
chopchopD.J.:[tʃɔp]K.K.:[tʃɑp]vt. & vi.1.砍, 伐, 劈I chopped a branch off the tree.我从树上砍下一根树枝。He chopped me some wood.他给我劈了一些柴。n.1.带骨的肉块2.剁, 砍, 劈She cut down the seedling with one chop.她一刀就把小苗砍倒了。

chop1[tʃɔp]vt.1.砍;斩;劈;剁 (常与 down,off连用):Chop some wood for the fire.给炉子劈点木柴来。He chopped down an old apple tree.他砍倒了一棵老苹果树。2.切碎;剁碎 (常与up连用):She chopped the carrots for the stew.她把胡萝卜切碎放在炖的菜里。The cook is chopping up the vegetables.厨师正在切菜。3.砍成;劈成:The fireman chopped a hole in the wall.消防队员在墙上砍了一个洞。4.大量削减:He chopped the short story by two paragraphs.他把这篇短篇小说删去了两段。5.(网球等)削(球),切(球):He often chopped the ball instead of driving it.他常常削球,而不是抽球。vi.1.猛砍;猛剁;猛击;劈:She chopped at the robber with her knife, but missed.她用刀猛地向强盗砍去,但没砍着。2.突然插入;插嘴;急速地说出:He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.他突然插进一句讽刺的话。n.1.砍;斩;劈;剁;切2.砍(或劈)的痕迹3.被砍下的一块;剁碎的东西4.(一块)排骨;肋条肉5.碎浪;被风吹皱的海面6.(网球等的)削击,切击7.(拳击中的)切击8.[澳大利亚英语] 劈木比赛 [常用复数]9.(用拳头)猛击或用手劈10.[口语] 等级;品质;才能11.【军事】作战指挥权易手be for the chop[英国英语] 被解雇;被杀害flap one's chops[美国俚语] 说废话,开玩笑;议论;争辩get the chop (或 chopper)[俚语] 被杀死;被斩首;被取消 give the chop [口语]解雇;杀害中止计划 [亦作 give the chop to ]lick one's chops[俚语]高兴地等待,愉快地盼望,期待变形vt.chopped chopping chop2[tʃɔp]n.1.[常用复数]2.颚;面颊,脸蛋3.口腔,嘴down in the chops垂头丧气,神色沮丧lick one's chops[俚语] 高兴地等待着,期望着;(对…)馋涎欲滴[美国俚语]幸灾乐祸 chop3[tʃɔp]vi.1.(风)突然转向:The wind chopped round to the west.风向突然转西。2.随风倒;像风一样地转变方向3.争辩,顶嘴变形vi.choppedchopping

chopchop[tʃɔp]vt.(chopped, chopping)1.砍, 伐, 劈, 斩2.切细, 剁碎3.使裂开, 中断, 打断, 割断(历史)(up)4.劈路前进5.交换, 交易; (网球)切打chop wood劈柴chop off a finger砍掉一个手指chop up meat把肉剁碎chop up history割断历史chop horse交换马匹chop a ball搓球We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.我们必须在矮树林中砍伐出一条路来。
词性变化chop[tʃɔp]vi.1.砍, 剁, 切, 劈(at)2.猛击, 连击3.插嘴(in)4.裂开5.(风、波浪方向)突变, 骤变(about, around)chop at a tree砍树The hawk chops upon its prey.老鹰猛地向它要捕食的动物扑去。He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.他突然插进一句讽刺话。The wind chopped to the west.风突然转西向了。chop[tʃɔp]n.1.砍, 劈, 剁; 砍[劈]的痕迹2.(一块)排骨3.裂口, 裂缝, 龟缝, 碎块, 断层4.随风翻变的波浪5.[pl. ]牙床; 颚; 腮; 嘴6.港口, 河口7.印章, 戳记; 许可证; 护照; 商标; 质量, 等级8.【计】断续, 相间

继承用法chopboatn.1.(中国的)划子chop-chopadv., int.1.快点, 赶快chophouse[ˈtʃɔphaʊs]n.1.小饭店2.(旧中国的)海关