

1. On November 30-December 1, Venus will conjoin Jupiter in a once-a-year event.


2. On March 12, Uranus will conjoin the Sun in your house of home, and that always brings surprises.


3. Brace for a shock about money when Mars conjoins Uranus on April 15.


4. January 22 could be your best romantic day of the month, when Venus will conjoin Uranus - surprises will abound!


5. Sanshui - Maoming Railway conjoins Beijing - Kowloon Railway, and Hechun - Maoming Railway connects Liuzhou - Zhanjiang Railway.


6. Some old wells which are located in the conjoin of Wenliu,Pucheng and Weicheng Oilfield,Dongpu Sag,need to be recognized again and re-examined to tap potential.


7. Two days later, on March 12, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces.


8. On September 3, Saturn will conjoin the Sun, a rather sobering influence.


9. And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius.


10. The two ingredience of reality and illusion like two uttermosts, they never conjoin but always intermix.


11. However, Venus can't because Saturn will be in a position to make things seem weightier and darker than they really are. (Case in point: Wednesday, August 13, when Saturn will conjoin Venus.


12. You may have to make a few corrections later, but even so, Mercury and Jupiter will conjoin again next month on February 24 for the last time this year, another sterling time to make any needed fixes.


13. This full moon will conjoin your ruler, Neptune, the planet that inspires a rich imagination.


14. While on Friday you will have experienced Uranus opposition the Sun, now you will have volatile Uranus conjoin the full moon.No doubt about it, someone will be very unpredictable and difficult.


15. 2. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences.


16. Keywords loanword,language contact,conjoin,continue,adopt,assimilate;


17. A chained life line may indicate bad health.Palms with lines running parallel to the life line add to the person’s vitality.A simian line conjoins the head and heart lines into a single line.


18. While on Friday you will have experienced Uranus opposition the Sun, now you will have volatile Uranus conjoin the full moon.


19. Understandably, you'll be in a serious, somber mood as the month opens, particularly near September 3 when Saturn will conjoin the Sun.


20. Simultaneously, Venus will conjoin with Neptune, which is one of the most glamorous and romantic aspects possible.


21. Alas, more relationship turbulence will come up a week later, on Friday September 12, when Uranus in Pisces will conjoin the Sun in Virgo.


22. Saturn will conjoin the Sun, making for a potentially depressing day, when you have to accept certain realities whether you want to or not.


23. Saturn will conjoin the Sun, making for apotentially depressing day, when you have to accept certain realities whetheryou want to or not.


24. Saturn will conjoin the Sun on September 3, an annual event that usually portends a sobering influence, when burdens might appear heavy.


25. On January 22, Venus will conjoin Uranus, a truly glorious day if you are single and looking for love, for this day could bring an unexpected, chance meeting with someone very intriguing.


26. Among theses targeting moieties, disulfide-stabilized Fv or Fab fragment has disulfide bond to conjoin the heavy chain and the light chain to increase the stablility, but it is difficult to express in host or has a poor yield.


27. Two days later, on March 12, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces.If anyone thinks he or she has you all figured out, that person will be surprised!


28. After researching the conjoin styles of Main and Sub, I deduce them into 13 categories.


29. Uranus will oppose the Sun and three days later will conjoin the full moon in Pisces on September 15, a jarring aspect.


30. And by the end of May it becomes super-huge becauseChiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degreesAquarius.


31. On those days Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, a lovely influence.


32. Your next opportunity will come when Venus, the planet ruling your house of home, conjoins Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, on December 1, 2008, for another hit of luck.


33. We know evolution happened because innumerable bits of data from myriad fields of science conjoin to paint a rich portrait of life's pilgrimage.


34. All this will occur because on September 3, Saturn will conjoin the Sun.


35. The moon will conjoin Saturn, suggesting you'll feel depressed or be concerned, frustrated, or angry with someone close.


36. As you begin July, a friend's difficult situation seems to be on your radar screen, and as you edge close to July 10, when Mars and Saturn will conjoin, it appears to reach a culmination point.


37. Mars will conjoin that moon, so you seem anxious to make up your mind, but if so, don't rush the details.


38. The real difficulties begin to mount at mid-month, when Saturn opposes Uranus and conjoins the Sun, setting off a rather somber set of vibrations, and at the same time.


39. At the level of the pelvic floor, the long itudinal muscle fused with the inner fibers of the levator ani to form a conjoin ed longitudinal coat.


40. Also, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter on December 31 - the only time this year - and this is a sensational aspect, especially for travel and news that reaches you.


41. Mercury, the planet that rules your tenth house of fame and honors, will conjoin good luck Jupiter, so you can expect to hear professional news that will make you want to celebrate.


42. Plan a meeting for one of your best days, December 22, when Pluto will conjoin the Sun, and you could get just the news you had hoped to hear.


43. It discusses the composing and the pins' function of EP1K30TC144-3 in detail, and also introduces the principle of download-line and tells how to conjoin the electric circuit.


44. This month, Jupiter conjoins with Neptune and Chiron for a truly inflationary influence.

