

1. (3) In terms of discourse functions, Sinclair and Coulthard's model (1992) is modified to categorize the functions of the foreigners' utterances.

(3) 外籍教师之言谈功能会随学生层级不同而有调整。

2. How would you categorize the laws listed in chapter 23? Please divide 23:1~24:15 into proper paragraphs.


3. Microsoft has developed a way to categorize threats: Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, Elevation of privilege (STRIDE).


4. In general,applications using PTC thermistor can be categorize according to three unique characteristics:resistance-temperature(R/T),current-time(I/T) and current-voltage(I/V) characteristics.


5. 10.The purpose of SGML was to help very large organizations format and categorize large collections of documents.


6. You can develop a work breakdown structure(WBS),categorize activities into distinct groups using activity codes, or divide a large project group into smaller, individual projects.


7. Some of these programs even sort the data according to the active window at the time of data entry and then categorize the information (e.g., Web sites, e-mail, etc.).


8. Based on a Kind of Method to Categorize Text of Improve the Mutual Information


9. However, if we want to concretely categorize her novel, or concretely row her for someone writer group, which is very difficult.


10. D. Use of "ABC Analysis" to categorize production and MRO inventory for purposes of management.


11. D. Use of“ ABC Analysis” to categorize production and MRO inventory for purposes of management.


12. We mainly gather and categorize the regional cuisine and entertainment service information regionally;exhibit it on our wet site platform;promote and Ian Cuisine and Gizmo province dietary culture;


13. Perhaps I think like a toy-maker more than a world-designer, but I prefer to categorize types of play, and leave the categorizing of people to God.


14. The fact that he was difficult to categorize stylistically was a source of satisfaction for Tress himself.


15. The teacher can categorize on the blackboard. Because there are a lot of ways people usually contact each other.


16. Through our use of language, we categorize.


17. Regionally Categorize the Working-Day Norm of Construction Work by Applying Artficial Neural Network


18. To figure out meaning from context, to make predictions, to compare and contrast, to identify main idea and details, to retell a plot, to categorize.


19. To figure out meaning from context, to categorize information, to summarize, to identify main idea and details, to identify key words, to evaluate ideas.


20. Cognitively,man,the subject of cognition,must classify and categorize the objects.

从认知学角度来看 ,作为认知主体的人对于认知对象必须进行分类和范畴化。

21. Their music now consists of a broad range of different styles that, when mixed together, is sometimes difficult to categorize.


22. Immelt:Let's categorize September 11 as an amazing tragedy


23. Immelt:Let's categorize September 11 as an amazing tragedy.


24. But how would you categorize the defects?

伯恩: 不过你怎么对这些次品分类呢?

25. As the compensation-centered analyzing approach leaves wide latitude for the judge or arbitrator, it is necessary to categorize the indirect takings against the abusing of power.


26. You can also categorize pipes according to its property: one-way or two-way.


27. It is difficult to categorize this best-selling author from the way he behaves, and dresses.


28. Because you are working to all different genres, is there a genre to categorize your music into? If you are to put your music into genre, what would that be?


29. Categorize important projects or information in a way that makes sense to you, using an easy-to-use layout of notebooks, sections, and pages.


30. For example, your organization may require you to categorize documents in the library by filling in a Category property.


31. We are a download site. We do not make any of the software! What we do is review and rate the software, categorize it and make it available to you.


32. 35. The META element also embeds document information that some search engines use to index categorize documents on the World Wide Web .


33. When gift certificates or coupons are redeemed, you can use these tracking numbers to record and categorize customer responses.


34. Pictures about life that are hard to categorize.


35. Second, each capability has a WS-Notifications topic used to identify and categorize capability-specific notifications.


36. Tip #5 - Categorize username and password.


37. Another example of how difficult it is to categorize people involves populations in the U.S.


38. categorize method


39. The publish/subscribe concept provides a flexible method to categorize alerts by topic.


40. Another way to categorize restaurants is by the kind of service they offer. There are basically four types: table service, counter service, self-service and carry-out service.


41. Only categorize documents stored in this workspace


42. You can categorize full server recovery strategies as either a full computer backup and restore, or a clean operating system install and Exchange disaster recovery.


43. A plethora of different firms manufactured the award from different metals, making it challenging to categorize the variation.


44. Similarly, it is subject to the impact of this artistic concept that we categorize the minimalist sculptures of Andrew and Jude as artworks.


45. Charts typically have two axes used to categorize and measure the data: a category (x) axis and a value (y) axis.


46. In the Commands list, click Categorize and drag it to the toolbar where you want it to appear.


47. On the Journal Entry tab, in the Options group, click Categorize


48. The names that you give to these budget resources will help you to distinguish them from other resources in your project when you categorize them in Step 4.


49. In the modern business of medicine, IT is now viewed as a way to contain costs, control, capture, and categorize the flow of information, and more directly contain the practice of medicine.


50. In this new world, businesses can be tough to categorize and comprehend.


51. Keywords plastic optical fiber(POF);categorize properties;development;


52. When we handle a great number of items, we need a system to categorize them for easy reference, like we use Cardex for business cards, paper file for documents, albums for photos.


53. a.When we handle a great number of items, we need a system to categorize them for easy reference, like we use Cardex for business cards, paper file for documents, albums for photos.


54. an exaggerated epithet used to categorize a person


55. Brainstorm. Think about how you want people to feel when they hear the name. Write down the words on paper and then categorize them by primary meaning.


56. So she does categorize events by the date, but that doesn't explain why she remembers it.


57. Her work is difficult to categorize.


58. Even if we might have a chance to categorize different people, different parties in power would create different definitions of advantaged, contenders, dependents and deviants.


59. She also weighed in on the importance of the text and coding -- some ofit invisible -- called metadata that's embedded in a Web site that helpssearch engines categorize the content.


60. If you assign a color category from the Color Categories dialog box instead of from the Categorize menu, you must select the check box next to the color category.


61. If you categorize the information you need to remember, you will find it much easier.


62. If you do not categorize the site, the site will not be listed in the Site Directory.


63. To resolve this puzzle, we may need a fundamental theory that allows us to predict and categorize the gravitational impact of every single possible contribution to the energy of empty space.


64. If you assign a color category from the Color Categories dialog box instead of the Categorize menu, you must select the check box next to the color category.


65. Children learn early on to categorize.


66. Magic Message Manager can help you to categorize all messages at one action.


67. SP1.2 Define the parameters use to analyze and categorize risks,and the parameters used to control the risk management effort.


68. For Journal view, the Categorize button is not displayed on the toolbar by default.


69. The best way to categorize the various types of noncommercial advertising is by organizations that use them 。


70. A template will appear so that you can categorize your project under one of the 12 topic categories.


71. classify or categorize(sth)esp in a rigid manner


72. The results of categorize of wheat starch property indicate that most Guanzhong varieties (lines) were similar to Australian varieties (lines).


73. Created by people who select Web sites and categorize them by subject.


74. The macro module special for health system was also employed to categorize the problems into 32 main types.


75. By applying the gray system theory, three indexes of road traffic safety are induced and calculated to categorize the gray type of cities to more rationally evaluate the situation of traffic safety.


76. Categorize the importance of each task.


77. As I held my Joanne, I realized the absurdity of the way our culture has trained us to categorize life.


78. The Polymorph spell's gargoyle form will now properly categorize the caster as a monstrous humanoid.


79. You can use Microsoft Office Project 2003 groups to categorize and report project information in a variety of ways.

您可以使用Microsoft Office Project 2003组按多种方式对项目信息进行分类并制作报表。

80. You can do this to change the order of the items, categorize them, or optionally show them.

