
collectcollectD.J.:[kəˈlekt]K.K.:[kəˈlɛkt]vt.1.收集, 采集They are collecting this material at the points of origin.他们正在产地收集这种材料。2.领取; 接走; 拿走She collected her mail.她取走了邮件。He collected the children from school.他从学校把孩子们接走了。vi.1.聚集, 集合A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.群众迅速聚集在事故现场。vt. & vi.1.征收; 募集We're collecting for the famine victims.我们正在为遭受饥荒的灾民募款。The government is trying to improve the way it collects taxes.政府正试图改进收税的方式。

collect1[kə'lekt]vt.1.使集合,使聚集:Will you collect all the students to the classroom?您把全体学生召集到教室中好吗?2.收集,收藏:Why do you collect stamps?你为什么要收藏邮票?3.回收;征收:to collect a bill收账4.使镇定,鼓起(勇气),打起(精神):This gave Mr White an opportunity of collecting his thoughts.这就给怀特先生一个使思想集中起来的机会。5.取,领取:What about leaving it here and collecting it on the way back?先把它放在这里等回来再取好不好?6.【体育】打赢:John collected a double and two singles.约翰一举赢了一场双打和两场单打。7.[古语]推测vi.1.聚集,集合:The pupils collected in the big hall.学生们聚集在大厅里。2.积聚,积累:Rain water collected in the drainpipe.雨水积聚在排水道里。3.收款,收账:He collected on the damage to his house.他收到了房屋损坏的赔款。4.收藏,采集:He has been collecting for years.多年来他一直从事收藏工作。adj.,adv.1.[美国英语]要求接受者付款的(地);(打电话、电报时)由受话人或收报人付费的(地);货到付款的(地)近义词gathercollect oneself镇定下来,使自己平心静气 collect2['kəlekt]n.1.(西方教堂中在特定日期的圣餐礼拜或弥撒中使用的)特用短祷文

collectcollect[kəˈlekt]vt.1.收集, 搜集, 采集; 收藏2.收(租, 税, 帐等); 募(捐)3.领取(信件等); 接走4.集中(思想); 使镇定; 恢复控制; 克服涣散5.推断[测], 认定collect manure积肥collect stamps集邮He drove off to collect his date.他开车去接和他约会的女友。Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas.在你开始讲话之前, 你应当集中你的思想和意念。
词性变化collect[kəˈlekt]vi.1.聚集; 堆积, 募捐(for)2.收款[税、帐]; 搜集3.接受款项(on)He collected on the damage to his house.他收到房屋损坏赔偿费。collect[kəˈlekt]adj.1.由收到者付款的, 送到即付现款的a collect telephone call向受话者收费的电话collect[kəˈlekt]adv.1.由收到者付款地, 送到即付现款地send a package collect以由收包裹者付款的方式寄包裹
