
combcombD.J.:[kəum]K.K.:[kom]vt. & vi.1.梳理Don't forget to comb your hair before you go out.不要忘记临出门梳梳头。2.在…搜寻, 彻底搜查He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud.他详查档案, 寻找欺诈行为的证据。Police are combing the woods for the missing children.警察搜遍树林以寻找失踪的孩子。n.1.梳子We use a comb to tidy our hair.我们用梳子来梳理头发。

comb1[kəum]n.1.2.梳,梳子;篦3.梳理4.马梳5.梳状物6.(纺织的)精梳机7.鸡冠,肉冠8.(浪头等)鸡冠状物;浪尖9.蜂巢,蜂房vt.1.梳,梳理;梳发;刷毛:If you combed your hair more often you wouldn't look so untidy.如果你勤梳着点你的头发,就不会显得那么邋遢了。2.(用梳子)梳掉,除去,清除:to comb burs from one's hair把粘在头发上的东西梳掉3.到处搜寻,彻底搜查:They combed the city looking for their lost child.他们跑遍全城寻找他们失去的孩子4.(为使战舰不被正在接近的鱼雷击中而)使战舰转向与鱼雷航线相同的方向vi.1.[美国英语](鸡冠形浪头)涌起,卷起cut someone's comb挫败某人的傲气,灭某人的威风go over with a fine-toothed comb认真审查,彻底调查set up one's comb神气起来,趾高气扬 comb2[ku:m]n.1.=coomb

combcomb[kəum]n.1.梳, 篦, 刷, 栅, 格子2.鸡冠; 肉冠; 鸡冠状的东西3.蜂房[巢](=honey comb)4.山顶; 浪峰5.【动】栉6.【纺】精梳机;【航空】排管;【机】螺纹梳刀, 刻螺纹的器具; 探针7.枪托棱部collecting comb集电梳integrating comb汇集排管
词性变化comb[kəum]vt.1.梳(发); 刷(毛); 用马梳梳(马)2.【纺】精梳3.搜索[寻, 遍]; 横扫; 清除comb subversives out of the organization从组织中清除颠覆分子The storm combed the whole state.暴风雨席卷全州。comb[kəum]vi.1.涌起(浪花), 卷起The waves combed.浪花四溅。
