

1. "You go get in the buggy.


2. But when he had climbed down and untied his horse from the back of the buggy and stood in the twilight road, grinning tantalizingly at her, she could not smother her own grin as she drove off.


3. - Ability to display zipped maps (currently buggy)- Ability to display satellite and hybrid maps from Google.

--能力展示会有地图(目前幼儿手推车) --能力展示及卫星地图谷歌杂交.

4. NOTE: some APM implementations have buggy suspend/standby implementations.


5. The DOM offers a flexible and powerful means for creating, processing, and manipulating XML documents, but it can be awkward to use and can lead to brittle and buggy code.


6. EA said the pirated version “is a buggy, pre-final” version of the game.


7. LRP have released the next compound of its Kamikaze 1/8 buggy tires line.

LRP的释放明年复合其神风特攻队1 / 8小车轮胎线。

8. irish buggy

n. <美口>(独轮)手推车

9. Rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister.

Rubber baby buggy bumper(橡胶婴儿车的保险杠)是一个绕口令。

10. S.Engines have released the engine that Atsushi Hara clinched the 1/8 Scale Buggy World Championships with.

S.发动机发布了引擎,笃原发的1 / 8规模车费与世界田径锦标赛。

11. Versions of Windows prior to Windows Vista haven't supported a clean shutdown that waits for all services to exit because a buggy service can hold up a shutdown indefinitely.

Windows Vista之前的Windows版本一直不支持等待所有服务都退出的干净关闭,因为存在程序错误的服务可能会无限期地阻止关闭。

12. 'rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister.


13. gas buggy event


14. Some driverless cars have also been made based on a buggy.


15. A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way.


16. Make sure that the child is strapped tightly into the buggy.


17. A practical buggy suitable both for twins and for two children of different ages.


18. Despite Pocock's success it was not until 1990 when New Zealander Peter Lynn introduced the first commercially available kite buggy, that it gained popularity.


19. To prove the point our former deputy prime minister crammed me into his motorised buggy and we sped uphill to his garden's main propagating house for hundreds of seedling trees.


20. Laura Barbour of the Sutton Trust, a social mobility charity which funded the research, said buggy manufacturers should look closely at the findings.


21. We mainly produce motorcycle Aluminium Wheel Assembly,Clutches Assembly,Brake Assembly,Engine Assembly,Countershaft Assembly and Four-wheel Dune Buggy Aluminium Wheel.


22. It means that early versions of a technology, which may be buggy, unreliable or otherwise inferior, can be avoided.


23. perhaps you will see a horse and buggy driven by a family dressed mostly in black.


24. We all know that browsers can be buggy, and IE on Windows seems buggier than most.


25. I couldn't get the baby's buggy past the car parked on the pavement.


26. There isn't much call for buggy whips today.


27. The Location and Shape of the "Sui" Cingulum Viewed from the Copper Buggy Excavated in Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum


28. He got a sack out of the buggy, shouldered it, and staggered with it through the cottage yard, and knocked at the door.


29. They were in an open Buggy and were drenched to the skin


30. He had already engaged a horse and buggy at the livery stable just around the corner from the bank.


31. He came closer and, leaning over the side of the buggy, whispered: "Miss Scarlett, Ah got ter git outer 'Lanta.

他抬头看了看思嘉,脸上露出惊惶的神情。 他走到近处,靠在马车边上,悄悄地说:"思嘉小姐,我非离开亚特兰大不可。

32. "When we get there we're going to explore our house, and it's the first chance to drive the golf buggy as well, which is one of the massive perks of the job," he said.


33. Delivering top quality buggy whips at a modest price won't result in their flying off the shelves at Wal-Mart because there is not much demand for buggy whips these days.


34. Member enjoys member's rate (Green fee is free, caddie fee and buggy fee is chargeable)


35. You can always just re-EMP and leave the Raider Buggy to die, or just flee with it and re-use the EMP when Master Computer Countermeasures is ready again.


36. Do you want her to be jounced over rough roads and have her baby ahead of time, in a buggy?


37. Your buggy's waiting for you, isn't it?


38. You finally get your box home and can't wait to get your buggy on the track.


39. N.B. Please note: this is the real S60 version, not the buggy SE one posted before!!!


40. Six months later he went to Hadleyburg, and arrived in a buggy at the house of the old cashier of the bank about ten at night.


41. The authors of shareware programs, typically, have much le time and fewer resources available for testing their programs.Co equently, it's far more common to find shareware software that is buggy.


42. Turn up the performance of your 1/8 scale buggy with this new 3-chamber tuning pipe from LRP.

关闭了的效果1 / 8级车这一新的3室调整管蛋白。

43. A kernel-mode process or driver incorrectly attempted to perform memory operations. Typically, a faulty driver or buggy software causes tais.”


44. Featuring details about their current range of buggy tires, the site features news and information about the brand, with further details expected to be added in the near future.


45. HPI's new giant 2WD Baja 5B buggy will take RC Cars to a new dimension!


46. These two cubs are playing close to our Tundra Buggy in Canada's Wapusk National Park.


47. Johnnie Gallegher, come out to the buggy with me."

动手吧,约翰尼 - 加勒格尔,跟我到马车这里来一下。

48. go buggy


49. Patented on Twin Baby Buggy and Jogger.


50. We have more buggy ammo now.


51. The di lay of the poison damage is very buggy also.


52. Asking for cash from the company that sold the buggy software in the first place sounds a bit like blackmail.


53. Any headon collision with Bell might somehow end his buggy trips with Kizzy.


54. And we should have seen other things, too; among them the buggy, the lap-robe, the stove-pipe hat, and so on.


55. 1. Mr and Mrs Tang went the whole journey in a small buggy, with their child riding bodkin .


56. Aftermarket parts maker Edit have released an alloy front brace for the Hot Bodies Cyclone D4 4wd buggy.


57. Well,he took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon without a chaperon!


58. Buggy: This is a fast attack vehicle primarily used for scouting the map early, and for hit n run tactics.


59. Buggies can disable an entire force from moving and attacking back, so hit them with an EMp buggy from where they're not looking at, and mop up the pieces.


60. Once we got home, he went helping me also by lifting his car up so that I could roll his buggy into the house, just that he hurt his toes and cried quite a bit over that.


61. NASA's prototype tiny bot looks like a very flashy six-wheeled, radio-controlled dune buggy for kids.


62. In a free market society, these companies usually aren't around for long because the customers speak with their wallets and choose not to buy their buggy products.


63. The buggy itself is cheap, very fast, and packs a lot of firepower when in a small group.


64. Get face to face with cheetahs in their enclosure on a special zoo tour.Or board a buggy for a personally-guided tour of what goes on behind the scenes at the Singapore Zoological Gardens!


65. Spurning a ride her blue-and-gold striped motorized buggy


66. Out of the first thousand we'll have a horse and a buggy for summer, and a cutter and a skin lap-robe for winter."

夏天咱们先拿出一千块钱来,买一匹马,一辆马车; 冬天再拿出一千块钱来,买一架雪橇和一副皮雪橇障子。”

67. She stalked across the littered yard and climbed into the buggy, noticing with grim satisfaction that the men were tearing at the ham and cramming bits into their mouths voraciously.


68. She put her little daughter in the buggy


69. She pushed the buggy through the grocery store.


70. She was huddled up in the buggy seat.


71. If a guest OS or a device driver it uses is buggy, the virtual PC will crater.


72. It's a maxim in system security circles that buggy software opens up security holes.


73. It doesn't take any extra space when folded either and it fits very comfortably into the boot of most cars, as easy as any single buggy.


74. It's simply a faster horse for your buggy."


75. For the sportsman, a powerboat or a golf buggy lets you enjoy the great outdoors.


76. Xray have released these high-performance racing springs for their XB808 buggy, that have been specially developed to give better balance and an additional range of choices to fine-tune your car.


77. sand buggy


78. baby buggy with sun-shade attached


79. Young Italian buggy racer Riccardo Perin, has confirmed that he is rejoining the Xray team for 2009.


80. S engine, released 1/5th scale 4WD buggy with hydraulic pressure brake system, 1/5th 4WD truck with reverse function.

