

1. Any of various bottom-dwelling fishes of the family Antennariidae of tropical and temperate seas,characteristically having a prickly or warty globose body and pectoral fins adapted for grasping.


2. Throughout he remained characteristically modest, describing himself as “a good journeyman soldier” and “one of the Unintelligentsia”.


3. Taleb is characteristically vituperative about the quantitative risk models, which try to model something that defies modelization.


4. The biography was characteristically cryptic but was snapped up by Kremlinologists who have been kept in the dark on even the simplest facts about the Soviet First Lady.


5. A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate which characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva, breathing by gills. When mature, the amphibian breathes with lungs.


6. Any of various plants of the genus Mentha,characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. Some plants are cultivated for their aromatic oil and used for flavoring.


7. Any of various primitive elongated freshwater or anadromous fishes of the family Petromyzontidae, characteristically having a jawless sucking mouth with rasping teeth.


8. The three respects mentioned above determined the various characterist ics of traditional and contermporary Chinese thoughts of geoscience.


9. A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscous behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow.


10. A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscus behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow.


11. The formal announcement was accompanied by characteristically military-style personal directives from General Li Boqiu.


12. There is characteristically more conformity to group norms in public than in private acts.


13. China's military tradition is characteristically one of seeking peace.


14. The Traditional Chinese Culture was characteristically harmonious culture pursued by all the people.


15. China's economic development has entered a new stage which is characteristically one of high growth and low inflation.


16. The pattern of basic values and attitudes of a people, characteristically transmitted through myths and the arts.


17. The pattern of basic values and attitudes of a people,characteristically transmitted through myths and the arts.


18. Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative.


19. Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative.He asked Congress to call a referendum on the legitimacy of his term.


20. The only person in the book who does not heap praise on the president is Putin himself, who is characteristically humble.


21. Any of a group of chemically and physically related aluminum silicate minerals, common in igneous and metamorphic rocks, characteristically splitting into flexible sheets used in insulation and electrical equipment.


22. Any of a group of chemically and physically related aluminum silicate minerals,common in igneous and metamorphic rocks,characteristically splitting into flexible sheets used in insulation and electrical equipment.


23. Owing to its different properties from those of the other plant oils, Castor oil should be characteristically processed.


24. Characteristically she took the joke very well.

从她的性格来说, 她经得起那个玩笑.

25. Characteristically, metals are opaque, ductile, and good conductors of heat and electricity.


26. Characteristically, he was determined to act without clearly knowing what to do .


27. They are characteristically lightweight and are made from poplar, spruce, and even mahogany.


28. They characteristically had conspired against Batista.


29. He attempts to woo her in a characteristically extravagant manner.


30. Characteristically, he does not cite any source for this assertion.


31. Also fantastic is the score by the great Mogwai, which fades in and out in their characteristically cinematic and dynamic style.

伟大的莫格瓦乐队的 进球一曲也同样梦幻,在他们特有的电影式动态风格中,歌曲时而退居其外,时而融入其中。

32. Sharply determined concepts definable by the traditional means after which we characteristically hanker.


33. But in the end it transpired that the allusion was characteristically to an Edwardian popular song.


34. Having rushed with other European heads of government to the Middle East to douse the flames of Gaza, he returned home with a characteristically grandiose idea.


35. Any of various large birds of prey of the New World family Cathartidae or of the Old World family Accipitridae, characteristically having dark plumage and a featherless head and neck and generally feeding on carrion.


36. Kraemer's reply was characteristically long-winded but nevertheless clear and direct.


37. A group of people united by common beliefs, attitudes, or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique.

内集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团; 小集团

38. A group of people united by common beliefs,attitudes,or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique.


39. These tumors, to date, have occurred over a wide age range in postpubertal females, are characteristically unilateral, and confined to the ovary at presentation.


40. Any of several small insectivorous mammals of the family Erinaceidae of Europe,Africa,and Asia,having the back covered with dense,erectile spines and characteristically rolling into a ball for protection.


41. Chemical laser is characteristically energized by an exoergic chemical reaction which produces the nece ssary population inversion of lasing species.

化学激光器是以释能化学反应提供能源, 并且以化学反应产生粒子数反转为基础的。

42. A crustacean of the order Decapoda, such as a crab, lobster, or shrimp, characteristically having ten legs, each joined to a segment of the thorax.


43. A crustacean of the order Decapoda,such as a crab,lobster,or shrimp,characteristically having ten legs,each joined to a segment of the thorax.


44. Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is one of the most common tumors in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which characteristically presents with cutaneous lesions.


45. A jellylike state of cytoplasm, characteristically occurring in the pseudopod of the amoeba.


46. And influenced and restricted by var ious factors,the safeguarding work on new campuses carries some new characterist ics.


47. Wei arrives after my midday meal. His characteristically quick steps reach me from the other end of the corridor and comfort me, as if releasing me from a suffocating room.


48. Characteristically, his irritation turned not against Irene but against Soames.


49. An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning, having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment.


50. An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning,having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment.


51. The amplitudes of the echoes in a train decay with the T2 relaxation time that varies characteristically for different materials.


52. Grain orientation within the intertidal beach unit is characteristically more-or-less normal to the coastline .


53. A commonly observed welding defect that characteristically occurs at high speeds in the periodic undulation of the weld appreaance,was known as the humping weld.


54. Any of various low-growing herbs of the genus Viola, having short-spurred, irregular flowers that are characteristically purplish-blue but sometimes yellow or white.


55. Such enterprises require great central power for the mobilization of labor, and characteristically issue in a despotic form of order.


56. Characteristically self-composed and sensible.


57. Certain fracture patterns (eg, those of column and T-shaped fractures) characteristically include fractures through the obturator ring.


58. It could improve the rate of sludge dehydration efficiently if the sludge was regulated characteristically before dehydration.


59. And they each strive to explain, and often improve, the characteristically messy economic worlds that they encounter.


60. Costs characteristically decline by 20-30% in real terms each time accumulated experience doubles.


61. EMA immunoreactivity of ependymoma is characteristically dot-like in the paranuclear region, and patchy and membranous in meningiomas.


62. An animal that characteristically lives commensally in the nest, burrow, or dwelling place of an animal of another species.


63. This paper compares and analyzes functions, structures and safety stra tegies of several mainstream databases, then sets forth their inner characterist ics.


64. Septal thickening associated with fibrosis is characteristically irregular in contour and associated with distortion of lung architecture.


65. Any of numerous marine gastropod mollusks, as of the families Acmaeidae and Patellidae, characteristically having a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas.


66. Any of numerous marine gastropod mollusks,as of the families Acmaeidae and Patellidae,characteristically having a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas.


67. Hay bales punctuate a characteristically tree-poor British landscape.


68. Any of various terrestrial turtles,especially one of the family Testudinidae,characteristically having thick clublike hind limbs and a high,rounded carapace.


69. Any of a breed of characteristically large, reddish-brown or chestnut-colored draft horses.


70. Characteristically, the strains in the plactic region are much greater than in the elastic region.


71. An attitude, a custom, or a feature that seems characteristically German.


72. When ventricular myocardium is ischemic, the relation between ventricular repolarization duration and RR interval will be changed correspondently and characteristically.


73. I went on, using the characteristically bombastic language of the time.


74. So nitric acid can canker its broken side,it also appears natural crystal veins,this veins is nearly the main characterist of aerosiderite!


75. Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes, such as a tapeworm or a planarian, characteristically having a soft, flat, bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity.


76. Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes,such as a tapeworm or a planarian,characteristically having a soft,flat,bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity.


77. Of, relating to, or being a type of ragtime characteristically played on a tinny-sounding piano.


78. Napoleon's attempt to alter that balance was characteristically bold and risky.


79. Most wines are reportedly fresh and characteristically fruit-driven, with mainly healthy grapes despite local cases of rot - particularly among Muscat Ottonel.


80. Characteristically scratching the ground for food. Used of chickens and similar birds.

