

1. "The burly man standing next to her also had tears in his eyes


2. Not all of our distant ancestors, after all, were huge and burly with large teeth.


3. "Without change, deserts deteriorate," claims Tony Burgess, a burly ecologist with a huge red beard.


4. "In the older generation, Chinese people didn't remarry after their spouse died," said Zhang Yong, the settlement's burly policeman, who wed again recently.


5. What did you do?Iasked. Well,there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me, said Michael. She asked me if I was allergic to anything.


6. "Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry.


7. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me" said Michael


8. A burly blond-bearded Polish Jew in a sort of military cap makes himself the car captain.


9. a burly - set young man


10. A burly ogre stepped forward and saluted the general.


11. A big burly man visited the pastor's home and asked to see the minister's wife, a woman well known for her charitable impulses.


12. a burly stevedore


13. a burly stevedore;


14. A tall, burly man riding a big step into the room.


15. As they were undressing for bed, the husband, a big burly man, tossed his trousers to his new bride.He said, "Here, put these on.


16. Study of the Ecological Photosynthetic Characteristics of Alnus cremastogyne Burli and Alnus formosana Seedlings


17. A burly figure bursts from the Jews.


18. He was a short, burly man, almost dwarfish but he greeted them cheerfully and set a dish of chickpeas at their table.

他个儿不高,但很结实,简直是个矮胖子。 他兴致勃勃地招呼他们,给桌子上摆一碟子鹰嘴豆。

19. In all the most striking events of his life so far, this burly, garrulous figure had been beside him.


20. They are all burly chaps.


21. "He is a tall, burly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes."


22. He is a tall, burly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes.


23. He's a big burly man.


24. He was a huge, burly man, and looked at least a foot taller than she.


25. But the burly man had already sheathed his sword."Brother Chu," he said with a smile, "thank you for letting me win.


26. Burly,thick-featured,and balding,Bruce Willis looks as if he would be perfectly at home behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler.


27. Burly, thick-featured, and balding, Bruce Willis looks as if he would be perfectly at home behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler.


28. a beefy wrestler; had a tall burly frame; clothing sizes for husky boys; a strapping boy of eighteen; ('buirdly' is a Scottish term; a buirdly lad of twelve).


29. The candidate was accompanied By six Burly Bodyguards.


30. I know of one couple: He is a burly ex-athlete.


31. From what he had seen of Clemenza, that burly Sicilian would sooner give up his life than a penny of his loot.


32. LEEN,the protagonist,is a wild, burly guy of 22years old, out of a steady job.


33. In the kitchen " burly big fellow " by " charming artful woman " replace, make cook the joy that also makes a find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind.


34. The other figure, a burly man with a reddish face was returning.


35. Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me,"said Michael."She asked if I was allergic to anything.


36. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me,"said Michael. "She asked if I was allergic to anything.


37. Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Michael." She asked if I was allergic to anything.


38. Tang Hua, a burly man in a vest, lost his 16-year-old son after several heartrending days of listening to the boy's voice grow ever weaker from inside the building where he was trapped.


39. hurly burly


40. As soon as the four burly men heard that voice, they stopped dead in their tracks and stood there stupidly.


41. Alnus cremastogyne Burli


42. Stuck in rush-hour traffic, I couldn't help but stare when a burly biker wearing black leather jacket and chaps pulled up next to me on a shocking pink Harley Davidson.


43. In a cargo truck rest area, my friend of a friend of Louis, a big burly kcal driver, I got into his cab.


44. No one has been allowed in or out of the kingdom for nearly ten years, and no one has seen or heard from the burly, gruff, self-sufficient Gilneans in just as long.


45. Two burly Swiss men wrestle in front of a rapt audience during the Unspunnenfest.


46. O'Brien was a large, burly man with a thick neck and a coarse, humorous, brutal face.


47. When she edged in he was enacting the kindly burly pastor, an elbow on the corner of the parlor organ, two fingers playing with his massy watch-chain, his expression benevolent and amused.


48. Two days later, dozens of burly men with short haircuts showed up at her place, dragged her and several employees out, and locked the door, she says.


49. If your buttock is round, plump and burly, it will reflect your slim waist; meanwhile, your legs will be significantly increased slender effect.


50. If your buttock is round, plump and burly, it will reflect your slim waist;meanwhile, your legs will be significantly increased slender effect.


51. Andrew was surprised to see tears brimming in the burly texan's eyes


52. Through mensuration and research of the Interception by Canopy,Litter Moisture Content Impress and Soil water physical characteristics of Alnus cremastogyne Burli.


53. Shouyang bigzhu ma is unique in both the burly tall stilts, and the color ornamentszhu ma modeling;


54. Connie looked at the Burly Scottish knight who had done himself well all his life, and her eyes, her Big, still-wondering Blue eyes became vague.


55. Two men got out, big burly men who looked like gangsters in the movies to her eyes, and she flew down the stairs to be the first at the door.


56. The soap has a color tone from farmer, light earth with burly and slightly transparent.It just likes a piece of fresh ginger from the farm.


57. Not in my mind.I imagined the worst.I anticipated burly bald man wearing bandannas, riding around on motorcycles and harassing voters.


58. I imagined the worst.I anticipated burly bald man wearing bandannas , riding around on motorcycles and harassing voters.


59. I worked with the head guard,a big, burly, bowlegged brat.


60. I know of one couple: He is a burly ex-athlete. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even go out to dinner.


61. I anticipated burly bald man


62. When I read this, through a mist of tears I saw his blue cotton-padded gown and black jacket once more as his burly figure walked away from me.


63. When I read this, through a mist of tears I saw his blue cotton padded gown and black jacket once more as his burly figure walked away from me.

我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的,青布棉袍,黑布马褂的背影。 唉!

64. Shaanxi out Huizhou (Hui County in Gansu Province today), his burly person looks, the sound if Hongzhong.


65. The general was clearly wondering whether he could have some, and fell into conversation with a burly, moustachioed contractor who seemed only too happy to oblige.


66. Manuel Wackenheim had argued the 1995 ban by France's highest administrative court was discriminatory and deprived him of a job being hurled around discotheques by burly men.


67. Made from our Ottomatic fabric, a cotton/nylon blend, burly enough for work, but benign enough for day-to-day wear.


68. Mother walked out into the street and surprised a burly cartman who was beating his horse over the head with the butt of a heavy whip.


69. Bill was over six feet tall and burly, with the beginnings of a paunch, and his strawberry-blond stubble matched his unkempt hair.


70. But the gruff, burly Rochester insists on getting home unaided although he is in great pain.


71. Xi Shunshen ting studying martial arts at a young age, physical burly, forthright man of integrity, "zhi gong selfless, integrity, and are often the heart of the public economy.


72. a burly way of speaking


73. Saw a dozen burly riders, flying up from the mighty horse, whip policy would be "white Ma" as the Cyclones get the general recovery.


74. Suddenly a burly truck driver sat down next to him,


75. The burly man standing next to her also had tears in his eyes.


76. Strongly built; burly.

结实的; 强壮的

77. Burly power forward with a no nonsense approach.


78. At harvest time, however, the burly cucurbit weighed more than 100 pounds, Dixon said.


79. shorter, burly Mustafarians can be seen riding hovering harvesting platforms, skimming the lava rivers with heavy pole-mounted cauldrons.


80. Burly arms folded, an expensive but unlit Cuban stogie jammed in his mouth, Morrison held and ancient billet unique to the Submarine Service, chief of the boat.

