

1. 7.Fifty three cases of various pulmonary diseases received trachea, carina and bronchoplasty operation during 1980.1-1997. 4.


2. The experience of the plasty of trachea, bronchus and carina in 23 patients


3. Sleeve tracheal resections in 3 patients, carinal resections and carina reconstructions in 2, and local enucleation in 1 were performed.

3例患者行气管环形切除、气管断端行端端吻合; 2例患者行气管下段和隆突切除、隆突重建;

4. The positive ratio of external carina was 72.41%.


5. In 18 cases with cancer of 8cm and bigger in diameter,4 lymph node involvement (22%)around left pulmonary vein, 18 nodal involvement( 100%) at left gastric artery, 16(88%)at trachea carina and 1 at left pulmonary artery were found.

8cm以上病例18例,其中左下肺静脉淋巴结4例(22%)有转移,胃左淋巴结18例(100%)有转移,气管隆突淋巴结16例(88%)有转移. 左肺动脉淋巴结1例(5.8%)转移.

6. carina aquaeductus

[医] 中脑水管隆凸

7. carina fornicis

[医] 穹窿隆凸

8. carina nasi

[医] 鼻隆凸

9. carina angle


10. In our study,there were 2 cases with pneumonectomy plus carina resection,8 carina resection and reconstruction without lobectomy,1 palliative resection and 1 exploration.


11. Pictured above is the most detailed image of the Carina Nebula ever taken.


12. Keywords foramen;attachment of medial pterygoid;external carina of ramus;vertical ramus osteotomy;


13. Carina says that Tony had once cooked for her, although she doesn't cook herself and does not do chores at home.She says that recently she's been learning to make desserts.


14. Operatablity did not completely depend on the invasion of the trachea ,bronchi and carina of esophageal carcinoma performed with CT.

与术后病理有一定相关性。 术前CT检查对食管癌气管、支气管隆凸浸润早期的诊断,并不能作为放弃手术治疗的依据。

15. relating to or resembling a carina.


16. It is investigated in bilateral hilar lymph node,carina lymph node and posterior lymph nodes of venacava which is the most common lymph node enlarge-ment in central-type lung carcinomas.


17. mid-dorsal thoracic carina


18. postpactal carina


19. Presentation of Toyota Carina 2.0L AT

丰田Carina 2.0L AT汽车

20. On one occasion, he happened to most cell phones will not Daizaishenbian, precisely at this time, Carina Lau played over the telephone.


21. His parents are Simon Baldry and Carina Baldry.


22. However, from the latest case, it seems that there is no pregnancy Carina Lau.


23. But Lu believes that Carina Lau is also culpable .


24. Cardiopulmonary bypass technology is the most effective measure to rescue emergency patients with clog in lower part of trachea or carina.


25. CARINA HOORN is a geologist and pollen expert with the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


26. lateral carina


27. lateral carina e

侧脊, 侧隆线

28. pleural carina


29. total resection of carina


30. Nursing of lung cancer patients undergoing trachea carina resection and reconstrcution


31. There were 3 cases of tracheoplasty, 6 cases of carina resection or wedge resection plus plasty and 44 cases of broncho - plasty or reconstruction after sheeve resecton.


32. Ups, a sub-sub-together, now, Tony Leung and Carina Lau have been married, all questions have the answer!


33. To analyze the short term effects and long term survival of patients with lung cancer undergoing tracheal carina reconstruction and bronchoplasty.


34. Carina Lau, Kelly Chen need not elaborate on the recent rumors and not want to get married next year Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Cheung and Michelle Reis's wedding is also on the agenda it?


35. " Carina Lau used hug to express her all the moving.


36. Tony Leung Chiu-wai said Carina Lau Wing Chun training seriously good, "I think it very well, which gave him a chance to practice the body will be strong for a good show, but also their own good.


37. Carina Lau said that the entire wedding and travel arrangements are she-sponsored, although very difficult, but it received a Tony Leung Chiu-wai said the most touching expression.


38. Carina Lau to talk about her husband happy talk at the same time denied that the couple should be left Jian Lin Yue's job rumors.


39. pronotal carina


40. angle of the anterior carina


41. accessory median carina


42. Among those in attendance for the stellar event were actresses Zhang Ziyi and Carina Lau. Co-founder Celine Dion sent her wishes through a video link.


43. Right to the crux is the Eta Carina Nebula, one of the most beautiful nebula in the night sky.


44. Just below the Southern Cross on the far left is the dark Coal Sack Nebula, and the bright nebula on the far right is the Carina Nebula.


45. Caption:: The sky seen in the lower hemisphere has distinctive cosmic features, such as the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud and the Keyhole Eta Carina Nebula, which are not found in the sky of the upper hemisphere.


46. Formerly, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross, now divided into four smaller constellations, Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela.


47. Formerly,a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere,lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross,now divided into four smaller constellations,Carina,Puppis,Pyxis,and Vela.


48. The digital radiography showed 3 thoracostomach tracheal fistulas,1 thoracostomach carina fistula,2 thoracostomach left main bronchial fistulas and 1 thoracostomach right main bronchial fistula.

口服碘水造影显示胸腔胃 气管瘘 3例 ,胸腔胃 隆突瘘 1例 ,胸腔胃 左主支气管瘘 2例 ,胸腔胃 右主支气管瘘 1例 ;

49. By the way, Carina, did you read the article in the magazine called I think "TVB" or something about Anita?


50. A New Procedure for Right Upper Lobectomy of Lung with Reconstruction of the Carina


51. Right upper lobectomy with resection and reconstruction of the cari-na for lung cancer invading carina and /or trachea can be done if this procedure is considered to be curative.


52. The data further displayed that the rate of left gastric arteria was over 18% in esophagus,carina of trachea and cardia of stomach negative lymph node metastasis patients.


53. The data further displayed that the rate of left gastric arteria was over 18% in esophagus, carina of trachea and cardia of stomach negative lymph node metastasis patients.


54. Later she was also true in the entertainment circle, Faye Wong a few friends, a few years to only a few Na Ying, Zhao Wei, Carina Lau these relatively boyish good friend.


55. submetapleural carina


56. lateroventral metathoracic carina


57. angle of the posterior carina


58. carina rostralis


59. When asked if she can handle watching Tony in very passionate scenes, Carina says that she pretends she's just a regular person in the audience watching.


60. Carina says Tony is very gifted as he can fully immerse into his roles.If you approach him during those times, his personality will be similar to the characters he plays.


61. One of the times that left the biggest impression on Carina happened shortly after a particular incident.


62. In my view, Carina Lau and Tony Leung Chiu-wai, as early as the love from the family.


63. basal transverse carina


64. juxtacoxal carina


65. Herbs perennial, dwarf. Branches diffuse. Leaf blade subleathery, margin recurved, lateral veins raised adaxially. Carina with broadly fimbriate large appendages.


66. Check out the public library, they have just bought a Carina MacDonald's "Raw Dog Food" a couple of months ago.


67. ZZ, Aish, Leo, Nam, Anita, Duo Duo, Raymond, Steven, Jenny, Jason, Yuan, Carina, Vivian...


68. She filed a lawsuit against Carina Lau, a Hong Kong star, who appeared in advertising for Japanese cosmetics brand SK-II owned by Procter &Gamble.


69. 1.Yes, Rosamund Kwan, Carina Lau. Maggie Cheung and Michele Lee, they are four beauties in Hongkong.


70. Application of Actual Distance between Incisor and Trachea Carina in Double-lumen Endobronchial Tube Intubation


71. Complete resection and reconstruction of carina, SVC or bilateral anonymous veins combined with postoperatively multiple modality therapy can get good prognosis for the patients with advanced lung cancer.

对肺癌侵犯隆凸和上腔静脉及双侧无名静脉者 ,切除原发病变和部分受侵器官可达到临床完全性切除之目的 ,配合多学科的综合治疗 ,患者能获得良好的远期生存

72. Like the smaller, more northerly Great Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is easily visible to the unaided eye, though at a distance of 7,500 light-years it is some 5 times farther away.


73. having or shaped like a carina or keel.


74. branchio-cardiac carina


75. NGC 3576 itself is about 100 light-years across and 9,000 light-years away in the southern constellation of Carina, not far on the sky from the famous Eta Carinae Nebula.


76. We improved the perioperative management for the excision and reconstruction of carina on 8 cases from April 1988 to April 1993 in our hospital.


77. At the end of the night, Hong Kong actress Carina Lau, an ambassador for the charity banquet, handed a check with the.


78. Extended operation for non-small lung cancer invading left atrium and great vessels and trachea carina


79. Taiwan tycoon Terry Kuo, 58, who was reportedly linked with actress Carina Lau and model Chiling Lin, will marry dancer Delia Tseng in July, Taiwan media reported recently.


80. The entire Carina Nebula spans over 300 light years and lies about 7,500 light-years away in the constellation of Carina.

整个船底座星云覆盖超过了300 光年,位于船底座内,距离我们大约7,500光年远。
