

1. "Unfortunately, current therapy for secondary Raynaud's phenomenon is suboptimal and challenging to the clinician, as there are limited drugs to treat it," Dr.


2. A trained clinician designs a treatment protocol based on the needs and particular behavioural problem of an individual patient.


3. A trained clinician designs a treatment protocol based on the needs and particular behavioural problem of an individual patient


4. The clinician is best guided by evidence of a water diuresis as indicated by observation of the urine specific gravity


5. The clinician may consider disopyramide, procainamide, or quinidine on an individual basis.


6. Clinician should use antimicrobial agents prudently to avoid the transmission of multiply drug antimicrobial agents.


7. A clinician must balance these proider-centered goals with patient-centered goals.


8. Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence


9. Experience of the Achievement Evaluation System About Clinician


10. The Clinician’s Guide to Liver Disease is a user-friendly quick reference for the management of acute and chronic liver disease for the gastroenterologist.


11. The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope,4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat.


12. The clinician then passes a smaller-caliber endoscope, 4.9 mm in diameter, through the nose, pharynx and throat.


13. How to elucidate bacterial drug susceptibility test results by clinician


14. Clinician workstation


15. A Clinician Should Be Good at Philosophy


16. How to evaluate the clinical significance of causative organism culture and drug susceptibility test for a clinician


17. Diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer should attract clinician's attention


18. Through continual work on self-awareness and seeing through the "lens" of others, the clinician lays the foundation for the collaboratie relationship that best supports the patient's health.


19. Clinical training plays an important role for medical students to be an eligible clinician.


20. thinking of clinician


21. nurse clinician

临床护士, 临床护师

22. Fuzzy quantitative evaluating model of the standard of scientific research of clinician


23. These facts prompted the ACEP Subcommittee to reealuate the role of the emergency clinician when treating the patient presenting with syncope.


24. Reflections On The Cost-Effectiveness Of Recombinant FSH in Assisted Reproduction. The Clinician's Perspective


25. How can auditory-based clinician support the child whose minority language is spoken at home?


26. Utilize of Theory on Syndrome of Blood Retention in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases in Modern Clinician


27. An experienced, astute clinician can often diagnose ICSC based solely upon the history and chief complaint-a young, anxious patient who presents with unilateral metamorphopsia of recent onset.


28. It was an effective way for improving the skill of the resident and the quality of clinician that developed the standardized training of residents and the diplomate training.


29. Hanson and Seger are at odds on how to treat it: Hanson, always the cut and dried clinician, looks for hard medical facts.


30. As the clinician,it is part of your job to make adjustments to the location and seating that make the patient and you more comfortable.


31. First must enhance as clinician to the understanding which should get sick, enhances to the CVA vigilance, skilled grasps the diagnosis standard, in detail inquired the m...


32. You, the clinician, must be willing to listen to and validate these feelings, and not let your own feelings prevent you from exploring painful areas.


33. You,the clinician,must be willing to listen to and alidate these feelings,and not let your own feelings preent you from exploring painful areas.


34. You,the clinician,must be willing to listen to and validate these feelings,and not let your own feelings prevent you from exploring painful areas.


35. It's considered a blind technique because it relies on the clinician's touch to judge when the catheter is in the correct position to inject the embryos.


36. Our results show that clinician must select antibiotic according to the drug sensitive test of diplococcus gonorrhoeae to prevent drug-fast bacteria multiple infection.


37. The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection


38. Keywords Medico;Clinician;The Specification of the Documentation of the Medical Record;Training;Medical Quality Control;


39. Doctor s academic science and leechcraft are connected closely.They are related to modern clinician s training methods and methods of becoming success,and worth deep research.


40. clinician's types


41. Students will understand how to mine the statistics to represent the relationships between findings and diseases and apply the Bayesian theorem to mimic the clinician's decision process.


42. In addition, the presence of infection was checked by a daily ia blood and urine samples as well as clinical examination by a clinician who was blinded to the study interention.


43. Similarly, for many medical products, patients do not directly interact with the user interface, but they have motivations and objectives that may be very different than the clinician using the product.


44. As such, the clinician should be cognizant of the possible existence of multiple and simultaneous fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis with preexisting internal spine instrumentation.


45. Therefore, the psychiatrist or other delegated qualified clinician should determine the indications for psychotherapy and follow its development.


46. In the clinical touch transfer technique, the clinician uses a catheter to place the embryos into the uterus.


47. The clinician's role in managing crying is to present explanations and options to parents, who can then try different strategies to diminish the child's crying.


48. Clinician subject data set design based on HIS


49. Based on the CTC theory,detecting circulating tumor cell would help the clinician finding early metastasis or recurrence more effectively.


50. If you've been taking antibiotics and you develop watery diarrhea and abdominal pain, see your clinician right away.


51. family nurse clinician


52. Although this may be appropriate in nonprofessional relationships,in your role as a clinician,such comments are usually counterproductie.


53. Using pure tone audiometry and ABR, in addition to CT, we can clinically assess the hearing status and the development of external and middle ear, thus guiding the clinician in handling with difficult surgery.


54. Although so,is opposite to the department of pediatrics other diseases,the autumn diarrhea was one kind from the limiting disease,still has not caused clinician enough to take.


55. Zhang Shanlei, a modern famous philologist, educationist and clinician, took high reputation in TCM circle.


56. Medical Genetics for the Modern Clinician


57. You should suggest clinician to do a anal swap and send to laboratory to search for pinworm.


58. I would recommend the clinician do a pelvic CT scan or MRI to evaluate various organs, urine cytology, and a cystoscopic examination.


59. I would like to pick up phone and talk to GYN clinician to find out what is clinical history and presentation.


60. So the author suggests three kinds of treatments for clinician to choose, such as the balneotherapy、the eliminating turbid by pungation and colo...


61. Clinical probation is transitional stage in which medical students study from theory to practice and from classroom to clinic, and it's very important to cultivate qualified clinician.


62. Objective: To study ultrasound in the diagnosis of uterine cesarean section with the application of abdominal adhesions, and arouse the appropriate clinician concern.


63. The aim of this article is to improve the clinician's cognition to the cryptococcosis through a case of analysis of disseminated cryptococcosis.


64. There is no doubt the TCM is assuredness to substitute for WM remedy and provide clinician other remedy choice.


65. Clearly, compliance with treatment is enhanced when the treatment occurs within the context of a trusting therapeutic alliance with a skilled, psychologically minded, and empathic clinician.


66. It is up to the astute clinician to evaluate these changes and to relate them to occupational exposure


67. During treatments, the clinician and patient must wear appropriate protective eyewear.


68. The Integrity of the Modern Medical Sciential and Humanistic Spirit and Development in Comprehensive Character of Clinician


69. Realists are more conscious of the limits of models and more comfortable with a division of labor between the researcher who improves the models and the clinician who makes policy decisions.


70. "Clinical presentation can be rather nonspecific.The average clinician doesn't think Chagas.


71. Objective: To study ultrasound in the diagnosis of uterine cesarean section with the application of abdominal adhesions,and arouse the appropriate clinician concern.


72. OBJECTIVE:Commentating ALLHAT(the part of anti-hypertension treatment) and LIFE,to surpply clinician reference to use drug in reason.


73. Objective To introduce the experience of applying the Achievement Evaluation System about Clinician developed by ourselves in modern hospital management.


74. Objective To analyze clinical data of paragonimiasis and provide references for clinician.


75. Objective To discuss the little and hith mortality of heart hernia in clinical and explore heart hernia may help clinician improve recognition and guide the treatment.


76. Objective To explore the clinical pathological characteristics of the hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT), and to improve the clinician s congnition to the disease.


77. Objective Enhances clinician awareness with the infection of infraorbital space,reduces occurrence which the misdiagnosis and improper treatment.


78. By comparison, the skinny scope procedure is performed by a single clinician in an office setting and does not require sedation.


79. Evaluating the knowledge and ability of the medical treatment technology personnel's (clinician) individual complex level scientifically that will redound to improve their work's positivity;


80. Tools of this kind that can stratify a given disease such as prostate cancer into its precise subtype would allow a clinician to make a rational choice of the appropriate therapy for each individual.

