

1. Causative Constructions,Functional Category Hypothesis,The Same Direction between Adjunction and Movement Hypothesis,Minimalist Program,Construction Grammar.


2. CAU commits to provide long term quality health care for your companions, we deliver our promise by providing following Health Plans.


3. Based on a cognitive analysis of the generation of voice, Croft argues that passives are functionally generated by expressing a causative event into a stative event.


4. The accuracy of CT predicting of the level and cau se of biliary obstruction was the same as that of DC However,CT can correctly evaluate the resectability of malignant obstruction.


5. DV is a causative agent for dengue fever (DF) and/or dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS).

DV是登革热(dengue fever, DF)和登革出血热/休克综合症(dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome, DHF/DSS)的病原体。

6. "Fell" is a causative verb meaning "to cause to fall".


7. On the basis of populatio n attributable risks(AR),HBV infection seemed to be the single most relavent caus e of HCC in the study(AR=94.03%),followed by HCV infection(AR=68%),and heavy alcoh ol intake (AR=58.5%).

HBV感染是肝癌的最主要的相关原因 ,人群归因危险度 (AR)为 94 ,0 3% ,其次是HCV感染 ,AR为 6 8% ,以及重度饮酒 ,AR为 5 8.5%。

8. Both ZP3 protein vaccine and DNA vaccine can elicit immune responses and result in subsequent infertility, but at the same time caus e some structural abnormality.

ZP3蛋白疫苗和DNA疫苗可以诱导机体产生较强的免疫反应 ,导致生育降低 ,同时带来一定程度的副作用。

9. Some persons believe that stuttering, or at least some stuttering subtypes, may have an etiologic (causative) basis in genetically inherited traits, tendencies or predispositions.


10. I will not apply for any changes about my specialty at CAU without valid reasons.


11. What causes severe acute respiratory syndrome? The World Health Organization has confirmed a novel coronavirus to be the causative agent for SARS.


12. Key value of Beijing CAU CORN STD.


13. CAU initially plans to allocate about five of its graduate students to the new center.


14. The Graduate School of CAU is responsible for general management of MPA program, and courses design and theses guide in details are assumed by Center for Rural Development Policy (CRDP).


15. Any of various rod-shaped, nonmotile aerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus that ferment lactic acid from sugars and are the causative agents in the souring of milk.


16. Any of various rod-shaped,nonmotile aerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus that ferment lactic acid from sugars and are the causative agents in the souring of milk.


17. It is necessary for humans to find the meaning of an emergent universe from a holistic and circular causative perspective, and to ask "is a holistic science possible?


18. HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)是获得性免疫缺陷综合征 (AIDS)的病原体。

19. It introduced the causative factors of bedsore including improper body position, pressure, age, cognition function, consciousness, ill living habit, malnutrition of patients.


20. Pragmatics provides a new perspective to examine the relationship between causative and transitive constructions in Japanese.


21. They discovered that existing anti-fungal treatments based on azoles already target P450s, for instance in the treatment for Candida albicans (the causative agent of thrush).


22. These results provide evidence for the existence of microfractures caus ed by fatigue loads that are undetectable by X-ray.


23. Warning! Please be alerted that this video may caus...


24. In beekeeping,honey bee(Apis mellifera) colonies were artificially infected with the causative agent of chalkbrood disease Ascosphaera apis.

以蜜蜂白垩病致病菌蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaera apis)感染西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)。

25. The principal source of infection were Marmota himalayana(72. 72%)and,Ovis aries(18. 18%)infected with causative a-gent of plague,while contacting with infected animals directly was the main route.

传染源主要是染疫喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmzotahimalayana),占72.72%,藏系绵羊(ovisaries),占18。 18%;

26. Pseudoterranova decipiens (s.l.) is one of the causative agents for human anisakiasis, an important parasitic zoonosis.

伪新地蛔线虫(Pseudoterranova decipiens)复合种是重要的人畜共患的寄生虫,可以引起人的异尖线虫病,是我国禁止入境的二类寄生虫。

27. But we propose that they may also be a causative factor in the disease process, and that insight suggests entirely new treatments.


28. Excessive load of dental implant being a causative or contributing factor is still a controversial point of discussion.


29. As an important grammar phenomenon of Chinese, there are pretty detailed analysis and study on “causative usage” in academic field of Chinese grammar.


30. From the angle of state reimbursement the writer makes an attempt to raise tentative ideas about such problems as basis of principle of law for relief of damage to people caus.


31. Systemic manifestations may include fever, nausea, vomiting, and malaise. Leukocytes, blood, and mucus may be present in the stool, depending on the causative agent.


32. Agitation of patients with general anaesthesia during analepsia period is very dangerous,of which inhalation anesthesia maybe its main cause among many causative factors.


33. Main Roles &Responsibilities:-In charge of performing FA on all post process failures and determining root caus...... ...


34. Its purpose is to localize and eliminate the causative agent, to limit tissue injury and then to restore the tissue to normality or as close to normality as possible.


35. A brown tick (Boophilus annulatus) whose bite transmits the causative agent of Texas fever in cattle.


36. The proportion of gram-negative bacillus and E coli were increasing in total causative pathogens annually, coagulase negative staphylococcus was decreasing year by year.


37. The cau se of cordless telephone easily disturbed by emission signal due to KB8528Q of Samsung was analyzed and the improving actions were presented.


38. Haemophilus parasuis is a causative agent of swine polyserositis, polyarthritis and meningitis.

副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus parasuis,HPS)能引起猪的多发性浆膜炎、关节炎和脑膜炎,随着世界养猪业的发展,该病已成为全球范围内影响养猪业的一种重要细菌学疾病。

39. The treatment of disease using chemical agents or drugs that are selectively toxic to the causative agent of the disease, such as a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism.


40. Any of various small, gram - negative coccobacilli of the genus Bordetella, some of which are pathogenic in the human respiratory tract.It includes B.partussis, the causative agent of whooping cough.


41. Any of various small,gram-negative coccobacilli of the genus Bordetella,some of which are pathogenic in the human respiratory tract. It includes B. partussis,the causative agent of whooping cough.


42. Idiopathic NF occurs in the absence of a known causative factor or portal of entry for bacteria, so it may not be considered immediately when patients are admitted.


43. Meanwhile, the sequence of death caus es was different when the population was stratified by sex and occupation.

另外 ,将人群按性别以及职业分层后 ,其死因顺位也有各自的特点。

44. And according to CAU's administration files, the Accademic Affairs Office will inspect the classrooms in the first day of the new semester, no late or absent is permitted.


45. Amnesia may be anterograde (in which events following the causative trauma or disease are forgotten) or retrograde (in which events preceding the trauma or disease are forgotten).


46. Cau i know my familly won't be agree me to buy share.


47. Routine liver function test,early diagnosis,immediate discontinuance of the causative drug and timely treatment are the key to management of drug-inducced liver damage.


48. Removing phlegm and regulating Qi is the basic treatment of lung distension,and causative treatment of ...


49. The International College at Beijing (ICB) is an integral part of China Agricultural University (CAU).


50. Be extremely cau fious about providing Dating personal information on any Website.


51. Within a few years the causative organisms of typhoid, Asiatic cholera and many other diseases were grown in pure culture.


52. A test was conduced to purify sewage from CAU with a modeling cylinder filled by artificial soil with 3 irrigating time and 4 ratios of wetting-drying.


53. In unsuccessful transmission experiments the causative agent could not be passed through bacteria-retaining filters.


54. In many cases of eczema it is probable that more than one causative factor is involved and that the patients may be sensitive to a variety of contact and ingested allergens.


55. At the same time, genetic mapping of some functional genes (Lmbrl, MC4R and IGF1) with their SSCP (single- stranded conformational polymorphism) genotypes was analyzed along with microsatellite markers in CAU genetic map.


56. In addition, it is put forward that the semantic core of causative is the transference of causative force, which consists of three parts, i.


57. Treatment of the causative disorder is necessary to control nephrotic syndrome.


58. The ratio of transition and transversion is 1.6:1.Po also behaves as an incomplete dominant in CAU resource reference population established by silkies and White Plymouth Rock broilers.


59. The antibiotics and Chinese Traditional Medicines, especially oral penicillin was the most common among the causative drugs.


60. In the respect of causative intensity, causative voice and non-causative voice or different types of causative sentences present an apparent continuum.


61. KET CAU NOI DUNG CUA HOP DONG NGOAI THUONG thong thuong gom co hai phan la phan mo dau va phan noi dung ve cac dieu khoan cua hop dong .


62. Recent studies showed that some transcriptional regulators with histone acetyltransferase(HAT) and deacetylase(HDAC) activities may play a causative role in regulating gene expression.


63. For a pattern to be valid there must be a logical or causative connection between the clustered behaviors, not just a spurious correlation.


64. The condition or causative agent, such as a bacterium, fungus, or virus, that results in blight.


65. Maternal ingestion of Phenacetin with medullary inflammation and obstruction during the third trimester of pregnancy has been suggested as a possible causative factor <5,7>.


66. Laboratory tests have identified Marburg virus as the causative agent in an outbreak of suspected viral haemorrhagic fever in Angola.


67. The results obtained through the experiment are discussed with respect to the issues in SLA. It was found that once Learner's acquire the ZERO CAUS, they are able to work out the correct argument structure of EO verbs.


68. Pebrine disease is a traditional and destructive disease in sericulture.The causative agent is Nosema bombycis.

家蚕(Bombyx mori)微粒子病作为传统养蚕业上一种既古老而又具毁灭性的传染性疫病,其致病病原为家蚕微粒子孢子(Nosema bombycis,简称N.b)。

69. To the world CAU is an University .But to us CAU is the world.


70. Even when the in itial infectious or mole cular cau se is known, it is many st eps re moved ex pression of the disease.


71. The causative verbs used in the construction have been comprehensively discussed, and as a result, its derivational feature has been found and defined.


72. He recovered and the causative agent was coxsackie virus.


73. The causative organisms included both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.


74. Sarcoidosis is another example of an immunologic process that causes widespread lymphadenopathy although the causative antigen has not yet been identified.


75. Acute diarrhea is often self-limiting with symptoms continuing until the irritant or causative agent is excreted.


76. Seen here are spirochetes from a lesion of primary syphilis known a chancre.The causative organism is Treponema pallidum.


77. Causative factors are then analyzed, followed by descriptions of interactions like antagonism, succession, and mycorrhiza.


78. Anti-static and non-pilling: the damage of fiber in the cotton will caus the phenomenon of pilling while clothes made by the colored cotton posses the feature of non-edformation and non-pilling.


79. Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases.


80. Aim This study was to clarify whether insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are causative factors in the cerebral infarction.

