

1. 10 Carpenter, T.P., Fennema, E., Franke, M.L., Levi, L., &Empson, S.B.(1999).Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction. Reston, VA; The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


2. James Bach pointed out the essential characteristic of exploratory testing-the explorer is cognitively present.

James Bach指出了探索性测试的核心特征:测试者要有灵感。

3. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone lwho has not had an active mind.

People will be alert(警觉)and receptive(接受能力强的)if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in.

4. Parents of elementary school students posed a positive attitude cognitively toward private schooling, representing expectation of its implementation.4.


5. the ineffaceable strangeness and vulnerability of the face summons and surprises me by invoking my responsibility before any attempt to grasp it cognitively.


6. However, the automobile environment is noisy, and it is not clear that verbalizing a command, especially if it needs to be repeated or corrected for, is any less cognitively demanding than pressing a button.


7. Differently, the author holds that metaphors also play a cognitively central role in the context of justification, and scientific reasoning and theoretical explanation are shot through with metaphors.


8. Ethic review in clinical research: cognitively impaired persons


9. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.


10. rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.


11. Parents of elementary school students varied significantly in their attitude cognitively toward school choice in regards of residence, religion, and education.3.


12. Cognitively,man,the subject of cognition,must classify and categorize the objects.

从认知学角度来看 ,作为认知主体的人对于认知对象必须进行分类和范畴化。

13. This is how tagging works, cognitively speaking.


14. He sees the child as an egocentric being, who socializes by decentring, verbally,morally, and even more so cognitively.


15. It is difficult, for instance, to assess pain in the cognitively impaired elderly because pain perception draws heavily on a patient's subjective interpretation and tolerance level.


16. Traditional studies usually regard metaphor as a rhetoric device, while modern studies view it more cognitively than rhetorically.


17. There is an incongruity between the usage and perception of helpfulness of some particular strategies and these students show preference for cognitively less demanding strategies.


18. Skehan, P. A Cognit ive App roach to L anguage Learning[M ] . Oxford: Oxford U niversity P ress, 1998 .


19. Think meta cognitively about your business.


20. “This is one mode in which older people can stay mentally fit, cognitively fit,” Prof Kramer said, adding that socialising, exercisingeating well were also important to mentalhealth in later years.


21. At enrollment, subjects were symptomatically stable and did not abuse substances, but they were considered to be cognitively disabled and chronically ill.


22. Accordingly, the text can be proposed as a macro social semiotic that negotiates the interactive relationship between linguistic system, socio-cultural system and cognit...


23. This is argued to be cognitively motivated by the conceptual prominence of the CORE stage in a speech act scenario.


24. It is where you cognitively decide that you are going to work towards a goal and achieve that goal without being sidetracked by “instant” distractions.


25. ” If the animals are cognitively challenged, the cells will linger.If not, they will fade away.


26. Cognitively flattery


27. Children are not handicapped cognitively by bilingualism;some types of intelligence, such as creativity, may be enhanced by the child's being bilingual.


28. Various aspects of the learning process are influenced by the cognitively relevant characteristics of media: their technologies, symbol systems, and processing capabilities.


29. The tendency of neglecting "proper attention to fairness" and reproaching "efficiency first" should be revealed the root cognitively.


30. Will it worsen the gap between the 'haves' and 'have-nots' when the rich are cognitively enhanced not only through better education, but also through drugs or other technologies?


31. I think his new found balance is helping him not only physically but also cognitively as he has a new found motivation as his confidence in himself grows.


32. Contact nurses assessed pain in 57% of cognitively impaired older adults.


33. In other words, the rodents were now cognitively predisposed to keep doing the same things over and over, to run laps in the same dead-ended rat race rather than seek a pipeline to greener sewers.


34. According to Relevance Theory, translation can be regarded as a cognitively inferential communication process.


35. As a result and representation of human thought and cognition, language order is iconic or cognitively motivated.


36. Methods Longitudinally followed up 118 cognitively normal elderly, compared their annual MMSE changes, incidence of dementias with APOE4 genotypes and vascular risk factors.


37. Some said children would be cognitively deprived if not taught in their native tongue.


38. Carpenter, T.P., Fennema, E., Franke, M.L., Levi, L., &Empson, S.B.(1999).Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction. Reston, VA; The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


39. 1) Everyone construes his (her) world cognitively as he (she) grows up.


40. Perceiving Cognitively and Going beyond the Cultural Psychology of Nations


41. Yet it’s that extreme gap between intuitive shelf-set decision and how to cognitively and verbally account for consumer preferences that bedevils companies eager to sell more products.


42. cognitively based predilection and affectivity based predilection exert more remarkable influence on brand loyalty.


43. Rectangular graphs and diagrams are also the easiest for us to make sense of. There’s something about rectangles that just seems to work cognitively for humans. Rectangles are also quite space-efficient.


44. Chapter Six tries to study Korean mono-valent nouns and divalent nouns cognitively, focusing on ellipsis of mono-valent nouns and micro mechanism of activating its meanings.


45. and we were able to look at the effects of alcohol consumption in both cognitively normal older adults as well as those who had mild cognitive impairment.


46. cognitively impulsive


47. cognitively reflective


48. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who his not had an active mind.


49. Qualitative conceptions operate with meaning as the content, and the processes as cognitively high level.


50. Thus, in place of what we might call desire, the authors believe that elegance (in the sense of gracefulness) means that the user is stimulated and supported both cognitively and emotionally in whatever context she is in.


51. It is just that with the concepts we have and the concepts we are capable of forming, we are cognitively closed to a full, bridging explanation by the very structure of our minds (McGinn 1991).


52. This may occur because the amygdala is more fully formed during the first year of life than the hippocampus (necessary for cognitively oriented processes).


53. It is unknown whether these losses or other volumetric changes are present, and to what degree, in cognitively normal individuals before the clinical diagnosis of MCI.


54. Steps such as these make your site more readable for those users who are vision, motor skilled or cognitively impaired.

