

1. A like every day makes a clout on Sunday /If you always wear your best clothes they will soon wear out


2. And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.


3. The CDU looks likely to keep two state premiers it thought it would lose and thus hold on to more of its clout in the Bundesrat, the legislature's upper house.


4. The NIC appears relatively certain the EU will be "losing clout" by 2025.


5. Svay said she likely likes the idea of the a European Union, because individual European countrys countries are too small to will wield much cloud clout in wel world affairs.


6. "All the evidence showed that Russia does not have that kind of clout in the Far East any more" (Joseph Kraft)


7. “Sometimes monastic officials wanted a child from a powerful local noble family to give the cloister more political clout.


8. “Economic clout is Taiwan's raison d'etre.


9. solo clout


10. Together, those three companies supply more than 70% of the world's exported iron ore, and their efforts to consolidate could magnify their clout in commodity markets in the future.


11. No.While some schools hold a certain amount of clout with many large studios and their degrees are in fact well respected, like Ringling or Cal Arts for example, artistic jobs do not require a degree.


12. The World Bank can use its clout with poorer countries to insist on reforms.


13. In short, they're well-educated and have clout.


14. Cast ne'er a clout till May is out.


15. Men have lost their reason in nothig so much as their religion, wherein stones and clouts make martyrs.Sir Thomas Brown, British Physician.


16. They fight the target to in the clout the rate as high as the mistake shot in the clout the rate!


17. They gained considerable political clout.


18. He gave the little boy a clout on the head.


19. He has a lot of clout with the board of directors.


20. He says the nations of the Pacific rim -a region which accounts for nearly half of all international trade - have the clout to move the stalled world trade talks forward.


21. But the army's relative lack of clout has been reflected in a budget that Mr Juwono describes as covering just 30% of what is needed, though it is now being beefed up.


22. Yet at the same time, it does not want to hear regional demands, especially from Japan, for stronger anti-missile defences or other weaponry that would undermine its military clout.


23. The DPG want DPJ wants to take gratical radical steps to weak weaken the political cloud clout of Japan's large consertative berockysiy conservative bureaucracy and big business.


24. But Fujian can use its new clout to gain speedier approvals in Beijing for big projects.


25. But private investors may have been durably scared by the union's display of clout.


26. But the countries giving most are likely to wield most clout.


27. But in the past two decades China has witnessed prodigious economic growth, with an increase in its military might and attendant political clout.


28. Midrange manufacturers often have limited clout with suppliers, making across-the-board mandatory lead-time reductions unlikely.


29. But China's market clout is not matched by its governance prowess.


30. But with its own inefficient economy foundering, and with the GCC countries jointly wielding hundreds of billions of dollars in investment capital, it is the Arabs who now carry greater clout.


31. But a small firm like Hambrecht does not have enough clout to force its larger rivals to move with it.


32. This is not enough clout on its own to trouble the trustbusters: in fact Sony BMG has a smaller European presence than Universal, the leading record company.


33. As the world's biggest advertiser, P&G has tremendous clout in adland.


34. His pick as director, Suzanne Rich Folsom, has more clout an her predecessor .


35. You have clout with the mayor, You try it.


36. The Russians have extended their empire, by sheer clout of arms, closer towards an oil-producing area where the people who own the oil Europe cannot live without are powerfully impressed by who has clout and who has not.


37. With the parliament largely emasculated, television under state control, the press muzzled and once autonomous regions shackled, the presidency has acquired enormous clout.


38. king of clouts


39. Those parts of the economy with political clout, like farming and housebuilding, get subsidised credit from state-owned lenders whereas ordinary customers pay through the nose.


40. Mr. Neely has a lot of clout around here.


41. Radar and Airframe Upgrades Boost U.S. EW Clout


42. In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analyzing its commercial frailties.


43. In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analysing its commercial frailties.


44. cast never a clout till may is out


45. Beijing is still inept at wielding its growing clout abroad and that the country's obsession with the Beijing Olympics reflected a "weak nation's psychology."


46. formidable clout


47. For the first time in a decade, AOL and Microsoft each face an adversary with real clout


48. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite a surging economy and growing geopolitical clout, China ranks far below the United States in the opinion of Asian countries, a survey showed on Tuesday.


49. Indonesia stumbles from crisis to crisis under President Wahid and the one person with the clout and popular suport to replace him prefers to sit in the wings.What makes Megawati so statie?


50. Even institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies, which ought to have the clout to force down fees, are paying more.


51. And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.


52. Perhaps doctors or other ED personnel might have more clout in breaking through the voicemail barrier to connect with clinic schedulers, she said.


53. Mr.Swartz elaborated on why his industry will make environmental progress only if its chiefs agree to an industry standard for greenness and use their combined clout to get their suppliers to meet it.


54. The contract workers, never part of a permanent workforce, do not have much clout, and their national agreement may be an anachronism.


55. And the bigger the mining company the more pricing clout it would have with Asian customers.


56. Also, Bush's press secretary submits his resignation as the new White House chief of staff exercises his restructuring clout.


57. In the clout!


58. Unable to compete with the endless riches or political clout of a Hapan prince, Solo improvised in typical Solo fashion.


59. Subspecies just do not carry as much political clout.


60. Because I didn't want to lose my clout


61. As a result, many countries are now underrepresented, even by the fund's odd formulas, and others find their clout falls far short of their weight in world output 。


62. Internal bickering and a "democracy gap" separating Brussels from European voters will leave the EU "a hobbled giant", unable to translate its economic clout into global influence.


63. And the hefty clout they have with equipment vendors after China's vast network roll-outs could help shave costs for any overseas acquisition.


64. China's sudden prominence, according to this view, will reduce the clout of America, Europe and other rich democracies in the developing world.


65. In his written statement, Horne did not spell out the implications of China’s growing space clout on the U.S. ability to respond to any Chinese attack on Taiwan.


66. In multilateral deals, poor countries can piggyback on powerful countries' negotiating clout;


67. When she is rich, she has the temperament of a real princess, because she does not enslave herself by her clout and status.


68. clout target


69. clout shooting


70. 6 The CSU's lost clout may be more obvious under Mr.Huber, who spurned a chance to head Ms Merkel's chancellery in 2005.


71. Diplomatic clout decides which countries conclude treaties with others, and on what terms.


72. clout nails


73. With the thumpire's shout, they all start to clout


74. The queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout.

女王有特权, 但无真正的政治影响力。

75. She's got both the style and the smarts to be a world class royal, with the political clout to match.

她 具 有 世 界 一 流 的 王 室 成 员 的 风 范 和 才 智 , 也 有 着 与 之 相 称 的 政 治 影 响 。

76. She's got both the style and the smarts to be a world?class royal,with the political clout to match.


77. She's got both the style and the smarts to be a world class royal, with the political clout to match


78. She longed to clout him in the nozzle.


79. Now, rather than seeking merger partners in their own industry in hopes of gaining market clout, they are trying to protect their access to iron ore and coal by investing in mines.


80. If you look far enough into the future , 2009 may well be seem as the moment Asia consolidated its economic and geopolitical clout.

