

1. It would be too facile to groan over the conservatories or complain about the record companies, Things are more serious.

光是抱怨音乐学院或唱片公司是 很容易的。情况比这严重得多。

2. Reflections on Cultivation of Musical Play Actors in Conservatories


3. Abstract: That the music examination is one of the important research items in conservatories.

内容提要: 音乐考试学是音乐学院重要的研究项目之一。

4. It is no longer just bathrooms kitchens and conservatories;tiles are being used in dining rooms, hallways and lounges.


5. A wide variety of conservatories and music schools have selected Irmler and trust the quality.


6. Women were employed as teachers in the public conservatories and founded their own schools as well。


7. SHE had ever visited and given performances in Conservatories of US, Canada and Hong Kong, such as The Curtis Institute of Music, St.


8. As well as individual pieces of wicker outdoor furniture, you can also buy modular sets that are perfect for conservatories as well as outdoor spaces.

在购买木门时有哪些注意事项,木门的选择上有哪些技巧,工艺要求都有哪些呢? 出于节约资源的原则,也没必要选太贵的室内门。

9. Now this technology is becoming a household necessity and rings the comfort of underfloor heating to kitchens, conservatories, bathrooms..... even ballrooms.


10. Tell him everything from his conservatories is to be brought here, and is to be packed in felt.


11. Thoughts on the construction of electronic ReadingRoom in Conservatories


12. As it happens, Oberlin College has one of the finest conservatories of music in the United States.


13. Many varieties have been developed for ornamental use in garden pools and conservatories.


14. I plan to compile these village ballads into a textbook for music conservatories.


15. But that didn't work out," Leehom recalls.Sensing he was gifted, Leehom's parents enrolled him in Eastman Music School and later, Williams College, both reputable conservatories in New York.


16. This article discusses the modern didactics of polyphonic classes for composition major in conservatories and analysis specific Chinese educational matters.


17. LPG Portable Heaters - Information about the use of LPG portable heaters in the home, garages, patios, conservatories and offices.


18. 10.The detailed opinion of the enterprise THERMOCENTRUM Brno, s.r.o. has pertinent Information on Glazing and on Loggias. Moreover, Conservatories and Balconies and/or System are offered.


19. Each of them are graduated from key conservatories and have acquired the working qualification ,also passed the rigorous test.


20. Young Chinese musicians are now ubiquitous in AmericanEuropean conservatories, competitionsconcert halls,during China's cultural revolution the performance of Western music was greatly restricted.


21. Young Chinese musicians are now ubiquitous in American and European conservatories, competitions and concert halls, but during China's cultural revolution the performance of Western music was greatly restricted.


22. The environment control mechanism for the conservatories is explored, by information collection of plants behavior, landscape of tropic, tropic climate, and environment in climate zones.3.


23. In addition, the academies make international study opportunities available in music styles that are rarely taught in Asian high schools, conservatories and universities.


24. While the best players used to travel to America, Japan or Europe, they now study at top conservatories in Shanghai and in Beijing.


25. In recent years, the development of exhibition conservatory has been increasing in China, but the environmental study of the exhibition conservatories has only yet been commencing.


26. The Philadelphia-based pianist is professor in five conservatories in his native China and just bought an apartment in Berlin.


27. The Philadelphia-based pianist is professor in five conservatories in his native China-and just bought an apartment in Berlin.


28. 75. Public familiarity with dome architecture has grown as people have been exposed to domed stadiums, radar stations, conservatories, and theaters.


29. The Pondering On The Status Quo Of The Solfeggio Entrance Examinations In Conservatories

