

1. In a state of psychological weakness, weapons become a burden for the capitulating side.


2. would be exterminated by the die-hard forces, the united front would cease to exist, there would be nothing to hinder the die-hards from capitulating to the enemy, and civil war would break out.


3. Without struggle, these progressive forces would be exterminated by the die-hard forces, the united front would cease to exist, there would be nothing to hinder the die-hards from capitulating to the enemy, and civil war would break out.


4. Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole capitulating only to a single throne.


5. 1.Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole capitulating only to a single throne.


6. I do not mean capitulating to misconceptions but rather finding a seductive way to demonstrate to people that these are indeed misconceptions.


7. My brother made the mistake of arguing his case rather than instantly capitulating, which was the beginning of three months of misery for all of us, especially my mother.


8. Unwilling to be seen as capitulating to China, Japan's prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, continues his controversial visits to the Yasukuni Shrine where Japan's wartime history is celebrated.


9. With the fall of Wuhan the second stage began,during which the political situation has undergone many changes,with one section of the big bourgeoisie capitulating to the enemy and another desiring an early end to the War of Resistance.


10. 3.There is unification and unification.The capitulators have their idea of unification, they want to unify us into capitulating;


11. So, instead of glorying in the adulation and capitulating to the not-so-hidden agenda of the people, Jesus capitalized on the exposure by cleansing the temple are.


12. an official who retains his position after capitulating to the new dynasty; turncoat official


13. Paragraph 1, “Far from capitulating to this new thrust of American trade policy, Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation.” “thrust” 意为 “the main point or essence”。


14. N. ambassador John Bolton, who has accused the administration of capitulating to Pyongyang on what North Korea must disclose.

