
claspclaspD.J.:[klɑ:sp]K.K.:[klæsp]vt.1.紧握; 紧抱The child clasped the doll tightly.小孩紧抱着洋娃娃。vt. & vi.1.扣住, 扣紧n.1.扣, 钩The clasp on his belt had broken.他的皮带上的钩子已经坏了。2.紧握; 拥抱He gave my hand a warm clasp.他热切地紧握我的手。

clasp[klɑ:sp; klæsp]n.1.扣子,钩子;夹子;扣钩2.紧握;拥抱;握手vt.1.扣住,钩住:She clasped a bracelet round her wrist.她将手镯戴在手腕上。2.紧紧抓住,握住,夹住:She clasped the book in her fingers.她用手指将书夹住。I clasped his hand tight in both of mine.我把他的手紧紧攥在我的两只手里。3.紧紧拥抱,搂住:The girl clasped the doll tightly.小姑娘紧紧抱着洋娃娃。4.使(繦等)缠绕,使盘绕,绕住vi.1.钩住,扣住:The safety catch won't clasp.保险搭扣扣不上。变形vt.clasped 或 clasptclasping

claspclasp[klɑ:sp]vt.1.扣住, 扣紧2.抱紧, 拥抱, 紧握3.(藤等)紧紧缠绕; (用铆钉)铆紧clasp hands紧紧握手, 互相结合, 结成联盟clasp one's hands(表示哀求, 绝望等)双手十指交叉紧握He clasped the baby in his arms.他把婴儿紧紧地抱在怀里。
词性变化clasp[klɑ:sp]vi.1.扣紧, 扣住2.紧紧握住My button hook won't clasp.我的钮扣钩怎么也扣不上。clasp[klɑ:sp]n.1.扣子, 钩环, 钩子, 别针(挂奖章等用的)2.紧握, 握手, 拥抱3.【医】(外科手术用的)挂钩He gave my hand a warm clasp.他热切地紧握我的手。

继承用法claspknifen.1.折叠式小刀claspern.1.扣子, 钩子2.(藤须等)缠绕物3.【动】交合突, 鳍脚, 交尾器官