4人才能推动那块石头。They couldn't budge the heavy bell.他们推不动那个沉重的钟。2.使让步,使改变主意(或意见、决定):We couldn't budge the lawyer.我们不能使律师改变主意。Once the president had made a decision, no one could budge him.一旦总统做了决定,没人能使他改变决定。变形vi.budgedbudging budge2[bʌdʒ]n.1.翻毛羔(羊)皮adj.1.用羔羊皮装饰的2.[古语]庄严的,严肃的,死板的;壮丽的,豪华的;浮夸的,自负的

budgebudge[bʌdʒ]vi.[用于否定句, 与ɔanūt, ɔouldnūt, θonūt, θouldnūt 等连用]1.微微移动2.(立场等)动摇, 让步The car won't budge an inch.车子一动也不动。Once her father had said "no",he wouldn't budge.她的父亲一旦说“不”, 她绝不让步。
词性变化budge[bʌdʒ]vt.1.推动2.使动摇, 使让步I can't budge him.我推不动他。Money can't budge me.金钱不能使我改变立场。