
confusionconfusionD.J.:[kənˈfju:ʒən]K.K.:[kənˈfjuʒən]n.1.困惑, 糊涂His answers to my questions have only added to my confusion.他对我的问题的回答只是使我更加困惑不解。2.混淆, 混同There have been some of confusion names.有些名字弄混了。3.混乱, 骚乱His unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.他的突然来访使我们完全不知所措。In the ensuing confusion another eight persons were hurt.在随后的骚动中, 又有八人受伤。

confusion[kən'fju:ʒən]n.1.骚乱;混乱;混淆2.混乱状态;混淆状态3.杂乱无章,紊乱4.困窘;羞愧;惶惑近义词disorderdisarraychaosjumblemuddle反义词ordersystembe covered with confusion很局促不安confusion of tongues(人类)语言的淆乱(源出基督教《圣经旧约》)confusion worse confounded乱上加乱,一团糟throw someone into confusion使某人惊慌失措,使某人狼狈不堪

confusionconfusion[kənˈfju:ʒən]n.1.混[慌]乱; 紊乱, 纠纷2.混淆3.[古]毁灭; [俚] 混帐, 该死in a state of mental confusion精神错乱fall into confusion陷入混乱状态Words like“ believe” and “receive” are a source of confusion in spelling.诸如 believe和 receive 这样的词在拼写上容易混淆。C-! 该死!

参考词汇confusion;disorder;disarray;chaos;都含“混乱”的意思。1.confusion 指“不加区别地混在一起, 很难区分”, 如:The hall was a confusion of laughters. 大厅里笑声乱成一团。disorder 指“秩序或东西安排得混乱”, 如:The room was in disorder. 屋子一片混乱。disarray 强调“队列、安排或衣冠不整而造成的混乱”, 如:The soldiers were in disarray after the battle. 战斗结束后士兵们一片混乱。chaos指“完全无秩序或明显不整齐”, 如:The enemies were in a state of chaos. 敌人陷入混乱之中。