

1. "Perhaps it's still true, provided the Confederate soldier has bullets for his gun and shoes on his feet and food in his stomach.


2. "If you think Confederate money is cute, Will, I certainly don't," said Scarlett shortly, for the very sight of Confederate money made her mad.

"你如果认为联盟政府的钞票很可爱,我可决不同意。" 思嘉简单地说,因为她一见联盟的钱就气极了。

3. "Well, honey, where did all our Confederate gold go to?


4. "It would cost about two thousand dollars, Confederate money."


5. "The name is 'Lines on the Back of a Confederate Note,'" he said.


6. The Second Battle of Manassas in August 1862 brought the Confederacy to the height of its power and opened the way for the first Confederate campaign into the north.


7. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation clearly stated that Confederate slaves were now free and they could serve in the Union army.


8. On May second, 1863, Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was accidentally wounded by his own men at Chancellorsville, Virginia; he died eight days later.


9. On May thirtieth, eighteen sixty-eight, flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.


10. Confederate States of America

n. 美国南部邦联

11. The Malevolence was the flagship of the Confederate Navy.


12. A Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.


13. In the first book of the "John Carter" series,a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.


14. Any one of several songs bearing this name, popular as Confederate war songs.


15. One Confederate is worth a dozen Yankees."


16. At the battle of Chancellorsville in 1863, the Confederate army's attack sent many Federal soldiers fleeing in confusion.


17. During the battle of Antietam in 1862, he ordered his troops to cross the Potomac River in order to engage the Confederate forces in battle.


18. All are welcome, Union or Confederate, the good or the bad, as long as they served in some military capacity whether it was volunteer, conscript, or contract.


19. Clothing dyed with butternut extract, especially the uniforms of Confederate soldiers in the Civil War.


20. A group of Confederate soldiers who hole up in an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank, and find themselves at the mercy of supernatural forces.


21. Thirty two North Carolina regiments were in action at Gettysburg July 1,2,3, 1863. One Confederate soldier in every four who fell here was a North Carolinian.


22. And she had embroidered half a dozen sofa-pillow cases with the Confederate flag on them.


23. So no confederate flag,no black jesus.


24. Soon Raphael Semmes and the Confederate Navy would tend to those Yankee gunboats and the ports would be wide open.

不久拉斐尔 - 塞姆斯和南部联盟的海军就要来对付那些北方佬的炮艇,港口就会打开。

25. However, there were the Confederate victories in Tennessee scored by General Morgan and General Forrest and the triumph at the Second Battle of Bull Run hung up like visible Yankee scalps to gloat over.


26. Useless for the patriotic Mrs.Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride.


27. Confederate with Russia will be Europe (Magog, Gomer) and Western Asia (Persia or Iran, and Togarmah or the northern Turkey region), Libya and Ethiopia (v5-6).


28. Obama also sought to avoid a racial controversy by sending flowers to monument for Confederate solider and to memorial honoring blacks who fought for the Union during the Civil War.


29. Nine States seceded from the Union government and established their own confederate government.


30. Perhaps he wanted Southerners to believe he was including the Confederate as well as the Union soldiers.


31. TERRAN 5: "REVOLUTION"||- Destroy the Confederate base.||- Raynor and Kerrigan must|| survive.


32. They seem to think I made off with the Confederate treasury.


33. They ran into several thousand Confederate soldiers.


34. They styled their nation 'The Confederate States'.


35. Freed from any previous allegiances or ideologies, these fearless soldiers stood ready to defend Confederate interests with their lives.


36. They were organized as the Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis.


37. They were Confederate soldiers walking home.


38. Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride.


39. The question had arisen at the meeting as to whether or not weeds should be removed from the graves of the Union soldiers near those of Confederate soldiers.


40. But now the Confederate ports were stoppered with Yankee gunboats, only a trickle of blockade-run goods was slipping in from Europe, and the South was desperately trying to manufacture her own war materials.


41. But Kentucky stayed in the Union, prompting Breckinridge to quit the Senate and sign up for the Confederate Army.


42. They do not always resist the temptation.Spats over whether or not to honour the Confederate flag crop up with dreary regularity.


43. There is a city in West Virginia that changed control between the Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War 18 times!


44. When the Civil War broke out, he ran off from his master and groped his way through the Confederate lines to the North.


45. A military tribunal tried him for conspiring with Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, to "injure the health and destroy the lives of soldiers in the military service of the United States.


46. A Review to Poems by Canadian Confederate Poets


47. The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks, whalebone stays, colognes, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear.


48. The Yankees are recruiting men for frontier service to fight the Indians, recruiting them from among Confederate prisoners.

北方佬正在招募军队到边境去打印第安人。 主要是从南军俘虏中招募。

49. Inflamed by the reports, the North resorted to harsher treatment of Confederate prisoners and at no place were conditions worse than at Rock Island.


50. The Union army under the command of Ulysses S. Grant defeated the Confederate army at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; this victory was the turning point of the Civil War.


51. The Union army under the command of Ulysses'. Grant defeated the Confederate army at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, this victory was the turning point of the Civil War.


52. a Confederate soldier or partisan in the Civil War


53. Many Federal opponents joined the confederate army during the Civil War.


54. the Confederate army was a vast gray.


55. The Confederate Army.


56. The Confederate Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky.


57. There were dissensions within the Confederate cabinet, disagreements between President Davis and his generals.

南部联盟内阁中存在分歧。 总统和将军们之间也不融洽。

58. The Confederate dead and wounded at New Hope Church ran high.


59. SCV (Sons of Confederate Veterans)


60. Confederate money had dropped alarmingly and the price of food and clothing had risen accordingly.


61. The Confederate States perceive that they cannot carry all before them with a rush.


62. The Confederate soldiers were looking for the federalists.


63. Confederate supporter of the Confederate States


64. Any loyal Confederate who had a thousand dollars in cash in 1861 could have done what I did, but how few were mercenary enough to take advantage of their opportunities!


65. Everyone knew there had never been a cowardly Confederate soldier and they found this statement peculiarly irritating.


66. Obama also sought to avoid a racial controversy by sending flowers to a monument for Confederate soldiers and to a memorial honoring blacks who fought for the Union during the Civil War.


67. The Confederate force was weak. General Hooker's officers believed they could smash through it without difficulty. They did not get a chance to try.


68. the Confederate side was prepared to attack.


69. Confederate forces defeated in Federal army in both battles.


70. Then, in April 1861, Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor and the war began.


71. Why, there's hardly a handful of Democrats in the whole County who aren't barred from voting, now that they've ruled out every man who fought in the Confederate Army.


72. Convinced that a vast Confederate army lay in wait for him, McClellan hesitated to march on Richmond, Virginia, the rebel capital.


73. On November 6, 1861, Jefferson Davis was elected president, not of the United States of America but of the Confederate States of America.


74. On April 12, 1861, the Civil War began when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina.Four years later, Confederate General Robert E.


75. After the disaterous Confederate defeat at Pittsburgh, Potter has joined with General Forrest and other Confederate officers in a possible plot to overthrow Jake Featherston.

在Blackbeard 的最初的成功, 陶瓷工以后被集中在ferreting 在间谍之外在南部邦联之内和保留将军 和Patton 被估价美国运动在北部弗吉尼亚。

76. At the beginning of the Civil War, seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army.


77. During the Civil War, he served as Confederate Secretary of State and in the Confederate Senate.


78. The Federals fought against the Confederate soldier during the Civil War.


79. The former guerrillas, supported by many old [[Confederate States of America|Confederates]] in Missouri, proved to be too much for them.


80. The tribe confederate in the war against intruder.

